"But... But they have fewer soul intellectuals above level 15. Yu Li couldn't help but remind: "They still have very good weapons and equipment!"

"I know. Shi Qiu was not flustered: "So we have to speed up the degree of Shudu and find a gap to break through as soon as possible." "

If he could, Shi Qiu would naturally not bother to fight with this gang of black dealers.

Yu Li was silent: "I'm a mage, my sooth is slow... How about we go separate and run?"

Shi Qiu raised his eyebrows: "What do you say, you came to help me on purpose, how could I leave you alone?"

"But... Hmm?......"

Yu Li still wanted to say something, but he was suddenly startled.

Because Shi Qiu directly put his arm around her waist and hugged her up!

Feeling the warmth in Shi Qiu's arms, Yu Li suddenly turned red at the roots of his ears.

"First-order auxiliary skill - the gift of death!"

"Undead awakening—shadow spirit—attached!"

Shi Qiu's eyes were cold.

A dark shadow gradually enveloped his whole body.


After Shi Qiu's agility attributes were comprehensively improved, there was a qualitative leap in Shudu.

As soon as you step on the ground, 241 jumps fly directly to the roof!

Then quickly jumped between the rooftops of the black city and galloped to Qilai, and the water was as fast as a ghost, dragging out one afterimage after another behind him!

"It's even faster than the last time I was in a different realm..."

"It's hard to imagine that 1 Level 5 auxiliary actually has such a degree of water..."

Yu Li lay in Shi Qiu's arms, watching the surrounding scene recede rapidly, and secretly wondered in his heart.

The whole black market is also in chaos.

"That kid snatched Shi Ye's things, don't let him run!"

"Dare to play black with Shi Ye, don't want to live..."

"He went east, and the people from the east intercepted him for me!"

"I... I saw him! The kid was running on the roof!"

Several traffickers saw Shi Qiu and shouted loudly with walkie-talkies.

Since it is daytime, no matter how fast the autumn falls, it is difficult to completely go unnoticed.

Yu Li didn't do anything in Shi Qiu's arms.

She closed her eyes and probed the situation ahead with her essence.

"There are a lot of people..."

As soon as Yu Li found out, his face turned pale.

She lightly tapped Shi Qiu's chest and said, "Shi, Shi Qiu... There were hundreds of people chasing us, and more than two dozen of them were soul contractors above level 10..."

"They seem to know we're heading east, and they're all coming this way!"

Shi Qiu hesitated when he heard it: "Then which direction has the fewest people?"

Yu Li's essence power is stronger than him, and the range of detection is also wider.

"Over there. Yu Li stretched out his hand to show his face.

"Good. Shi Qiu landed on the ground in one step, then turned the car around and ran towards the south.

Another high speed ran for a while.

Yu Li continued to sense, and suddenly exclaimed: "Small, be careful!

"Huh?" Shi Qiu turned his head to look in the direction he was pointing.

However, it was enough not to look at it, and it directly startled him when he saw it.

Several special RPG shells are flying towards him!

Shi Qiu's core tightened.

Take advantage of your body and turn around sharply.

Two shells almost rubbed his cheek.

Even Shi Qiu could feel the heat of gunpowder friction, almost burning his skin!

However, the high-energy response Yu Li said is not these RPGs.

In the southwest direction, a blue light lit up, followed by a cylindrical laser cannon roaring!


The roof under Shi Qiu's feet was directly blasted out of 1 big hole! (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The bricks and tiles flew away, Shi Qiu fell down, holding Yuli 1 roll, and barely landed safely.

"Ahem... Bah!" Shi Qiu and Yu Li coughed a few times and patted the surrounding ashes.

He looked up in the direction where the laser bombardment was coming from.

I saw that about three hundred meters away, several black marketeers arrived one after another.

There were rifles, RPGs, and even a strangely shaped blue gun rack there, and the laser was just fired!

"High-energy laser pulse weapon??"

Shi Qiu was speechless.

"Good guy... Isn't this the equipment of the city defense army??"

"How can these black marketeers still get this kind of thing!?"

Yu Li closed his eyes, opened his eyes, and said with his lips: "... They have surrounded us. "

Shi Qiu himself also felt that there were two soul contractors behind him, who were approaching him at high speed.

"Whew... Never mind. Shi Qiu let out a sigh.

Then put Yuli down.


More than ten seconds later, two figures like lightning burst out from the alley behind.

1 level 8, 1 level 9.

Shi Qiu's eyes were cold, showing the scythe of death, swinging his arm, and slashing out with a soul devouring slash!

That level 9 soul contractor was just about to shout into the walkie-talkie when he saw a black light flashing!

His throat was cut off by a black light, and there was no way to make any more sounds...

The man barely reacted, his pupils widened.

The last scene I saw before I died was that half of my body fell and was scared...

Then his eyes were completely submerged into darkness...


With a slash of level 9, Shi Qiu just wanted to turn back and clean up the level 8 soul contractor.

However, Yu Li was already 520 steps ahead of him: "First-order soul technique - water knife!"


That level 8 soul contractor was the same as that level 9 soul master, his body was cut in half by the high-pressure water knife, and he fell to the ground to frantically nourish blood...

Shi Qiu: "..."

There was a sound of chaotic footsteps.

Apparently someone is chasing again!

Shi Qiu looked at the surrounding buildings, and without hesitation, he grabbed Yu Li's hand and broke into one of the houses, and then closed the door with his backhand.

The pursuers, who came slowly, met in the alley.

They saw corpses on the ground.

"What about people?"

"I just saw them being bombarded from the roof by the pulse cannon, and it landed in the alley near here..."

"Then it must be around here, search it!"


Shi Qiu and Yu Li hid on the second floor of this house.

Both of them closed their breath so as not to be sensed by the other party's strong essence power.

"More and more people have actinium..." Shi Qiu secretly glanced out the window and scratched his face.

"I'm sorry, Sister Xiao Li, I pulled you into the water too. "

"No, it's okay..." Yu Li lowered his head: "We are teammates, don't be so polite..."

"But what do we do now?"

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