Awakened Multi-talented Goddess Is Doted

Chapter 442: Shengsheng shot

  Chapter 442 Sheng Sheng shots

  This kind of topic naturally has a hot spot. Many people clicked into the topic and saw that it was Mu Sheng. They immediately remembered what she said about running a hospital.

  【Mu Sheng actually dared to prescribe medicine. . . Is she crazy? 】

  【In order to have the heat, I really don't have a bottom line at all. Now it's alright, and the person will be put to death. See how Mu Sheng explained to the family members, the family members are so miserable, how can they encounter such people. 】

  【Mu Sheng is really poisonous. . . . . . She doesn't know how to see a doctor and she still sits in a doctor's office. The poor old lady must have trusted the doctor to drink the medicine. Now she was killed by Mu Sheng. 】

  There is a crusade against Mu Sheng on the Internet, and the TV series ratings that have just picked up, have fallen again.

   "The Speed ​​of Life and Death" itself is a TV series that promotes the greatness of doctors, but now it is starring but "killing people". No audience wants to watch this TV series.

   Jiang Tian, ​​who has been fascinated by ghosts and rarely appeared these days, finally returned to the studio. Seeing the online conquest of Mu Sheng, Jiang Tian instructed Tang Tiantian to help Mu Sheng clarify.

   "Brother God, it's not easy to clarify now. Only the police can restore the truth. Moreover," Tang Tiantian hesitated, "Does Shengsheng really understand medicine? Could it be that she accidentally prescribed the wrong medicine?"

  Jiang Tian has never seen who Mu Sheng treats the country’s disease, but subconsciously, he is willing to believe in Mu Sheng, “You can watch the progress of the case and clarify in real time. I believe that Mu Sheng is a proper person.”

  At this time, Mu Sheng also received the order from the court.

  Wang Bing and Han Fang immediately sued Mu Sheng, accusing Mu Sheng of intentional murder.

  According to the procedure, Mu Sheng went to the police station to be investigated.

   "Mu Sheng, why did you prescribe medicine for the elderly when you knew you would not be able to cure the disease? Did you do it on purpose?"

  Mu Sheng was very calm, she raised her eyebrows slightly, "How do you know that I can't cure the disease?"

   "Frank and lenient!!" The police patted the table, "If you don't tell the truth, we won't talk to you so nicely!!!"

   "Don't be angry, you have just had an appendectomy. If you are too angry, it will affect the healing of the wound."

   Mu Sheng finished speaking, and the policeman in front of him was taken aback, "How do you know?"

   "I can see it." Mu Sheng smiled slightly, "Didn't I just tell you? I will treat the illness."

   "Nonsense." Looking at Mu Sheng's delicate skin and tender flesh, the police didn't believe that she was a female celebrity who could be a doctor. "You must have heard who said that you are not honest when you arrive at the police station and want to blind us? Dreaming."

  Mu Sheng shook his head, "Forget it if you don't believe me."

  When the trial was in a stalemate, there was a sudden noise outside, and the police went out to take a look, "What's the matter? It's noisy."

   "The witness who was just transported over bit his tongue and committed suicide. There was a loophole in our inspection. His mouth was highly toxic, and he is already convulsing."

"Where's the doctor?" The witness sent just now is a key figure in another case. This is what they brought back from abroad with great effort. If something goes wrong with him, the whole case will be abolished. Lost.

  "The doctor at the police station said that he couldn't see what the poison was. Let us go to the Imperial City Hospital to find an expert, but it will take at least half an hour from the Imperial City Hospital to here, I'm afraid."

  Just when everyone was at a loss, Mu Sheng didn’t know when he came out, "Take me to see."

  (End of this chapter)

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