After Lu Ping finished his meal and returned to the classroom, the classroom, which had been quiet, started talking again after seeing Lu Ping.

Among them, Hao Chao was particularly excited!

"Lu Ping, don't be complacent, I will deal with you after my superpowers are awakened!"

"I will return the humiliation I suffered to you tenfold!"

Lu Ping, who was passing by, glanced at him, and suddenly smiled brightly on his face:

"What's the matter, haven't you eaten enough mops in the toilet?"

"Okay, I will pay attention next time and try to press you into the cesspool."

"Let you gurgle well, do you think it's feasible?"

[Ding, the anger value from Hao Chao +999! ]

"You..." Look at Hao Chao's face flushed red, like a rotten eggplant.

However, the classmates around him laughed so hard that they couldn't catch their breath, and laughed while holding their stomachs.

After all, they haven't awakened yet, so they don't have to worry about anything.

"Just wait and see!" Hao Chao suppressed his anger and ignored Lu Ping.

"Heh, you're not letting out your fart, and you're forcing yourself to squeeze in when you don't have any fart!" Lu Ping staggered back to his seat!


[Anger from Hao Chao +632! ]

But at this time, the head teacher Li Qing had already come to the podium, and he had even changed into a professional suit!

"The staff of the Superpower Association has come, which means they will help you awaken your superpowers soon."

"Gather at the gymnasium in ten minutes, everyone cheer up!"

"Teacher first wishes you all to awaken a powerful superpower and talent!"

After saying that, Li Qing looked back again.

"Lu Ping."

With a shout, Lu Ping's drowsy head immediately stood up.

"Don't sleep, let's go to the gym together."


"Do I still need to go, teacher?" Lu Ping asked in confusion.

"Yeah, what can he do if he goes!" Hao Chao can't stand Lu Ping's good now, and he wants to interfere whenever he has the chance.

"You can't stop talking about manure pits, right?"


"Quiet!" Li Qing suppressed the noise.

"Stop talking nonsense, come when I tell you to!" There was no room for negotiation in his tone.

Lu Ping could only curl his lips helplessly, but still nodded.

In the gymnasium of Xincheng No. 1 Middle School, the five classes of the entire senior year had gathered by class, just waiting to start!

On the stage, the equipment had been set up, and several staff members were waiting.

After the principal's impassioned speech, the test officially began!

"Classmates, I am the general person in charge of this awakening." A man in a dark green military uniform took the microphone.

"Due to the temporary change in the specifications of the college entrance examination this year, in order to make up for the students, this year's special approval!"

"After awakening the superpower, everyone can get two spirit crystals!"

"Moreover, in the three months before the college entrance examination, the association will grant students two spirit crystals every month!"

"For everyone's practice!"

As he said, he pulled open the black cloth covering the side, revealing a large box of crystal clear spirit crystals!

"Wow!" The venue was boiling again.

Even Lu Ping was surprised for a moment, and then he understood why Li Qing insisted on him coming, just to let him fight for this wealth!

Spirit crystals are materials that superpowers cannot do without in their practice. Whether it is upgrading or acquiring spiritual skills, spirit crystals are needed!

This thing can only be obtained from monsters, and even the lowest level spirit crystals are worth thousands of dollars.

Although absorbing spiritual energy can also be absorbed in nature, the scattered spiritual energy in nature is not as convenient as the condensed spirit crystals.

In the past, only one crystal would be given for free when awakening in the college entrance examination. If you want to get one later, you can only exchange it for credits when you go to college!

Now that so many crystals are given at once, it can be seen how much the Education Department has invested!

"Now, whoever's name I read will come up to awaken."

"Ahem, Zhang San." Clearing his throat, the person in charge read out the first name.

A thin and small classmate stood up and walked towards the stage nervously.

No matter how excited you were before, you have to be depressed when you really reach this step.

After all, this is an awakening that determines a person's life, and anyone will be nervous.

"Classmate, don't be nervous, put your hand up!"

According to the prompt, Zhang San raised his hand tremblingly and put his hand on the instrument.

After a noise, a line of words appeared on the display.

[Element System - Gale! ]

The staff on the side immediately recorded it.

"Classmate, go over there and test your talent, then you can go down after receiving the spirit crystal."

Zhang San's heart seemed to have fallen, the wind system, not too good but not bad.

According to past experience, it is probably a Class C talent.

The result was not unexpected, the test crystal did give the expected response of a Class C talent.

After receiving the spirit crystal, he went downWhen he went, he could see that his face was extremely excited.

The crowd below also began to discuss with each other, and the scene was noisy again.

Although the wind system of level C is not good, it is not bad. If it is used well, it can also achieve something!


"Next student, Wang Wu!"

As the voice fell, another boy went up.


Time passed little by little, and students awakened one after another.

Wang Fujun looked at the form in his hand that had been filled in more than half, and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Nearly half of the people have few level C talents, and there are even fewer level Bs!

Moreover, there are all kinds of supernatural powers, but they are all ordinary, and there is no special outstanding one.

"Hao Chao!" He read out the next name again.

Hearing that he was finally called, Hao Chao jumped up immediately and ran to the stage with big strides!

He couldn't wait to put his hand on the instrument!

He couldn't wait to slap Lu Ping in the face!

However, one second, two seconds... After a long while, the instrument did not respond at all.

Wang Fujun shook his head helplessly.

"Classmate, go down, you don't have superpowers!" As he said that, he put a red cross behind Hao Chao's name!

"What..." Hao Chao was already dumbfounded.

"How could it be, this machine must be broken!"

"It must be, how could I not have superpowers!"

The movement instantly attracted the attention of the whole audience, and for a while, all kinds of complicated eyes shone on Hao Chao.

Those people looked at Hao Chao, who was making a fuss on the stage, with contempt or sympathy.

Wang Fujun did not give Hao Chao a second chance.

At his signal, two soldiers immediately walked out from the side, and how could Hao Chao, who had no superpowers, resist.

They drove Hao Chao away directly.

Yes, not everyone will awaken superpowers.

People who are not favored by spiritual energy and have no superpowers are called abandoned people in this era.

"Ahem, next one, Yu Mingxue!"

Wang Fujun didn't say anything, and immediately called out the next person's name.

As soon as the voice came out, it instantly caused a commotion.

After all, Yu Mingxue is too famous in the entire No. 1 Middle School!

She is good at studying and beautiful, and she is the goddess in the hearts of countless people!

Yu Mingxue herself did not show any tension or embarrassment, and was still so calm.

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