Chapter 474

  Wen Ting is also regarded as a top-level doctor in China, but during this period of time with Mu Sheng, Wen Ting admires Mu Sheng more than before.

  Wen Ting basically accepts Western medicine. It is the first time that he has seen a person like Mu Sheng who combines Chinese and Western medicine together and uses such a handy way.

  He once thought that Han Yuan was already the best among the younger generation, but during this period of time, Wen Ting has gradually changed his views. He feels that Mu Sheng’s medical skills are probably superior to him.

  As a result, Wen Ting was very willing to help with the following invitation to Mu Sheng. He wanted to see what kind of condition it was, and he rushed over so early that he could work for Mu Sheng.

  At this time, outside the hospital, the bodyguards gathered around the housekeeper and looked at each other. They were members of the Qin family, why were they driven out? ?

  The butler grinned and touched his arm, “Go back and tell Mr. Qin first that Mu Sheng has robbed the young master.”


  The housekeeper was so upset about Mu Sheng breaking his arm, so when facing Qin Ling, he added all kinds of fuel and jealousy, so that the Qin family's head was furious, and he immediately took a large number of personnel to the Jishi Hospital.

  Such a big battle naturally attracted the attention of the news media.

  @娱乐圈 Whistle: "Look at this posture. I heard that the Patriarch of the Qin family went to catch Mu Sheng himself... Mu Sheng seems to be really over this time."

  【Who told her to mess around and make her son a vegetative? ? I deserve it, if my son is made a vegetative, I must be more angry than the Qin family. 】

  【Mu Sheng really can't jump this time. . . . Block it now, I don't like her anyway. 】

   [Laughing to death, if the Patriarch of the Emperor Qin Family can catch him personally, Mu Sheng will not live in vain in this life. 】

  At the gate of the hospital at this time, the convoy has arrived,

  The staff dared to stop the housekeeper and bodyguard, but under Qin Ling’s pressure, everyone could only step back silently.

  "Go in and search." Qin Ling gave the order, and the police accompanying him immediately prepared to go inside.

   "Hold on." At this moment, a low voice suddenly sounded on the other side, with an invisible sense of oppression.

  Everyone looked aside, their eyes widened in shock.

  Qin Ling was also a little surprised when he saw the person coming. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Why does President Li come here with a leisurely mind?"

  Li Hanchen walked over slowly, and reached out to Qin Ling, "Long time no see, President Qin."

  Qin Ling still wants to give Li Hanchen's face, he held Li Hanchen back, "Mr. Li."

   "How did you breathe with a hospital early in the morning?"

   "Look at the joke for President Li, but I am a son who was detained by this hospital. I am really impatient," Qin Ling said, motioning the housekeeper to take someone to search.

  The housekeeper hadn't moved yet, Qin Kai behind Li Hanchen had already led some people to block the door.

   Seeing this posture, Qin Ling's face sank, "What does Mr. Li mean?"

  Li Hanchen’s lips curled a small arc, “I occasionally feel cold, and I want to see a doctor for medical treatment, and help maintain order by the way.”

  "Funny," Qin Ling snorted coldly, "Dignified President Li, still need to go to this hospital to see a doctor?? Li is always a good young man, but if he insists on opposing our Qin family, our Qin family is not afraid of you."

   "President Qin said this seriously."

  The media reporters next to the press were about to cramp their hands when pressing the shutter. The gap was so complicated that everyone’s gazes, Qin Ling stepped forward, "Is President Li really not allowed?"

  Li Hanchen glanced at Qin Ling lightly, the depth in his eyes was shocking, "No."

  (End of this chapter)

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