Chapter 441 Death

  Although Wang Bing and Han Fang have given the old man the final letter, the old man even packed his luggage, and only waited for the next morning to leave home and go back to the countryside.

But what she didn't expect was that early the next morning, Wang Bing and Han Fang not only didn't drive her away, they even brought her breakfast that they had never eaten before, and helped her prepare the medicine and served her personally. In the room.

"Mom, I have discussed with Fangfang. We are not right. We shouldn't leave you alone. We have realized the mistake. You will live here for as long as you like. Don't worry, we will never I'm driving you away."

  The old man looked at his daughter-in-law subconsciously, Han Fang changed from the acrimony of the past, and smiled at the old man kindly.

   "Mom, what Wang Bing said is true. We know it was wrong. Come on, take the medicine. Didn't you say that this medicine is useful? You get better sooner, and we do our best."

  Looking at the transformation of his son and daughter-in-law, the old man wiped his tears silently, smiled and drank the soup medicine his son had handed over.

  As Mu Sheng said, the sickness of the elderly gets better day by day.

  Now that his son and daughter-in-law treat him well, and his body is getting healthy day by day, the old man regards Mu Sheng as his life-saver from the bottom of his heart, and praises Mu Sheng for his superb medical skills.

  So, the news that the medicine that Mu Sheng sold could bring the dead back to life spread. Everyone saw that the old man’s health was getting better and better, and many people were thinking of going to Mu Sheng to see a doctor.

  The health of the elderly is getting better and better, and now they often talk to other people in the garden in the community.

  On this day, the old man had just finished talking to others about Mu Sheng’s medical skills. She paused suddenly, and then all her eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth began to bleed, and she fell directly to the ground after a second.

  When 120 arrived, the old man had no breath.

  The body was sent to the Imperial City Hospital for testing. The results showed that the old man was poisoned and died of poisoning because of some poisonous herbal medicine.

  Wang Bing and Han Fang also rushed to the hospital immediately. Seeing their mother lying on the bed, Wang Bing cried loudly.

   "Oh my god, my mother! How can you leave your son and leave!"

"Mom!" Han Fang cried heartbreakingly, "I have booked the tickets, and tomorrow I will take you to the aquarium you want to go to. Why did you leave! Who hurt you!! I must seek justice for you!"

  The two people knelt in the corridor and cried. They were really sad. The crowd onlookers shook their heads sympathetically, "It's so pitiful. With such a filial son and daughter-in-law, the old man can close his eyes when he is spiritual.

   "I just heard them say that this old man used to be in good health because he went to see a doctor in the hospital opened by Mu Sheng and only became like this after taking the medicine prescribed by Mu Sheng. It's so pitiful."

   "Mu Sheng? Isn't that the actor? She still prescribes drugs? Really joking about the lives of the elderly."

  Wang Bing and Han Fang have been sleeping in the corridor of the hospital, claiming to seek justice for the elderly,

  Many media heard the news and interviewed the two of them.

  Learning that the old man had been to Musheng’s hospital, the media reporters became excited. Isn’t this news coming? ? ?

   Soon, there was an explosive news on the Internet,

   "The female celebrity pretended to be a doctor and prescribed medicine to the patient, resulting in the tragic death of the 80-year-old lady.

  (End of this chapter)

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