Awakened Multi-talented Goddess Is Doted

Chapter 475: Shengsheng Exit

   Chapter 475

  Qin Ling's face sank, "President Li really wants to confront my Qin family for such an unrelated person?"

  Li Hanchen walked to the sofa and sat down, and looked at Qin Ling quietly, “Your son is undergoing an operation, and there is something to be done until the operation is over.”

  "Don't deceive people too much," Qin Ling was angry, "My son was killed by Mu Sheng, and now she is still letting her operate on my son? Impossible!!!"

  Li Hanchen did not talk nonsense with him, and signaled Qin Kai to lead someone to block the door, "I'm sorry, but the operation is not over today, and Qin is afraid that there is no way to enter the gate of the hospital."


  Qin Ling clenched his hands and wanted to argue with Li Hanchen, but thinking of the identity of Li Hanchen in the rumors, he forced his mind to calm down again, "Since Mr. Li maintains the Jishi Hospital in this way, I will give Mr. Li a face."

  After finishing speaking, Qin Ling walked to sit opposite Li Hanchen, quietly waiting for the operation to be completed.

  At this time, for nearly six hours, Qin Ling began to become impatient, "Will Mu Sheng run away? The light in the operating room has been on. Who knows if there is anyone inside."

  Li Hanchen took a sip of tea gently, "Yes."

   "Heh." Qin Ling sneered, "Mr. Li actually trusts Mu Sheng. It seems that Mu Sheng's position in Mr. Li's heart is very unusual."

  For Qin Ling's deliberate provocation, Li Hanchen just didn't hear it, and remained motionless like a stone bell.

  Seeing Li Hanchen's oil and salt not entering, Qin Ling finally couldn't help standing up, "I"

  At this moment, the door of the operating room opened and Wen Ting walked out.

  "Where is my son?? What have you done to my son?" Qin Ling greeted him immediately.

   "Mr. Qin," Wen Ting nodded slightly at Qin Ling, "Young Master's operation was very successful. Dr. Mu said that he would be able to wake up within three days."

  Qin Ling was stunned for a moment, "You mean, my son can wake up??"

   "Yes." Wen Ting nodded, "Dr. Mu performed the operation. You have to ask her about the specific situation. Thanks to Dr. Mu this time."

  While the two were talking, Mu Sheng walked out with the medical record book, "You can send the person to the ward for observation, and you can wake up within three days. The follow-up situation needs to be observed again."

   "Oh oh good," Qin Ling didn't know what to call Mu Sheng's young face, "Then, I will trouble you."

   "Hmm." Mu Sheng told the nurse to send Qin Yu to the ward as he spoke.

  The operation was quite successful, and Qin Yu woke up that night.

  The First Hospital and the Imperial City Hospital learned of the news very quickly. What they were most worried about was that the Qin's reaction might blame them on them.

  In the Imperial Hospital, Deputy Dean Liu frowned, "I have seen the patient. It is clear that there is no possibility of awakening. Is it true that Mu Sheng is Hua Renli’s apprentice?"

  (End of this chapter)

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