In the classroom, a heated debate broke out instantly.

It was because everyone couldn't believe the news!

They really didn't believe it, not to mention the deaths of millions of people.

Just the death of the mountain and sea realm strongman made these inexperienced children unbelievable!

That was a mountain and sea realm strongman. As long as he took one more step, he could step into the legendary stepping sky realm!

Apart from anything else, the strongest person responsible for protecting their city was only diamond three!

But even so, they already felt that this guardian god was invincible enough!

Above diamond, there are purple jade and star, and above that is the mountain and sea realm!

Such a person, will die!

"Quiet, quiet!"

Li Qing stood on the podium, trying to quiet everyone down, but his words were drowned in the noise and had no effect.

However, at this moment, Lu Ping suddenly shouted:

"Shut up, your ears are stuffed with donkey hair, can't you hear the teacher talking!"

Instantly, the whole classroom was stunned, and even Li Qing was stunned for a moment!

Afterwards, Lu Ping said quite obediently:

"Teacher, please continue."

"Ahem, learn from Lu Ping and don't panic when encountering things."

[Li Qing's favorite value +300]

[Hao Chao's resentment value +600]

[Li Ming's resentment value +200]

Instantly, the whole class began to brush up the emotional value again. Only the teacher was positive, and the rest were all resentful without exception, with varying degrees of resentment.

However, what does it matter? The system doesn't distinguish anything. As long as it is an emotional value, it will be accepted!

For a moment, Lu Ping, who was looking at the backstage, was very happy again!

Li Qing continued to talk:

"It has already happened, don't dwell on it too much."

"But this incident also reflects one thing, that is, there is a lack of awakeners in the world now."

"In order to solve this problem and prevent the tragedy in that city from happening again, the General Education Department issued several new regulations overnight!"

"Here I need to tell you something, this is something that concerns your future."

As he spoke, Li Qing took out another page of white paper from his briefcase and read it out:

"1. Holidays and rest time for all teaching grades will be shortened and halved!"

Just this one sentence made everyone noisy again, but Lu Ping just "coughed" twice, and everyone was discouraged.

After scanning the people in the audience, Li Qing continued:

"2. The original time for awakening superpowers during the college entrance examination was changed to awakening when entering the first academic year.

"After that, the classes will be divided according to the level of talent."

"From now on, organize the national superpower association to fully assist the school in awakening superpowers for students! ”

“3. Modify the original college entrance examination specifications. The written test remains unchanged. Cancel the spiritual test for awakening superpowers and cultivating talents, and change it to actual combat scoring! ”

“Candidates need to enter the designated spiritual gate, hunt the spiritual beasts in it, and obtain points with the spiritual crystals they harvest.”

“Since this is the first year of the new regulations, considering that the time for candidates to awaken superpowers is still short, the difficulty will be reduced as appropriate.”

After reading the straw paper in his hand, Li Qing glanced at the students who were still in shock in the audience, and he added:

“Since our school is a key school in the city, there will be staff to help everyone awaken superpowers this afternoon, so everyone should be mentally prepared!”

After speaking, he left his classmates and left here.

“Ah! "

Instantly, screams rang out in the classroom, as if they were about to break through the roof!

These students had only one thought in their minds, that they were finally going to awaken their superpowers!

Lu Ping couldn't stand this atmosphere and ran out directly.

However, when he got outside, he found that the situation outside was also a howling of ghosts and wolves.

Obviously, students in other classrooms had also received the notice and were shouting excitedly.

Lu Ping squatted beside the flower bed in melancholy, picking his buzzing ears, and for a moment he lost interest in eating.

"It's difficult..."

Just then, a shadow blocked the sunlight, and when he looked up, it turned out to be Yu Mingxue.

Obviously, she was also someone who couldn't stand the noise and came outside to find a quiet place.

She sat quietly beside Lu Ping.

Lu Ping couldn't help but feel very surprised. He was so calm because he had awakened his superpowers.

Then why was this girl so calm?

He turned his head curiously and asked:

"Hey, why do you look so sad and unhappy? "

It seems that in his impression, this girl has no interest in anything except studying.

Faced with Lu Ping's question, Yu Mingxue was silent for a while before answering:

"Times needIt has changed, maybe it won't be peaceful in the future. "

After hearing Yu Mingxue's words, Lu Ping suddenly realized that this girl also realized that point...


Lu Ping breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the students who were still boiling in the classroom. They were still excited about the news of awakening superpowers in advance.

But I didn't expect why the General Education Department would issue new regulations overnight.

It's just because the invasion of the spirit gate has become more and more frequent.

The country has been somewhat unable to resist, so there are drastic reforms!

Previously, the country wanted to give each student relatively fair treatment, so it had to wait until the students had completed three years of high school education. , awaken superpowers.

This will avoid comparisons and polarization among students.

But now, there is no other way, we can only let students jump out of their comfort zone as soon as possible and let them accept the training as soon as possible!

In this way, there will be batches of new forces joining, and the pressure of insufficient manpower will be much less.

Yu Mingxue obviously realized this, so she was not happy about awakening superpowers in advance.

Suddenly, her shoulder seemed to be patted. She turned around and found that Lu Ping had stood up.

"Why think so much, people are iron and rice is steel, and you will be hungry if you don't eat a meal!"

"Let's have a meal together?"

[Ding, resentment value from Yu Mingxue +233! 】


However, although she received the resentment value, Yu Mingxue still stood up and walked towards the cafeteria.

Lu Ping also followed immediately.

"Hey, what superpower do you think you will awaken? ”

“...” Yu Mingxue ignored him.

Lu Ping also said to himself:

“If I had to guess, you must have elemental powers, and it’s almost certain that it’s ice-attributed.”

“You’re so cold all day, you must be affected by your powers.”

“Xiao Qi, don’t you think so?”


[Resentment from Yu Mingxue +100]

[Resentment from Yu Mingxue +56]


Lu Ping kept chattering around him.

Although the girl looked calm, her emotions were constantly rising!

Although each one was not much, they added up to several thousand!

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