"By the way, when the beast tide was chaotic yesterday, where did you run?"

Lan Ningxue changed the topic in time.

But this was indeed the biggest doubt in her heart: "Why did you come back riding a high-level alien beast of more than twenty levels, and also brought back the city defense army?"

Shi Qiu: "..."


I know that I have to face this problem.

But he hadn't made up an answer yet.

"Inconvenient to say?" asked Lan Ningxue.

“...... Well. Shi Qiu said.

"Okay, then forget it..." Lan Ningxue was surprised by Shi Qiu and did not continue to ask more.

Shi Qiu was strange: "You don't want to know?"

"I want to know, but people always have to have their own little secrets~" Lan Ningxue smiled slightly.

"And I know that you big men always like to keep some things in your heart, even if you are tired of carrying it, you have to bear it alone..."

"But you promise me, if one day you can't stand it personally, you must tell me and let me help you share it, okay?"

Lan Ningxue opened her big shining eyes and looked at Shi Qiu with her eyes blank.

Shi Qiu was surprised: "Good guy... Senior sister, I just found out that you are so understanding?"

Lan Ningxue 043 proudly straightened her chest and curled the corners of her mouth: "Hmph, you just found out?"

Shi Qiu tilted his head, curious: "But who did you listen to in the latter sentence?"

"My dad. Lan Ningxue smiled: "My father said that as a man, sometimes you must have absolute stubbornness." Even if it is misunderstood by the world, some things must be silently borne by oneself. For face, for dignity, and for responsibility. "


Shi Qiu was silent for a moment, and smiled slightly: "Your father... It's kind of interesting, I really want to meet him another day. "

When Lan Ningxue heard this, she looked at Shi Qiu stunnedly, and the roots of her ears gradually turned red.

"You, what do you say, it's too early..."

Lan Ningxue muttered and whispered, almost burying her head in her chest.

"Hmm?" Shi Qiu was inexplicably stunned.

Obviously, what they said was not a meaning at all...

"Knock knock..." But then there was another knock on the door.

"Junior, can I come in?" This time it turned out to be Qiao Xiyue.


Lan Ningxue was suddenly startled and panicked: "Why is the sunset moon here?...... I... Where should I hide?"

When I say that, I have to find a cabinet to hide.

Shi Qiu pulled her with a smile: "Senior sister, it's not necessary, right?"

"If you hide and find out, wouldn't it be even more unclear?"

"Besides, Sister Xiyue can come to me, what are you looking for me?"

“...... It seems to be said too. "

Lan Ningxue breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, isn't it just to sit in the junior's room? What's the big deal?

So Shi Qiu generously went and opened the door.

Qiao Xiyue stood at the door and said with a smile: "Hello, junior, good morning~"

Shi Qiu: "... Good morning. "

"Huh?" Qiao Xiyue quickly saw Lan Ningxue, and her eyes were quite meaningful: "Xue'er, why are you here early in the morning?"

Lan Ningxue had a natural and relaxed expression, and said lightly: "Why, you can come to see the junior brother, I can't?"

"Indeed. Qiao Xiyue leisurely looked at the lunch box placed next to it: "But it seems that I am not as thoughtful as you think, and breakfast is specially prepared." "

Blue Snow: (OO;)

Qiao Xiyue: "So yesterday night I came to your room at one o'clock in the morning and saw you busy in the kitchen, just for this?"

Lan Ningxue: "... I do too much, I can't eat alone..." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Qiao Xiyue: "So you thought of junior brother for the first time?"

Lan Ningxue glared at her: "Shiqiu, he saved me once yesterday, what happened if I repaid me?"

"Saved you once, your reward is this?" Qiao Xiyue blinked: "Shouldn't (CEDG) be a promise with your body?"

Lan Ningxue gritted her teeth: "... Bad woman, you look for death! I want to duel you!"

Qiao Xiyue's eyes lit up: "Okay, good, if you still want to wear a maid costume to help me wash my feet for a month~"

Lan Ningxue: "..."

Shi Qiu: "..."

Shi Qiu coughed lightly: "Well, that... Senior sister, you seem to have forgotten something that you haven't fulfilled?"

Qiao Xiyue was stunned for a moment, her pretty face turned red, and she glanced at Shi Qiu with some resentment, and there was a sour taste in her eyes.

Shi Qiu touched his nose silently.


Bullying my girlfriend?

Can this be tolerated??

Lan Ningxue was full of question marks.

I don't know what Shi Qiu just said.

But I can faintly feel that Yazi who seems to be standing up for himself??

"Ahem... Don't talk about this anymore. Qiao Xiyue changed the topic, saw a book on the table, and picked it up casually: "Huh, junior, have you been reading this recently?"

It is the book "On How the Perseverance of the Master is Cultivated"

Shi Qiu nodded gently: "Well, I'm thinking about how to improve mental power in the short term." "

Qiao Xiyue smiled: "Well... In fact, you can ask Xiao Li, she is the strongest among us. "

Shi Qiu: "Good. "

Someone in your own class can ask, it's better than asking those teachers.

"And yesterday's control of the alien beast, did you make up the reason?"

Shi Qiu: "Not yet." "

"Hurry up and make one. Qiao Xiyue: "Sister Lan is right, the reason for this matter is no matter what, you have to have an explanation." "

"Whether it's the school or the empire, someone will definitely come to ask you. "

Shi Qiu nodded, thoughtfully.

Before this, no one had ever had the ability to control alien beasts.

Based on this alone, Shi Qiu will definitely be targeted by some big guys...


"As a traverser, there is a long way to go..."

Shi Qiu secretly grooved in his heart.


A conference room.

The room was dim.

On the left and right of a square long table, several bigwigs of the highest level of the Single City Empire were seated.

"That's the way it is. General Sun recounted the events of last night.

An old man sitting in the middle position lit up his eyes: "Are you saying that that freshman really has the ability to control alien beasts, and is it also a high-level alien beast?"

"Yes. General Sun was serious: "Moreover, his soul power is also quite strong, almost reaching the soul energy of a dozen level great mages." To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. "。

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