Shi Qiu was helpless.

If you don't sell me fakes, how can there be so many batches?

Shi Zhencrack's face was gloomy: "Lao Tzu won't chop you up today, Lao Tzu Shi Zhen crack three words are written upside down!"

Saying that, an earthy yellow gas emanated from the area around Shi Zhen's body.

The muscles of the body also bulged with tension, forming a substance like the surface of steel, and the combat power of level 19 soared to the extreme!

"The strength and defense of this person should not be underestimated..."

Shi Qiu squinted.

He used it as a cheat, and saw that the strength and defensive attributes of the stone crack were particularly strong.

These two attributes are more than ten times stronger than when he stacked three bounty buffs!

"Strength-type soul contractor... Fighting with him is obviously irrational..."


Shi Zhen burst into a roar, and the whole person was like King Kong, jumping towards Shi Qiu, and punched out!

Shi Qiu dodged again with the speed of the shadow spirit.

This punch hit the ground!

In an instant, the ground is cracked!

The shaking qi wave spread out in all directions like a wave, and the rubble flew around!

The whole earth seemed to tremble!

Shi Qiu: "... Good family fire, I kind of know how the name Shi Zhen cracked came from. "

All around, those subordinates who were cracked by the stone also rushed over.

Subordinate: "Shi Ye, we will help you!"

Shi Zhencrack roared: "Stay alive, this kid put the goods in the inventory, I have to let him spit things out!"


Several subordinates replied, and they all condensed their soul power.

"Soul Technique - Stone Prison!"


I saw a stone wall rising up!

"Capture him 983!" one of his men commanded.

Several people were operating skills at the same time, and those stone walls gathered towards Shiqiu from all directions, as if to lock Shiqiu inside.

Shi Qiu picked up the scythe, jumped up and swept across the direction, and the blade swept!


Several stone walls connected together were cut into two sections!

In front of the Kamakura of Death, these stone walls have all become tofu dregs projects.

Those subordinates stared, completely dumbfounded, incredulous: "... This stone wall is impossible for even a level 15 soul indenturist to cut off the actinium..."

Shi Zhencrack frowned, "There's something wrong with the scythe in that kid's hand!

Shi Qiu pouted: "I'm too lazy to play with you." "

"Undead Awaken - Skeleton Swordsman!"

Shi Qiu stuck the scythe upside down on the ground, freed his hands, quickly silently recited the incantation, and then leaned over and squatted on the ground, pressing his hands to the ground.

A huge rune appeared on the ground!

Within the bounds of the rune, a skeleton swordsman crawled out of the ground.

Sensen white bone, green eyes, holding a long sword and steel shield.

"Sure enough, after the improvement of the essence power, the number of skeleton swordsmen who can be summoned by (cefh) has also increased..."

Shi Qiu could now summon about twenty skeleton swordsmen.

When those Chaotic Kun saw these skeleton swordsmen, they were stunned and shocked.

"Lying Cao!"

"What kind of frozen west are these!?"

"Hard... Could it be that we slaughtered the dogs, fed the dogs, and buried them in the ground before to cheat the corpses?......?"

Shi Zhen gritted his teeth and cursed: "Don't scare and say, a group of unseen frozen people, this is just some summoned creatures!"

Then he turned his head and stared at Shi Qiu again.

1 level 5 soul contractor can not only easily cross the level and kill the middle-level soul contractor.

After experiencing such a fierce battle just now, there are still so many soul powers that can summon contract creatures!

This is unreasonable!!

"There must be some treasure on this kid's robe that can greatly increase attributes!"

Shi Zhenxiao thought with great certainty in his heart: "We must arrest him and then snatch the treasure over!"

Shi Qiu got up and said lightly: "You guys are just playing here, I won't accompany you." "

Those skeleton swordsmen wielded their swords and shields and rushed towards the black dealer Little Chaos Kun.

The sound of killing, screaming, groaning, clashing blades, one after another...

Each of these skeleton swordsmen is enough to fight against level 8 or 9 soul breakers alone.

