This street is called Xuantong Street.

Located in a small town in Dongcheng District.

This can be said to be the most colorful place in the entire single city, and it can also be said to be a deserted place of the empire.

Because this place is very close to the space gate, there was an alien invasion a long time ago, and the alien crack suddenly expanded and released otherworldly energy, causing the surrounding environment to cause ~ serious alienation pollution.

Ordinary people without soul power have no way to resist at all, and there is no way to survive here.

So it became a gathering place for black traders.

It is said that there are also peach criminals of the Empire, who also live here.

Shi Qiu and Yu Li came to a wine bar.

This is also the only wine bar on Xuantong Street, but of course what it really does is not alcohol, because this bar is the venue of the head of the black market.

"Ouch, two kids. "

A young man who looked very indebted to Lai took the initiative to come up and smiled: "What are you doing here?"

"Drinking? Or looking for dumplings? Hahahahaha..."

There was laughter from the small number of customers in the bar.

Most of their eyes were focused on Yuli's coat.

"Call out those you can manage. Shi Qiu was not annoyed, glanced at him, and said lightly: "I have a big business I want to do with your boss." "

"Huh?" the young man's eyebrows raised lightly: "Business?

"Soul Contractor, I am a student of Single City University. "

Saying that, Shi Qiu took out his student ID card.

“...... So, you want to buy something rare, right?"

As soon as the young man heard that Shi Qiu was a soul contractor, he immediately understood.

It turned out that it was not broken in by mistake.

He looked at Shi Qiu's ID card again, and his mouth suddenly rose: "The freshman ... Hehe, I just came to the black market to buy things in my freshman year, it seems that the little brother handed you a lot of money in the family?"

"My family has no money. Shi Qiu said, "But I have money." "

“...... Okay, you're waiting here. The young man took a deep look at him and turned to go behind the bar.

Shi Qiu and Yu Li casually found a corner position to sit down, and then casually ordered two glasses of wine.

There are about forty or fifty soul incurators in this wine yard.

Most of them are low-level soul intellectuals below level 5, wanderers and scavengers who have not even graduated from college.

Eight of them are level 10 or above soul contractors, and the strongest is 1 level 19 soul contractor!

Shi Qiu is now becoming more and more proficient in using the power of fine Saki.

As long as these people did not deliberately block their own breath, he could directly sense their presence.

Not long after, the young men returned.

Behind him was a middle-aged strong man with a tall horse.

Shi Qiu smiled when he saw this person.

Because this person is Shi Wenlei's father, Shi Zhen cracked!

Shi Zhencrack walked to the table of Shi Qiu and Yu Li, and sneered twice: "Who has big business to do?"

Shi Qiu said directly: "Me." "

Shi Zhencrack looked at him: "I want to know what kind of business it is?"

"Hmph, little friend, if you let me know that you dare to fool me, it's not fun!"

Shi Qiu: "That depends on how many goods you have." "

Shi Zhen raised his eyebrows.

"What do you want?"

Shi Qiu didn't talk much nonsense, and took out a list from his arms, and the contents of the list were naturally listed with the help of Yu Li.

Shi Zhencrack took the list and glanced at it a few times, and muttered softly: "T88 type fine Sakaki upper limit potion, ink shadow powder, hydrolectin, exotic lime..."

After reading it, Shi Zhencrack was silent for a while: "Sure enough, they are all controlled materials... I do have all these things you want..."

"How much are you going to want?"

Shi Qiu was simple and direct: "I only need one copy of each of these materials, T88 type potion, how much do you want." "

Shi Zhencrack smiled: "I currently have seventy or eighty T88 type potions here, and the price of each is eighty thousand pieces, plus the price of other materials... It doesn't cost about eight or nine million to add up to Lai tea, how about children, do you have enough money on your coat?"

"Can you bargain?"

"Ha!" Shi Zhencrack smiled: "Laozi, this reason has never been the only one I raise, never bargain!"

"Let's make a relationship. Shi Qiu cocked Erlang's legs and shook the wine glass in his hand: "I am also a mortal opponent with the Black Soul Society, and I just killed several of them two days ago." "

As soon as he heard the Black Soul Society, Shi Zhen's face suddenly changed. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Do you know my grudge with the Black Soul Society?" Shi Zhen looked at Shi Qiu gloomyly.

"You almost demolished their apartment building and made such a big disturbance, who in our school doesn't know?"

Shi Zhencrack asked again: "You said that you and their Black Soul Society are also mortal opponents, why?"

Shi Qiu: "I was invited by their club at the beginning of school. "

"But I refused, so they sent brakes to brake me. "

Shi Zhencrack looked strange: "Then why are you still alive?"

Shi Qiu: "Because those brakes they sent were all killed by me." "

Shi Zhen cracked: "..."

Shi Qiu: "Don't believe it?"

Shi Zhenxiao didn't answer positively, but just grinned: "Okay, just have a feud with the Black Soul Society, and kill a few of them, then I will give you accommodation!"

"Count you deducted a whole, eight million!"

"Refreshing. Shi Qiu clapped his hands: "Then you go and get the goods, I'll wait here." "

Shi Zhencrack turned to the young man behind him: "Go and get goods for this child." "

While speaking, he also rolled a look.

The young man understood the meaning of Shi Zhencrack, smiled, compared an "OK" gesture, and turned to go to the back warehouse.

After a while, the young man returned with a large bag of things, and "knock" was frightened and placed on Shiqiu's table.

Shi Zhen crossed his arms and grinned: "Take a look." "

Shi Qiu didn't move at all, and Yu Li took the initiative to open the bag in front of him, took out everything from it, and carefully checked it.

After the inspection, Yuli was silent.

"About sixty percent of them are fakes. "

Shi Qiu was stunned.

Just now Yuli did not speak.

And he could clearly hear Yu Li's voice!

"So she is ... Deliver the sound to my ?...... with the power of Sakaki"

Shi Zhencrack saw that Shi Qiu and Yu Li did not move for a long time: "How about it, have you finished reading the goods? I have already given you the goods now, can I get the money?"

Shi Qiu raised his head and sneered: "Boss Shi, you don't seem to be very polite, right?

"Sixty percent of everything you have here is a fake!"

ps. The inscription made my head split... Today I know that the middle plus symbol will still be detected, so I can only replace it with typos or traditional characters... Under....

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