Early morning.

Shi Qiu returned to school from outside.

After 1 night's time, his appearance has been fully restored.

After experiencing an abnormality, the body's adaptation to the drug response has been significantly accelerated, and it can completely return to normal in just 1 night.

Due to the skyrocketing spiritual power, even if he did not sleep for 1 night, Shi Qiu still felt a hundred times more energetic and full of soul power.

Shi Qiu came back from outside, returned to the apartment, and just happened to run into Lan Ningxue.

"Huh?" Lan Ningxue was curious: "Junior, where did you go so early in the morning?"

"Oh, it's okay, wake up early and go out to practice casually. Shi Qiu replied casually.

"You are really diligent..." Lan Ningxue suddenly, inexplicably remembering Shi Qiu's words before...

"I will definitely work hard to become stronger and get to the day when I have the ability to protect Senior Sister as soon as possible. "

Is he working so hard for me?

Thinking of this, Lan Ningxue's face turned red shyly.

Shi Qiu thought of something, and asked: "By the way, Senior Sister, where is Senior Sister 24 Yuli? I want to ask her for 1 question about controlling mental power." "

Yu Li's room was the closest to the corridor, and just now he went to Yu Li's room to knock on the door, but no one responded.

Although Shi Qiu's current spiritual power is strong enough, he still lacks the proficiency to use it.

It's like a person who is full of piano master operations, but does not have any muscle memory.

Lan Ningxue thought for a moment and said, "Hmm... At this time, Xiao Li is generally in the actual combat training room of our class. "

"She's the hardest worker in our class." "

Shi Qiu: "Okay, then I'll go find her later." "

Lan Ningxue looked at Shi Qiu's face, and suddenly felt that something was wrong: "Huh? junior brother, you... How do I feel like you're getting a lot more handsome again?"

Shi Qiu: "..."

"The face seems to have turned a little whiter, and the skin has also become better?" Lan Ningxue wondered, and also reached up and gently pinched Shi Qiu's cheek.

Shi Qiu smiled slightly: "It's Senior Sister, your lover's eyes are out of Xi Shi, right?"

After separating from Lan Ningxue, Shi Qiu came directly to the class training room.

Sure enough, Yu Li was here, training personally.

In the actual combat training room, dozens of mechanical targets flew randomly in the sky.

Yu Li stood in place, her fair cheeks dripping with sweat, and her wet hair sticking to her cheeks.

Put your hands together and close your eyes.

As the soul power condensed, the energy surged...

"Boom" with a loud bang.

1 oversized fireball unleashed!

That big fireball flew into the air and suddenly exploded!

However, these fireballs, under the control of Yu Li's spiritual power, were actually tracked, flying towards those dozens of mechanical flying targets...

"Boom boom..."

"Boom, boom..."

Dozens of mechanical flying targets, all of which were hit, and exploded with strong sparks!

Shi Qiu took a deep breath.

I didn't expect that Yu Li's spiritual power could be used in such a field...

At this time, Yu Li also sensed the existence of Shi Qiu.

She turned around and saw Shi Qiu standing at the door, looking slightly cramped: "You... Do you want to use the actual combat room? Then I'll go outside first..."

"Ah, no. Shi Qiu came over: "I came to find you, Senior Sister." "

"Find me..." Yu Li's cheeks suddenly blushed.

Seems very uncomfortable with contact with unfamiliar people.

Especially such individual contact can easily make her nervous.

After coming to this class for so long, Shi Qiu had the least contact with Yuli. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"You... You look for me... Is there something going on?" Yu Li actually looked a little timid, not at all like Senior Sister.

"I would like to ask for advice on how to control mental power. Shi Qiu spoke bluntly.

“...... So it was. "

Yu Li opened his mouth: "But if the level is still too low and the mental power is not strong, in fact... There is no need to learn this for the time being, because..."

Halfway through, Yu Li suddenly remembered the day before yesterday, Shi Qiu's performance in the space gate.

Although she couldn't judge what kind of creatures those crows carrying black fire were that night, they could actually transform into such strange flames.

But a person who can exert and control such a large range of abilities must have quite strong soul power.

How can such a person have low mental power?

But his level is obviously only level 5...

Shi Qiu smiled: "I think my spiritual power should not be low. "

"At least not low in its class. "

Yu Li nodded slightly: "Okay then..."

Half an hour later, Yu Li was completely shocked.

"Only a level 5 soul contractor..."

"Spiritual power actually reached 2000+ upper !!"

"This... Is it really the spiritual power that humans can have?......?"


Shi Qiu sat cross-legged on the ground, her eyes closed.

According to the method that Yu Li taught him, his control of spiritual power had become more and more proficient.

It turned out that he could sense environmental changes within a range of several hundred meters.

Now, the range of thousands of meters is not a problem!

"Now, even if you come out to control a dozen puppets in one breath, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Shi Qiu thought so in his heart while closing his eyes and typing 563.


Shi Qiu suddenly felt that one of the puppets seemed to have something funny on the side...

With his eyes closed, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Youye did not return to school with the convoy.

She took advantage of the alien beast to drill out of the land and the extreme explosive strength escaped from Shi Qiu's hands, and left the space gate world by herself.

When she returned to the real world, she had been severely eroded by radiation, and she was also seriously injured, and her soul power was exhausted.

After returning to school, she locked herself up and healed herself for a day and a night before barely recovering fifty percent of her strength.

"Ahem..." You Ye coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and smiled bitterly.

He actually lost at the hands of 1 Level 5 Soul Contractor...

How unwilling...

However, Yuye is a woman who does not admit defeat. Especially the events of that night, she felt that there were many strange places.

She faintly felt that Shi Qiu should have some kind of trick to use such a powerful soul power.

Although she was seriously injured this time, after this battle, she also accidentally touched the edge of level 11.

When she breaks through level 11, she must go to that person to compete again!

Yuye thought so in his heart.

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