After recovering his injuries and at least not having a problem with his actions, You Ye came to the lair of the Black Soul Society to find Black Bone to report.

"President, I'm sorry, I failed..." Yuye didn't find a reason and directly admitted his failure.

After all, defeat is defeat, and when losing, no amount of reasons is an excuse.

"That's it, this freshman can easily kill middle-rank alien beasts, and also has the ability to control high-level alien beasts, and it is not ugly for you to lose to him. "

Black Bone said lightly.

Then, he raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "So when you fought him, did you find out his ability to match the soul?"

Youye opened her mouth slightly, and was about to tell Black Bone what she found in the other realm that day.

In that day's battle, although she could not fully understand Shi Qiu's ability, she could vaguely feel that Shi Qiu seemed to be able to absorb the dark attribute energy in the surrounding environment and use it for herself...

But when the words came to his lips, Youye suddenly inexplicably remembered what Shi Qiu said when he fought against her...

"This convoy was attacked by alien races, it was the handiwork of your Black Soul Society, right?"


You Ye swallowed the words back and was silent for a while: "I don't know..."

But his ability is indeed very strange, and Zhou Yanan and they are not underestimated, but they still die in his hands. 157"

Black Bone paused for a moment, and then looked at her with an inexplicable look: "... What are you talking about?"

Yoya: "?"

Black Bone: "You said Zhou Yanan, they are all dead?"

Yuya: "yes..."

At this time, a voice suddenly came: "Hehe, I said Senior Sister Youye, even if you don't like me very much, you don't need to curse me to death, right?"

When You Ye heard this voice, he suddenly showed a shocked expression.

She turned her head abruptly and saw Zhou Yanan coming out of the room next to her!

Youye's pupils shrank suddenly, with a ghostly expression, incredulous: "You..."

Zhou Yanan chuckled: "What's wrong with me?"

Yoya: "... No way. "

What the hell is going on here???

You Ye frowned and looked at Zhou Yanan.

The person in front of him is indeed Zhou Yanan, that's right...

Because he did not hide the breath on his body at all.

The face can deceive people, but the soul power is impossible to deceive people!

But...... She clearly saw it that day...

Black Bone looked at Youye: "Why did you just (cecg) say that Zhou Yanan and they died?"

You Ye didn't know what to say, and his mouth opened slightly: "I... I did see it that day..."

Black Bone: "What do you see?"

“...... I saw Zhou Yanan's class, as well as the other members of my class, all destroyed by Shi Qiu. "

Zhou Yanan sneered: "Joke, then according to what you said, I have been killed by that autumn, so how can I stand in front of you now?"

Yuye was silent, not knowing how to argue.

But she was very sure that she was absolutely not mistaken that night!

Zhou Yanan snorted lightly, and said, "Senior Sister Youye, why are you so angry with yourself and the prestige of others?"

"Oh... Aren't you like those school nerds and girls who were brainwashed and liked him by that time?"

“...... You!"

Youye was suddenly embarrassed and glared at him viciously.

"Enough. "

The black bone was gloomy, interrupting the bickering of the two people.

Zhou Yanan analyzed at this time: "President, at that time, Qiu's spiritual power was strong, I think You Ye fell into his illusion, so I still can't figure out whether it is an illusion or reality!"

Black bone is silent.

It seems that this is also the most likely.


Black Bone looked at Youye: "After you go back, adjust your mental state yourself, so as not to leave any sequelae due to illusion." "

“...... Be. "

Youye looked complicated.

Even she began to have some doubts...

Did I really fall for some illusion that day???

So what I saw that day was an illusion?......

Black Bone glanced back at Zhou Yanan again and asked, "So what about you, have you figured out Shi Qiuqi's soul ability?"

"I couldn't touch it all. Zhou Yanan said: "That kid's ability is indeed powerful, and several brothers in my class have died at his hands. "

"But fortunately, in the end, I still touched some of his weaknesses, which beat him away!"

Black bone squinted: "What weakness?"

Zhou Yanan said seriously: "That kid seems to be particularly afraid of the dark attribute energy in the surrounding environment!"

Yoya: "..."

Black Bone: "Oh? really?"

"Yes, I found it with great difficulty!"

Zhou Yanan swore with a look of conviction.

"So the next time I meet him, I will directly find a few mages and smash the dark attribute soul power into a ball on him, which is probably right!"

"That's interesting. Black Bone sneered: "Our Black Soul Society's soul indenturers are all dark attributes or semi-dark attributes, the nine of you do it together, including three mages, how did he kill so many people?"

“...... It's not because I didn't know it at first. Zhou Yanan: "That kid plays sneak attacks, doesn't talk about martial virtue!"

"And he controls more than twenty high-level alien beasts, we are definitely not his opponents, wow..."

You Ye looked at Zhou Yanan with a strange expression.

She always felt more and more wrong...

It seems that something is weird...

Black Bone was relieved when he thought of the twenty-level alien beast.

With Zhou Yanan's strength, it was obviously unrealistic to expect them to deal with level twenty alien beasts...

"That's it, you all go back first. "

Black Bone's face was expressionless: "If you want to deal with that kid, you don't have to rush for a while." "

"In this battle, you are all injured not lightly, and you will take care of it after you go back. "


Zhou Yanan didn't say a word, turned around and left.

And Yuyaben also turned around and wanted to leave, but suddenly stopped.

"Anything else?" Kurobone raised his eyebrows.

"Senior..." Youye's lips moved, "You and those aliens... Does it matter?"

Black Bone looked coldly: "This doesn't seem to be what you should ask?"

Yoya: "..."

"Let's go. Black Bone stopped looking at her.

“...... Be. "

Leaving the black bone's room, Yuye leaned against the corridor wall, took a deep breath, and his heart suddenly felt a little heavy.

Although there was no answer.

But it already seems to be very obvious...

At this time, she looked up at Zhou Yanan in front of the corridor.

"That's not right..."

"There is definitely something wrong with this person!"

Youye bit his lip and quickly chased after him.


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