“...... What do you say?" Shi Zhen's eyes narrowed into a slit: "Little friend, you can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately." "

"You understand what I'm talking about. Shi Qiu's face was expressionless: "Sister Xiao Li, help me pick out the fakes that sixty percent separately." "

"Ah?... This..." Yu Li glanced at him worriedly.

She didn't expect Shi Qiu to say it so directly!

This is the territory of black marketeers!!

Shi Qiu cast her a reassuring look.

Yu Li couldn't help it, exhaled, and still took out the sixty percent of the fakes in the bag one by one.

The young man's face changed suddenly.

I didn't expect these two college students to really be knowledgeable!

Shi Zhencrack is calm after experiencing strong winds and waves, and watching the "five nine zero" rain li separate all real goods from fakes.

Not a word was said the whole time.

Shi Qiu hugged his chest and looked up: "How?"

Shi Zhen cracked: "..."

"If you don't admit it, that's fine. "

Shi Qiu pushed the pile of fakes back: "This part, I don't want it, the rest of the part, you can calculate how much money." "

The wine bar quieted down.

All the guests looked towards this side.

The atmosphere is like a pool of stagnant water.

Like the silence before a stormy night...

Shi Zhen's gloomy face grinned widely: "Boy, you are quite kind?"

"I think I'm merciful enough, for the sake of you and the Black Soul Society being mortal rivals, and killing a few of them, I also deducted a fraction for you." "

"And you're in my field, yelling that my stuff is a fake?"

"Then what should my face count?"

"How will I still mix in this area in the future?"

"Do you think you can still bring these things back at the original price now?"

Shi Qiu raised his eyebrows: "So you are going to buy and sell strongly?"

"Haha. Shi Zhencrack smiled: "I am a businessman who talks about credibility, and I have always only reasoned with people. "

While saying this, he burst out a strength of up to level 19!

There were also several young people watching the scene in the bar, who also leaned over, with unkind expressions.

It's all about level 10 strength!

Shi Qiu: "So what do you want?"

Shi Zhen's gaze was grim: "Leave 10 million, and your student ID card, you can leave." "

Yu Li grabbed the corners of his clothes under the table with both hands.

"This gang of black market dealers is not as simple as a bunch of hawkers..."

"They can survive in this abandoned land by any means. "

"Shiqiu he..."

Shi Qiu and Shi Zhen split their eyes and confronted each other.

In the end, Shi Qiu seemed to take a step back first: "Okay, it's reasonable, it's me who offended." "

"How do I pay the bill?"

Shi Zhencrack smiled.

I thought how hard this kid was...

"Go get him the card machine." "


The young man went to the front desk to get the card machine, and walked to Shi Qiu with a playful smile: "Little student, swipe the card obediently." "

Shi Qiu smiled and handed him the ID card: "Can you help me swipe it?"

"Okay. The youth reached out to pick it up.

When he touched Shi Qiu's hand, the young man was stunned, because black smoke slowly came out of Shi Qiu's sleeve.

"Huh, what's the smoke coming out of your hand... Wocao!?"

I saw that the black mist seemed to be alive, and Xunshu climbed up his arm.

Soon the young man felt a burning pain!

"Ahhh!!" (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

A heart-rending scream echoed inside the bar!

The black flame burned quickly, and in less than two seconds it crawled all over the young man's body.

The people around didn't even react, and the young man's whole person had been swallowed by the black flame in an instant!

The guests in the bar immediately screamed.

Shi Zhen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Shi Qiu angrily: "Boy, you actually dare..."


Shi Qiu burst out a level 5 strength!

At the same time, the black mist released by the super refined Sakaki force instantly rushed around!

The surrounding youths were so frightened that they screamed and dodged one after another, and some of them could not dodge, but they were also directly swallowed by the black fog, and there were fierce screams...

Shi Zhen Crack had just seen the power of this black flame, and he didn't feel a hard connection, and took a big step back...

At this time, there were several piercing crow cries in the black mist, and a dozen pitch-black crows flew out with flap their wings, all rushing towards the stone crack!

Shi Zhen's eyes narrowed into a slit.

"Soul Technique - Break!"

With his burst, a strong energy like a sound wave surged from his body like a wave of qi!

The crow was shaken back by the qi wave, fell to the ground, and turned into black flames and burned.

The black fog gradually dispersed.

However, Shi Qiu and Yu Li were gone!

The bag on the table is gone!!

Shi Zhen's cheeks twitched, and his eyes were full of anger!

This is the first time someone dares to come to his territory and grab something!

The young man realized it later, saw the broken window on the side, and was shocked: "Boss!

Shi Zhencrack directly slapped him and scolded: "Lao Tzu has no eyes when he steps on the horse himself!?

"Knowing that people have run away, they are not quick to chase Lao Tzu!"

"Oooh... Yes!"

After Shi Qiu released Wu Ling, he immediately picked up the bag on the table with one hand. 3.7

The other hand grabbed Yu Li's hand, pulled her and crashed out of the window!

Yu Li didn't even react.

She really thought that Shi Qiu was going to admit it!

"Shi, Shiqiu, you are..."

Shi Qiu dragged Yu Li while running, "Who buys such expensive things?

Yu Li: "..."

Yu Li was silent for a moment, and said worriedly: "Just now, that bar is in the center of the black market, and the villages around here are all Shizhen cracked territory, and he can mobilize all the black market dealers around him with a single word." "

"Let's escape like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape..."

Shi Qiu sneered: "Then kill it." "

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