General Sun was about to spew out almost a mouthful of old blood!

God is in love with you!

The corners of his mouth twitched ~ a few times, forcibly enduring the anger in his heart.

"Classmate Shi Qiu, this is a major matter related to the Terran race, please don't make this ~ kind of joke!"

"Ah, this..."

Shi Qiu scratched his head innocently: "I'm not kidding..."

"When I met the beast, the beast wagged its tail madly at me when it saw me. "

"He forced his head in front of me and forced me to stroke it. "

“...... Well, yes, maybe it recognized me as his father. "

"...," Elder Chen had black lines all over his head.

General Sun: "... Are you serious?"

"Oh yes. Shi Qiu said, "That alien beast helped me block the sword of the alien demon leader, and looked back at me affectionately before the time came." "

"If you don't believe me, you can ask the students who were there at the time. "

"A lot of people saw it. "

"General Sun, aren't you there?

"This..." General Sun's face froze.

Elder Chen looked at General Sun: "What he said is true?"

General Sun: "... That's true. "

Remembering ~ coming, the glance that the strange beast looked back at Shi Qiu before he died, it seemed that something was indeed not right...

But General Sun still felt very outrageous!

That's a strange beast! A high-level alien beast of level 22!!! Can it still be lured ~ by a ~ human male?

What, how handsome do you think you are?!??

General Sun complained frantically in his heart.

However, he turned his head and stared at Shi Qiu's handsome face for a long time...


“...... Don't say, it seems to be really handsome..."

"Alas..." Elder Chen sighed lightly.

He knew that no matter whether what Shi Qiu said was true or not, he couldn't get any useful information from Shi Qiu's ~ today...

But he is not in a hurry.

One ~ a little young.

He ~ an old oil son who has been the city lord of Shan City for more than 20 years, and he can't investigate the clues from your young body~?

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now~. Elder Chen changed the topic and crossed his fingers: "Classmate Shi Qiu, in fact, there is a more important thing to find you today." "

Saying that, he took out a piece of paper and pushed it in front of Shi Qiu.

"What is this?" Shi Qiu picked up a look and narrowed his eyes: "Invite..."

"On behalf of the Empire, I formally invite you to become our official worker. Elder Chen smiled: "How is it, are you interested?"

"But I haven't graduated yet?" Shi Qiu wondered: "Shouldn't this ~ kind of thing be something that can only be entered after graduating from senior year and passing the assessment?"

"Hehe, those are the rules for treating ordinary people, treating geniuses, any rules can be broken. Elder Chen said, "What's more, you are a genius among geniuses. "

“...... No~dare. "

"You deserve it, just with your level 5 killing more than a dozen middle-rank alien beasts, you can't find a second one in the entire Terran Empire. "

Shi Qiu looked at the piece of paper and was silent for a moment: "Joining the official, the benefits are not ~ less, right?"

Elder Chen smiled: "Of course, the benefits are so many that you can't imagine." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Shi Qiu: "But there are too many rules and regulations for me to imagine, right?"

Elder Chen: "... Shi Qiu, you have to know that compared with those benefits~, those rules and regulations are not worth mentioning at all. "

"I know you don't like to be controlled, and because of this, you once turned down the invitation of the three major forces in your school. "

"But the nature of this is far different. "

Chen Lao slowly ~ said slowly: "The identity of the members of the three major forces, compared with the identity of the official staff~, is not a fart." "

Shi Qiu was silent.

He is now a student at Single City University, and although nominally subject to school scheduling, he is actually more inclined to employment.

The school hires students and completes tasks.

Mission accomplished, cultivation resources given, course teaching...

But students have the right to refuse assignments if they don't want to. Even if it is a special task assigned to a class by the school, students can find a reason to shirk.

But if you do join an official organization, or an organization like the student union, everything is different.

If Shi Qiu was an official worker today, then everything that Elder Chen asked him today, he would have to tell the truth.

Shi Qiu put down the list: "I still refuse." "

Elder Chen's expression was complicated: "You don't think about it anymore?"

Shi Qiu smiled: "~ Elder Chen, whether I join or not, I am still a member of the Terran race, a member of Shan City University." "

"As long as there are alien invaders, I will still fight for the single city, and I will never back down. "

"So, why do you have to care if I join or not, no matter what, as human beings, we are all on the same front, aren't we?"

Elder Chen looked at him deeply.

"Good one ~ all of them are on the same front!"

Elder Chen smiled, tapped his finger on the table, pondered for a long time, and said, "In this way, I will make another exception to give you a preferential treatment." "

"As long as you join, I will give you one ~ place to study at Metropolitan University as an exchange student, how about it?"

General Sun next to him suddenly changed his face when he heard this.

"Elder Chen... That's not right, is it!?"

Shi Qiu squinted: "Capital University? exchange student?"

Elder Chen looked at General Sun: "Xiao Sun, you explain to Shi Qiu." "

General Sun: "..."

The University of the Capital City (Haono's) is the best school in the entire Terran race.

Although the name is a university, most of the people in this school are soul cultivators above the senior year!

According to the statement of the previous life, it can be said that they are all master's students and doctoral students...

It completely accommodated the entire Terran race of elites from all over the world!

Any student who can go there to study for a ~ week will definitely increase his strength!

There is also a completely non-threatening space door exotic world for students to enter and explore at will!

The entire single city, plus the cities around the province where you are located, add up ~ to a total of five exchange student places!

It is necessary to hit the top five in the provincial level college ranking competition to obtain such a ~ qualification!

However, Elder Chen actually gave away one of the ~ places as a benefit??。

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