Blood, stained the black market neighborhood red...

"Want to go? Dream!"

Shi Zhen saw that Shi Qiu wanted to run away and rushed again.

The fist instantly turns into an indestructible iron fist of steel!

However, this time, before he touched Shi Qiu, he felt that something frozen under his feet was locked, and he dragged him fiercely.

He almost didn't fall a!

He looked down and saw that his right leg was entangled in an iron chain.

Chains were drilled out of the ground.

"Horcruxes - Chains of Hell!" (read the Storm Novel, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Shi Qiu raised his hand, opened his five fingers, and grasped the void!

More than a dozen iron chains drilled out of the ground again, entangled the stone cracked double retreat, feet, arms, chest and waist, shoulders...


Shi Zhen's face turned red, and he wanted to forcibly break free with brute force.

But he found that this iron chain was actually extremely strong, no matter how he burst out his soul power, he couldn't even move!

Shi Qiu smiled and gestured: "Please~"

After saying that, he turned around and fled.

Those low-level soul incontracts couldn't stop him at all.

And those middle-rank soul incontracts are all slashing against the skeleton swordsmen...

"Shi Ye, I... I'll help you untie it..."

One of his subordinates rushed in a hurry, trying to take a knife to help Shi Zhen crack and pry the chain open.

"Not hurry up yet!"

"Yes, yes..."

But this thing is the chain used in hell to lock the three-headed dog of hell.

Which is so easy to pry?

The subordinates were so busy that they sweated profusely, and they didn't see any loosening of the chain...

It wasn't until Shi Qiu ran away completely and the soul power induction was lifted, that those skeleton swordsmen "clattered" and fell apart.

Those white bones gradually melted into the ground and turned into white smoke.

As if nothing had appeared.

The hell chains bound to the stone crack finally loosened and drilled back into the ground.

Shi Zhen cracked and looked around.

Shi Qiu has long run away!

One of his subordinates came over embarrassed: "I'm sorry, Shi Ye, we can't stop that kid..."

Shi Zhen was so angry that he slapped the man backhanded.

"A bunch of trash!"

"Don't you hurry up and chase after it!?"

"Ah, this..." his subordinate said embarrassedly, "But... People have run away, and it is estimated that they have already run out of the black market... Shan City is so big..."

"Nonsense, of course, chasing in the direction of Shan Cheng University!" Shi Zhencrack looked at his subordinates as if he was eating for nothing: "He is a student of Shan Cheng University, where else can he go?

"Oooh... Yes, yes, yes..." Only then did his subordinates react, and quickly beckoned several people to prepare to set off and chase outside.

Shi Zhen looked at the collapsed buildings around him, the mess everywhere, blood, and the streets that were bulldozed by the big fireball.

The eyes are red and the fists are hard!


It was getting dark.

Shi Qiu's figure galloped quickly.

In the evening, no one could see Shi Qiu's fast-moving figure at all.

Black market traffickers had long chased him outside.

However, its real-time autumn has not left the black market at all...

Most of the frozen west that Shi Zhen cracked gave him were fakes.

These shoddy materials have no way to take them to Yuli to make pearls.

I haven't got it yet, how can I leave?

So, he killed a horse gun...

He went back to that bar...

During the day, the bar was burned by the black flame once, and the tables, chairs and sofas were burned to ashes.

So at this time the bar is not open and there are no customers.

Only during the day, the young man who had been entertaining Shi Qiu at the beginning was directing his men to tidy up the bar in the field.

"Hurry up and move those frozen west, throw out those broken frozen west, do you hear it?

The young man yawned, turned his head inadvertently, and saw a black shadow "poof" from the window.


"What did the frozen swish scare over?"

He was startled, and before he could react, the dark shadow had already broken into the bar.


The pitch-black scythe is coming horizontally!

However, this knife did not kill the youth, but only stopped in front of the young man's neck.

The young man looked at the person in front of him with a horrified face: "You... You..."

Shi Qiu: "Don't move, rob." "。

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