General Sun paused: "But one thing is very strange. "

The old man sitting in the main seat: "Oh?"

"I sensed that his soul power was very conflicting. General Sun said, "It's as if several soul forces are mixed together, not his own. "

"There is such a thing?"

"Yes. "

"Hmm... It seems that this boy hides a lot of secrets...~..." the old man thought.

"Single City University... The biggest student forces now are the Student Council, the Zodiac Gate, and the Black Soul Society, right-?"

The old man asked, "Which family did he join?"

General Sun smiled bitterly: "He didn't join any of them. "

"I just collected all his information this morning, and I heard that at the beginning of this year's new year, these three forces invited him at the same time, but he refused them all. "

The old man wondered, "Oh? Why?"

General Sun: "He said that he likes to be a loner and does not like to be restrained. "

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Hahaha, it's a little interesting." "There was some appreciation in my eyes.

General Sun: "After such a disturbance yesterday and such a report from the media today, I estimate that this kid will soon be targeted by various forces, so I have asked the media to hide his name." "

The old man nodded: "You did a good job, his ability will immediately notice that his thoughts are not just empires." "

After a moment of silence, he said again: "In this way, you personally go to Shancheng University again, test his attitude, and see if he is willing to enter the official job." "

"If he wants, he can be chartered to graduate early, and his better training will be provided by our empire." "

Everyone at the meeting gasped, and the old man gave such benefits, which was unprecedented.

No student has ever been able to enter the Imperial Official Empire directly before graduating from college!

However, this student's ability is indeed "unprecedented", so give some privileges, and no one will really say anything.

"Good. General Sun seemed to have known that the old man would say this, and smiled slightly: "I see." "

However, at this time, a discordant voice sounded, and said coldly: "Hmph, even if he can control the alien beast, he is just a hairy boy who has not dried up." "

It was a middle-aged uncle wearing an eye patch and half of his face with burn scars, and his face stinked as if everyone owed him five dollars.

"Elder Chen, if you give such preferential treatment, it will make that kid's tail go directly to the sky!"

Elder Chen smiled widely: "Hehe... Immortal Mu, could it be that this child once rejected the Black Soul Society under your seat, so you are dissatisfied with him?"

Immortal Mu's face was expressionless: "I'm just saying my opinion, nothing else." "

Elder Chen: "Then you say, what should it be?"

Immortal Mu paused and said, "Send someone to bring him back first, no matter what, let him explain all the facts about controlling the alien beast." "

Elder Chen was silent and his eyes were calm: "But according to the conventions of the Terran race, the special abilities and specific attributes of each soul contractor are personal privacy, and everyone has the right to keep themselves. "

"However, this is the stupidest article in the Convention. Immortal Mu sneered: "In the land of the Terrans, all soul incurors should belong to the empire, and they should serve unconditionally! At this time, when the Terrans are in danger of foreign enemies, how can they allow some selfish people to keep themselves at will?"

"It is precisely because of such a convention that some soul contractors become more and more conceited, and they regard themselves as fathers with a little special ability, and even traitors who betray the Terran race exist!"

Chen Lao was silent.

Immortal Mu raised his head slightly and continued, "If you allow, hand over this kid to me, and I promise to develop this kid." "

"At that time, we will conquer the alien race of the single city space gate, and it will be just around the corner!"

Elder Chen waved his hand: "Let's talk about this later." "

"...," Immortal Mu didn't say any more, obviously he had expected this result for a long time.

"Sun, it's still as it is, you find a time to go there in person." "

After a pause, Elder Chen added: "Whether he wants to or not, bring him over, I will personally ask him a few words." "

General Sun: "Good. "

In the evening, Shiqiu rested all day and completely recovered his state.

He left the apartment and prepared to take a trip to the Empire Mall to purchase a batch of spiritual power ceiling potions.

However, after exiting, Shi Qiu remembered that he was already famous.

Without wearing a mask and walking around the campus with his face exposed, Shi Qiu felt countless faces looking at him.

"Ward Day, isn't that the time of autumn?"

"Lying groove, Shiqiu!?"

"He's the hero who saved the convoy?"

"I don't know if he is high or cold, can I go up and ask for a flying letter?"

"So handsome?, mom is going to faint..."

Shi Qiu: "..."

"That... Junior, excuse me..."

In the end, before leaving the campus, Shi Qiu was stopped by a few blushing and shy but fanatical seniors: "Hello, but... Can you give me a flying letter, I'm a fan of yours..."

"I want to take a picture with you..."

"I want you to sign me..."

"Can I touch you?"

Shi Qiu: "...??"

It seems like something strange came in?

...... After coping with a few seniors, Shi Qiu had to return to the apartment and wear a mask before going out.

Came to the Empire Mall, still the same container as before.

Shi Qiu said to the sales lady: "T88 type mental power upper limit potion, help me get 40 bottles, thank you." "

Miss Salesperson: "... Sorry, we only have 10 bottles left in stock. "

Shi Qiu was puzzled: "There is so little inventory?"

Salesman: "Yes, because this kind of thing is not sold in the first place, and it may not sell 5 bottles a month." "

Shi Qiu: "..."

If you think about it, it does seem to make sense.

This kind of potion is too expensive for low-level soul contractors.

Most students may only have a dozen Empire Points for a task in their freshman year, who will spend a hundred Empire Points to buy this?

And when you become a soul contractor above the intermediate level, the spirit of adding 10 points to a tube of injection seems to be meaningless.

All in all, this thing is a bit of a chicken scarf.

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