No one expected that Shi Qiu would kill again.

The people in the field were stupid.

"You..." The waiter next to him who was moving the table was about to speak, when several iron chains suddenly came out of the ground.


The iron chains wrapped around his body, wrapped him in a "cocoon" in a few seconds, even his face was entangled, and he could not make a sound.

Five minutes later...

The six people who remained in the bar were all chained by Shi Qiu.

Shi Qiu picked up the scythe and put it across the neck of the chaotic young man.

The young man was almost frightened, his eyes were terrified, and his body trembled: "Brother, don't... Other...... There is something to say ~ actinium ..."

Shi Qiu: "I don't have much patience, what I say, you'd better simply answer, if it's mother-in-law-mother..."

Saying that, Shi Qiu paused, suddenly turned around, and swept the scythe.


I saw that the nearly one-meter-thick alloy bar behind the robe was cut off like a knife cutting tofu.

"Lying down... Wocao!?"

The young man was shocked, and his mouth opened wide.

What kind of scythe is this?

Too sharp too, right!?

Shi Qiu put the scythe on the young man's neck again: "Let me ask you, the materials in the list I asked you for during the day, should you still have them in your warehouse?"

The young man said busily: "There is... Yes, yes, yes..."

Shi Qiu: "Very good, take me." "

Youth: "But..."


The black light streaked through, and the young man's head flew.

These black dealers often do some tricks without skin eyes, so there is no psychological pressure at all when Shi Qiu starts.

Shi Qiu walked to the next thin young man, and as soon as his mind moved, the iron chain on the man's mouth was loosened.

The man looked at Shi Qiu in horror.

This man is simply the devil!!

"I walk the talk. Shi Qiu put the scythe around the man's neck: "Take me to the warehouse." "

The thin young man said, "I'll take you! But don't do it yet, let me finish..."

Shi Qiu: "That depends on whether your speech speed is fast enough." "

The thin young man said in a very fast voice: "The warehouse is behind the bar, but we don't have the key, the supervisor with the key has gone back, and we can't open the door." "

Shi Qiu: "It's okay, you just have to lead the way." "

So, the thin young man took Shi Qiu to the warehouse behind the bar.

"That's it. The thin young man said, "This door is made of iron rock steel, which is a material from a foreign realm, so if you don't have a key..."


As soon as Shi Qiu slashed, the gate made of iron rock and steel was cut in half by the instant stream, and it fell with a boom and frightened, raising a big deceptive smoke.

Thin youth: "..."

Shi Qiu: "Is it that troublesome?"

Thin youth: "..."

Shi Qiu walked into the warehouse, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The warehouse is huge. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

And it can be said that it is full of good frozen west.

On the shelf on the left, there are basically all kinds of drugs used in cultivation, from controlled drugs to non-controlled drugs.

On the shelf on the right, there are various rare materials, metals, gems, animal bones, and even enchanted scrolls.

There are several large containers directly ahead.

Shi Qiu opened one of the boxes and looked at them, and found that they were all heavy fire weapons.

From RPGs, to electromagnetic cannons, to soul pulse cannons, special high-explosive grenades...

It is simply better than the standard equipment of the city defense army!

"What a treasure trove actinium..." sighed Shi Qiu.

Unfortunately, this mile does not lead to pearls.

The frozen west of the pearl is an ultra-rare material, and there may not be one in 1 city.

Shan City is just a small town, and it is normal if it is not there.

Shi Qiu took out the list and handed it to the thin young men: "Help me find out these frozen west." "

"If you dare to fool me with a fake again..."

"Dare to dare!" The thin young man was completely afraid of Shi Qiu, and quickly expressed his position.

Shi Qiu nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, move quickly." "

The thin young man quickly helped Shi Qiu collect all the frozen west.

"Brother... Oh no, big guy, the frozen west you want is here..." The thin young man carefully put the frozen west into a bag and handed it to Shi Qiu.

Shi Qiu opened the bag and took a look.

More than thirty refined Sakaki power upper limit potions. It seems that the inventory of Stone Crack is indeed running out.

And ink powder, hydrolectin, exotic lime these materials, each has at least a dozen.

Enough to make a dozen pearls.

Shi Qiu put the bag into the inventory and rushed to the thin young man: "Not bad, thank you." "

The thin young man sneered: "It should be, it should be..."

Then, Shi Qiu "ransacked" everywhere in this warehouse.

Most of the frozen west, he actually did not know, did not even know what the name was and what it was used for.

But he didn't care about three seven twenty-one, anyway, he didn't want money, just stuffed it into the inventory.

However, the storage space of the system inventory is also limited.

Shi Qiu only stuffed a dozen things, which looked more pleasing to the eye.

As for the large fire weapons of electromagnetic guns and pulse weapons, although Shi Qiu looked hungry, he could only talk about it later.

Yes, more later.

Shi Qiu felt that he would definitely come back again.

Stealing the family and robbing the white prostitutes, it is really a bit addictive to do Lai...

...... Just..

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