With a large number of city defense troops rushing to support, the morale of the students of Shan Cheng University was also restored.

The blood of everyone boiled, driving their already few remaining soul powers to blatantly attack the beasts!

Shiqiu is the most prominent.

Jump into the battlefield from a height.

It is clear that he is a level 5 soul contractor, but his whole body is wrapped in a soul power that is thicker than that of ordinary level ten soul contractors, shuttling back and forth in the battle field.

Especially the Scythe of Death wrapped in soul qi in his hand is even more terrifyingly sharp!

Shi Qiu only now understands what the concept of the sharp value of "17" points is.

The beasts' rock-hard skin was as brittle as white paper under his scythe.


With one sword, he once again killed a level 17 alien beast.

Shi Qiu did not stop, stepped on the broken neck of the strange beast, and jumped in the air.

Dodged the claws of another beast behind him, and then the scythe cut down again...


The beast's arm also flew out, letting out a wail of pain...

After his real-time autumn has just been promoted two levels in a row, he has also learned two new abilities.

No, 943 has not been in this situation, with the help of the city defense army, it seems that there is no need to use it.


Another alien beast fell...


The students next to him were shocked to see it.

"This is ... S-class soul contractor?......"

"Nima, who said that people are here to mess around when they first came, and they couldn't help?

“...... Brother, how do I remember you said that?"

"Oh... That's all right..."

Last time in the Space Gate Alien Realm, Shi Qiu's single killing of a level 17 alien beast was unknown to anyone except Qiao Xiyue and Lan Ningxue in the same class.

But after this time, Shi Qiu understood that he would definitely be "concerned" by many people after going back.

Whether this "attention" is good or bad, he does not know...

Of course, I don't have time to think about it at this time...

While there are still additional soul power blessings, brushing a few more monsters is king!

"Killed the target, get +1 Soul Points"

"Killed the target, get +1 Soul Points"

"Killed the target, obtained (cedd) Soul Point +1"


Lan Ningxue stood in the distance, looking at Shi Qiu who was wantonly "performing" in the chaos of the battlefield.

It's kind of unbelievable...

The man in the battlefield...

Is it his own junior brother??

Is it the boyfriend he once confessed???

Oh, my God......

Qiao Xiyue was also stunned for a moment, but quickly came back to his senses and clenched his short sword.

"Xue'er, let's quickly support the junior!"

Lan Ningxue then came back to her senses, remembering that this was a real battlefield, where did she have time to think about those men's and women's private affairs?

“...... Oooh, good. "

She immediately re-set the heavy sniper gun, then took out a brand new sub-bullet from the inventory, and after reloading, cooperated with Shiqiu's actions in the field, and shot the alien beasts in the field.

And further afield ...

On the back of a high-ranking alien beast.

The alien demon who had been quietly watching the battlefield without making a move, his eyes were tightly locked on Shi Qiu's body at this time.


When Shiqiu killed the eleventh alien beast and landed on the ground to crouch and pose a handsome pose, he suddenly sensed a strong sense of killing intent.

This killing intent was extremely strong, almost overwhelming him!

I saw that the level 23 alien demon suddenly stepped into the void and jumped, and rushed towards Shiqiu in an instant!

It holds a strangely shaped knife-shaped weapon in its hand.

Face the time and autumn!

"Here it comes!" Shi Qiu's heart sank, and he almost subconsciously turned around, while raising his scythe to block.


The sickle of death collided with the strange knife, and the sound wave that shook out made Shiqiu's eardrums hurt! (Read the violent novel, go on Feilu Novel Network!)

If it weren't for the blessing of his profound temporary soul power, I'm afraid this blow would be enough to shake his entire person to pieces!

A hint of surprise flashed in the alien demon's eyes.

He seemed to be puzzled that this level 5 human could actually react to his attack, and he could still bear it...

The two quickly split to both sides after one blow.

Shi Qiu was played further.

The alien demon landed first and then jumped again.

Swing the knife and slash again!

The speed is several times faster than just now!

Duan Lan also noticed the battle scene on this side at this time, and his face changed greatly.

"Shi Qiu, get out of the way!"

But it seems to be too late...

The speed at which the sound passed was not as fast as the speed of the alien demon...


The skin is open, the flesh and blood are flying...

A wail sounded.

Shi Qiu was stunned.

Because it wasn't him who opened the flesh...

I saw that level 22 lizard beast blocking in front of him, and his chest was cut.

Before dying, he turned his head and glanced at Shi Qiu "affectionately".

And only then slowly fell down ...


Shi Qiu: "..."

Duan Lan: "..."

The instructor of Long Ming's class was completely dumbfounded, and said incredulously: "This... Is this really fake? Alien beasts help humans block knives?"

Duan Lan: "Ah... Maybe that's true love. "

The alien demon seemed to be startled, and then his expression suddenly became extremely annoyed!

He also wants to keep shooting.

But both Lan and General Sun jumped over at the same time.

"Fourth-order soul technique - million gravity split!"

Duan Lan shouted, jumped high in the air, raised his right leg, and swept down with a powerful downward split!

This kick did not even dare to take it easily, so he had to dodge to the side.

Duan Lan's heavy kick slammed into the ground, and suddenly the entire ground cracked like a spider's web!

The ground shakes, the mountain collapses and cracks!

Countless rubble splashed up!

Shi Qiu steadied his shaky figure, and it took a long time to barely stand firm.

"Good guy..."

“...... Women are really terrible. "

The alien demon jumped out for a long distance and avoided the range of soul power pouring.

Just as he was preparing to counterattack, he saw General Sun also stand up.

In an instant, a whopping 24 soul power burst out, and at the same time stared at the alien demon with a grim face.



The alien demon glanced at General Sun and smiled strangely.

But he doesn't seem ready to fight anymore.

Immediately, his figure jumped, holding his long knife, and jumped back to the body of a high-level alien beast.

Immediately afterwards, without knowing what language he spoke, the alien beasts suddenly stopped, and then like wild beasts, while staring at the Terran soul indenturers, they slowly retreated and silently retreated.

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