After listening to General Sun's description, Shi Qiu knew what the college ranking competition was.

"I said, treat geniuses, you don't care about those rules. "

Elder Chen looked at Shi Qiu: "Almost everyone who can enter the capital city university will be at least a talent of level 25 or above in the future. "

"Well, would you like to take the ribbon?"

Shi Qiu hardly thought about it: "Well, I still refuse." "


“...... Why?" Elder Chen only felt that the corners of his mouth were twitching, and his forehead was already bursting with bruises.

Shi Qiu smiled.

"If you can go to the top five in the provincial college ranking competition, isn't it simpler?"

"I'm going to win the game directly, win the place and go again. "

"???," Elder Chen looked at him with a strange look: "You plan to participate in the competition?"

Shi Qiu: "Can't freshman participate in the competition?"

Elder Chen: "... That's not what it means. "

"Do you think that you are a freshman and want to win the top five?"

"Can't you?"


Elder Chen was a little speechless.

"Do you know how long the college 063 ranking tournament is left?" Chen Lao put up two toes: "Two months." "

"The province, tens of thousands of students, compete for five places, and will not be graded according to grade, which means that your opponent will also have students from the big 3 and 4. "

"I know. "


"And then?"

Elder Chen was silent for a while, and suddenly sneered: "Young man, it seems that you are going too smoothly." "

"Do you think that there is only one S-class soul contractor in this world?"

Shi Qiu: "..."

"There are many geniuses, and they are geniuses who are higher than you. "

Elder Chen said and paused: "But maybe, if you really think that the college ranking competition is so easy, then you can wipe it out." "

"Okay. Shi Qiuwei bowed: "Then I'll go first, Elder Chen." "

"If you regret it, you can also report it to me. Elder Chen was expressionless: "But when you lose the college competition, then I won't be able to help you install the qualification of exchange students." "

This means that before the competition starts, it is still time to change your mind.

But he didn't take it seriously, just smiled: "Okay." "

With that, he turned and left.

Elder Chen looked at Shi Qiu's departing back and touched his beard: "It's true... The current genius is really more crazy than 1....."

General Sun smiled bitterly and said, "If I had the ability to kill a dozen mid-rank alien beasts at his age, when I was still level 5, I might be crazier than him." "

"That's what I said. Elder Chen nodded.

“...... But have you ever wondered what if he does break into the top five by then?" said General Sun.

Chen Lao gave him a blank look: "Even if this kid is young, your brain is also burned?"

General Sun: "..."

Chen Lao snorted coldly: "I guess I can guess what this kid thinks, he thinks that he can be upgraded to level 5 in a week, and it will take two months to deal with those big 3 and 4 students of more than ten levels?"

"But in the later stage of the Soul Contract, the experience required for each level up is almost doubled, especially for S-level soul detractors, and the experience required to upgrade in the later stage may be four or five times that of A-level soul detractors! "

"Without a lot of financial resources to make up for it, even if he is a genius, how can he make up for this?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Elder Chen sneered: "However, this kid was still stubborn to death, and he refused the invitation of all forces." The invitation of the student union will not be accepted, and our official invitation will not accept him!"

"He thought that with the little subsidy that the school gave him, the subsidy from the mission (CEEG), a few million or tens of millions would be enough?"

"Wait, in less than half a month, he will definitely have to reply to my report!"

General Sun smiled bitterly as he listened.

After all, Elder Chen is the city lord, and on weekdays, a group of people next to him want to be licking dogs and stick to him. Today I personally came forward and wanted to win over 1 student, but I was so simply rejected!

Being so refuted face, it is inevitable that there is a psychological imbalance, and you have to complain twice...

However, General Sun also had to admit that Elder Chen was right.

General Sun himself was also an S-class soul contractor, and in order to upgrade, a casual bottle of "Experience Polymerization Liquid" cost him millions.

If you want to build basic attributes such as "strength", "agility", and "refined Sakaki", it will cost more money.

But General Sun didn't know how.

He always had a hunch that this kid seemed to really be able to do it...


Shi Qiu and Yu Li set off from the school together for the black market again.

Both made simple attire changes.

At least so that passers-by can't easily recognize them.

Shi Qiu can be regarded as experiencing how annoying it is to be a "popular little meat".

Those girls in the school, when they saw him, it was like they wanted to eat people...

"Shi Qiu, what happened to General Sun looking for you yesterday?" asked Yu Li curiously.

"Nothing. Shi Qiu replied nonchalantly: "He took me to see Elder Chen, saying that he wanted to pull me into the official." "

Yu Liwei was shocked: "Elder Chen personally met with you?"

"yes. "

"So, then you have already completed the formalities?"

"Formalities?...... Oh no, I refused. "

Yu Li: "..."

"That's right, Miss Xiao Li. Shi Qiu suddenly remembered something: "Do you know about the college ranking competition?"

"You know, every year, the top five can compete for the qualification of exchange students at Capital University. "

"So you're going to participate this year too?"

Yu Li pursed her lips: "I'm only a sophomore, it's too early... Sister Xiyue and Sister Xue'er should find a way to fight for 1 hit..."

"Why did you suddenly ask this?"

Shi Qiu: "... Nothing, just ask. "

Soon, the two arrived in the most famous black urban area of Shancheng.

The environment here is very simple, and there is an atmosphere of decay everywhere.

And there is a dangerous atmosphere everywhere, and there are two punks ~ gangsters standing at the entrance of the street, who are smoking cigarettes, looking at Shiqiu and Yuli with a fat sheep gaze, and from time to time they let out lewd smiles.

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