Zhou Yanan thought he hadn't heard it, and had already walked around the corner and walked quickly into the toilet.

You Ye ran his soul power and quickly caught up.

One dodged and blocked his way.

"Stop. "

You Ye blocked in front of him, his face angry.

Zhou Yanan: "... This is the men's toilet. "

Youye's face was expressionless and waved casually.

A rose hit the sign of the men's toilet, knocking it off.


Yuye backhanded ~, and closed the door.

Zhou Yanan: "..."

Shrugging helplessly, Zhou Yanan looked at her with interest: "Okay... What's the matter, find -- I'm in trouble?"

"You... Wrong. Youye stared at him coldly: "Why are you lying?"

"Where did I lie?"

You Ye asked, "Shi Qiu's ability is clearly able to absorb the soul power of the dark attribute, why do you tell the senior that he is afraid of the dark attribute soul power?"

Zhou Yanan smiled: "Youye... I don't think you've come out of your hallucination yet, have you?"

"Well, don't make trouble, go back and sleep well, maybe wake up, and the dream will wake up." "

After speaking, Zhou Yanan went around to the side and was about to leave.


A blade-like black rose petal shot lightning from in front of Zhou Yanan.

Cut his cheek, the next faint bloodstain.

Petals are carved into the walls.

"Ouch..." Zhou Yanan gently wiped the blood stains on his face: "You chick is really endless..."

"I said, what the hell do you want?"

"You're lying!" Yuye still said.

Shi Qiu was speechless.

"This girl is really troublesome..."

"I know very well that I definitely didn't have illusion at that time!" Yuye looked determined.

"Really?" Zhou Yanan squinted, "Then you are sure that you saw me dead at that time?"


Yuye was speechless.

"Even if I was lying just now..." Zhou Yanan paused and grinned: "Then why didn't you tell Hei Bones about this just now?"

Yoya: "... It's not about you. "

Zhou Yanan snorted softly.

"It seems that you didn't tell Black Bone about my ability, I spared you once today. "

"But girl, you'd better think clearly about what your allegiance is. Zhou Yanan said with a sneer.

Youye's face changed suddenly.

She looked at Zhou Yanan's expression and became incredible.

"You... Are you Shiqiu!?"

Zhou Yanan chuckled: "Only now can you see it?"

Youye's expression was complicated: "But... The breath on your body is clearly ..."

Halfway through, Youye remembered Shi Qiu's ability to control alien beasts.

"Is it an illusion?"

You Ye glared: "You used illusion to control Zhou Yanan's body??"

Zhou Yanan shrugged: "You just guess slowly." "

"What, are you going to tell Black Bone now?"

You Ye sneered: "Are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid not, this body is not mine anyway." Zhou Yanan chuckled twice, and then his eyes suddenly sank: "But if you really want to say it, I can only kill you here!"

Saying that, he suddenly exploded with level 13 soul power!

"Just by you?" You Ye was cold: "Although Zhou Yanan's level is level 13, he has always been my defeated subordinate!"

"That's his dish, he can't play this role." Zhou Yanan pouted: "Now I'm controlling the controller." "

You Ye frowned: "What handle?"

Zhou Yanan: "... Hello, straight girl!"

Saying that, Zhou Yanan suddenly turned into a demon all over his body, and raised his hand to grab her with a "demon claw"!

Youye Xin's head jerked down!

Zhou Yanan's strength, she is very clear. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

With his soul power, it would take at least a minute to complete the complete demonic transformation.

However, this time it was only for a moment!!

"So fast..." You Ye said secretly, using his flexible skills to dodge Zhou Yanan's attack and jumped up!

The whole person jumped several meters high!

Then, she volleyed upside down and kicked her feet against the ceiling!

However, Zhou Ya, who is completely demonic, is faster.

At the same time that Youye fell from the ceiling, he activated his soul power and activated another skill.

"Fourth-order soul technique - Ghost Eye!"

The crimson eyes of the evil ghost suddenly emitted super spiritual power fluctuations!

Like sound waves, spread out...


You Ye and those crimson pupils looked at each other, and suddenly felt as if their spirit had been disturbed in some way!

The whole person fell to the ground weakly, and he couldn't make it up at all!

It was as if the muscles of the body had collapsed.

There is no way to condense even soul power!

"This ability he has used before... At that time, I could easily resist..." You Ye gritted his teeth, not understanding at all in his heart!

"But this time... He was actually able to release such a strong spiritual power impact?!"

Shi Qiu found that this week's Yanan's skills were quite useful.

A very strong character, why is it so collapsed when he uses it?

Zhou Yanan sneered: "The victory and defeat have been divided." "

After that, he exhaled with a paw.


You Ye was slapped in a big pocket, and the whole person turned 360 degrees in the air, hit the corner of the toilet hard, and rolled to the ground.

His hair was disheveled, his breath was light, and there were red and swollen palm prints on his almost perfect cheeks, which looked particularly embarrassing.

However, the mental repression is far stronger than the physical.

"I can't even win a puppet he controls..."

Youye's heart suddenly felt sad...

Zhou Yanan walked slowly in front of Youye.

You Ye closed his eyes, his beautiful face was exceptionally pale, and he was ready to die.

However, Shi Qiu did not make a move.

"You have a lot of talent and strength. Zhou Yanan sneered: "It's a pity to follow the wrong boss." "

After speaking, his body gradually changed from a demon to a human.

Then he turned away without looking back.

Yuye lay on the ground, his eyes full of dazedness.

In the actual combat training room.

After meditating for a whole hour, Shi Qiu finally slowly opened his eyes.


"Sure enough, when controlling the puppet, it is much easier than before..."

Shi Qiu grinned slightly.

Yu Li, who was sitting opposite him and was also meditating, also opened his eyes.

"Are you awake?" Yu Li tilted his head: "How do you feel?"

ps. Recently, Yan, some words add a dot in the middle, because it is a sensitive word ...

Don't ask me why one is also a sensitive word, because I don't know... Factory....

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