Seeing this opportunity, Qiao Xiyue's figure turned into a shadow, came to Lan Ningxue's side to pick her up, and quickly took her out of the danger range.

Seeing this, the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

But what was going on just now?

That even bigger alien beast pulled that level 20 alien beast away?

Everyone looked at it with a strange expression, and then they saw a scene that made them even more shocked!

I saw that the lizard giant beast that was more than ten meters high and tens of meters long seemed to be crazy, stepping on and shooting randomly in the group of exotic beasts.

He even grabbed several small exotic beasts and threw them into his mouth to chew.

"Click... Click..."

With a tooth-biting chewing sound, the lizard behemoth swallowed several exotic beasts in one bite.

"What is the situation, there is infighting among the different beasts??" Xia Yao looked confused.

Yu Li raised his head, blinked his eyes stunned, and said, "On the back of the alien beast... It seems like a standing person?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked up.

The fog was thick, and the strange beast grew extremely tall, and everyone could not easily see the figure Yu Li said.

Sure enough, there was really a figure standing on the back of that strange beast!

Time Autumn!

Soul Bonders: "??!!"

Long Ming's eyes almost popped out when he saw this scene: "I dnmd, I must not have woken up..."

Shi Qiu stood on the back of a level 22 alien beast, looking down at the group of beasts below.

He didn't have much temporary soul power left now.

The temporary soul power obtained from Zhou Yanan and them was not his own strength after all, and it could not be restored.

You have to do it quickly.

As soon as he raised his hand, the pitch-black mist continued to surge out from around his body like spreading dry ice.

The black mist turned into hundreds of crows, and I saw the black feathers fluttering, and the crows roared all over the world!

Flocks of crows instantly covered the sky and the moon, shrouded the entire sky, gathered above the heads of all the beasts, and circled back and forth.

That chirping sound is like a soul-calming song from hell...

This terrifying scene almost shocked the eyes of all the soul contractors present!

"What the hell is this.?"

"This... What a vision is this!?"

The instructor of Long Ming's class rubbed his eyes hard, and saw that the young man who stood on the shoulder of the alien beast and controlled the crow in the sky was Shi Qiu, and he couldn't help but swallow his spit.

Immediately, he couldn't help but ask Duan Lan, who was also stunned next to him:

"That man... It's the time and autumn of your class, right?"

“...... Well. Duan Lan himself froze and nodded stunnedly.

"Isn't he a freshman, how can he have such profound soul power!?"

Duan Lan smiled bitterly.

Thinking that when Shiqiu was level 1, he could already kill a level 17 alien beast alone, then at level 5, he could have such soul power, it seemed... It's not surprising either...

Wait a minute......

Level 5!?

Duan Lan then realized that Shi Qiu, who was standing on the shoulders of the alien beast, was already a Level 5 Soul Contractor!

How is this possible!?

At this time, I saw Shi Qiu's raised palm press downward, and the Wu Lings hovering above all rushed down to the ground and attacked those ten-level alien beasts.



The beasts roared again, only this time in pain.

Possessed by hellfire, the alien beast could not extinguish it, and could only watch itself being burned to death little by little!

Shi Qiu gripped the scythe of death, jumped down, and jumped into the ground, a feast that resounded with wailing.

The soul power surged and poured into the scythe. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Shi Qiu swept across with a black sickle!


A bloodstain suddenly cut through the back of a level 15 alien beast, cutting the alien beast in half!

Long Ming sat on the ground with his butt, panting.

Just now, his soul power had been completely exhausted, and his hands that released his soul technique were smoking.

If Shi Qiu hadn't arrived in time, he might have become food in the mouth of that level 15 alien beast!

"Can you still stand up?" Shi Qiu shook off the blood on the scythe and looked back at Long Ming and asked.

“...... Yes. "

Long Ming gritted his teeth and stood up with difficulty, and then looked at him with a complicated expression: "You... You're not a level 3, you're a level 5 soul contractor?"

Shi Qiu: "..."

At this time, Qiu didn't know how to explain.

Could it be that he was a newly promoted level and accidentally jumped from level 3 to level 5?

That sounds a little too shocking...

At this time, Shi Qiu's brain suddenly sounded a system prompt:

"~Killed the target, get Soul Points +1"

A soul-like spherical substance floated from the corpse of the dead alien beast and burrowed into the scythe in Shi Qiu's hand.

Shi Qiu was stunned.

That's right.

I almost forgot about this stubble!

Usually in the real world, it is impossible to kill people casually.

But isn't the battlefield here a great place to harvest soul points for the Scythe of Death?

This is the best hunting place for me! How can I waste it?

Shi Qiu also ignored Long Ming behind him: "Your soul power is exhausted, find a safe place to stay by yourself, and be careful not to be eaten by foreign beasts!"

After that, he suddenly jumped and rushed to the chaotic beasts of the battlefield again, leaving Long Ming with a startled face...


At this time, military trucks finally arrived, stopped one after another, and rushed down hundreds of city defense soldiers.

The middle-aged general's eyes swept the battlefield, and (Li's) commanded: "The first team helps the teachers and students of Shan Cheng University reintegrate the formation! The second team finds a vantage point to sniper the leader of the opposing alien demon!

The city defense forces immediately began to move well.

Duan Lan and the other instructors were also relieved to see that the city defense army had arrived.

Duan Lan jumped down from a high place and walked in front of the middle-aged general: "You are General Sun, right?"

"It's me, how's it going?"

"The casualties were serious. Duan Lan's expression was slightly heavy, and his face was grim: "And this time the alien race attacked our transport convoy, I'm afraid it's not that simple, I don't think it's like a chance encounter, more like an ambush!"

General Sun fell silent, thought for a moment, and nodded: "I know, I will report to the empire for investigation after I go back." "

"Now, let's fight off these alien races first!"


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