【Resentment from Yu Mingxue +251! 】

A sentiment value floated by, and Yu Mingxue pulled Lu Ping back.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ping was a little confused.

"What's wrong with you?" Yu Mingxue asked back.

They were in class, and this person just said something vague and pulled her away. Shouldn't this be explained?

"Didn't Lao Wu say that he would take us to take the college entrance examination in advance? Didn't he tell you?"

Yu Mingxue shook her head, indicating that she didn't know.

"Then you know now." Lu Ping grinned.

【Resentment from Yu Mingxue +123! 】

Lu Ping took a look and found that this girl didn't know anything yet. It seemed that he still had to explain it himself.

But he couldn't just stand and talk, it was very tiring.

Lu Ping took Yu Mingxue and went to the small pavilion in the school.

Now the others were still in class, and there was no one to disturb them.

Lu Ping repeated the conversation with Wu Kui in detail to the girl.

But he still concealed why he was going.

If this girl knew that Lu Ping was going there so that he could suppress her in the future.

There would probably be a conflict first!

In summary, they were too awesome, and it would be a waste of time to take the exam with ordinary candidates, so they took the college entrance examination in advance.

"Three days..." Yu Mingxue muttered to herself, as if she estimated the time, and nodded again.

Then she looked up and saw Lu Ping playing with willow leaves, and she was speechless.

Why is this guy so relaxed, without any sense of urgency?

"Can you level up in these three days?" Yu Mingxue asked.

"Huh? Why level up?" Lu Ping turned around and looked at Yu Mingxue with a strange look.

"There are only three days left, so don't you have to have fun?"

Yu Mingxue didn't answer, staring at him expressionlessly.

Lu Ping understood what she was worried about:

"I'm not being too confident. Lao Wu said that the highest level of the other students is bronze."

"Look at us. In Luocheng before, killing high-level bronze players was like playing."

"Of course, I used special means to increase my strength at that time."

"But even in normal times, I am enough to beat low-level bronze players."

Lu Ping explained, but Yu Mingxue still stared at him expressionlessly.

"Hiss..., what's going on? Can this girl see through things now?" Lu Ping was a little surprised.

Obviously, Yu Mingxue didn't believe what Lu Ping said.

Or, she didn't believe that Lu Ping was so lax because his opponent was too weak.

After all, the college entrance examination is not to compete with other students, but to enter the spirit gate to fight spirit beasts!

If you are stronger than your peers, that is your advantage, but it is definitely not a reason for you to relax!

Yu Mingxue knows this, so there is no reason why Lu Ping doesn't know it.

In Yu Mingxue's impression, although Lu Ping is sometimes narcissistic, he is definitely not the kind of arrogant character.

But if Lu Ping really becomes like this, then it can only be said that she has misjudged him.

People with this kind of personality may achieve some success, but they will never become the top strong!

There are always people who are better than you, and there are always heavens beyond heaven!

Such a person may be invincible for a while, but as long as he is defeated once, he may collapse!

Under Yu Mingxue's scrutiny, Lu Ping finally told the truth with some embarrassment:

"You know, I don't have many spiritual crystals in my hand."

"The spiritual crystals at the warrior stage are useless, and bronze spiritual crystals are not easy to get."

Yes, in a word, it means that Mr. Lu has no money!

In fact, he still has some spiritual crystals obtained in the first spiritual gate trial, but they are all for the warrior stage.

At his current level, even if he absorbs it, it will not have any effect.

Some people will ask, can't he automatically absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth?

It is possible to absorb, but there is not much spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and it is even a little scarce.

So ordinary people usually rely on absorbing spiritual crystals for cultivation, which is fast and convenient.

After Lu Ping finished speaking, he added:

"But I think, even if it is a medium-sized spiritual gate, with my current strength, it will not be a big problem to deal with it."

After hearing the reason, Yu Mingxue was silent for a while and said:

"I have resources that you can use."

Originally, it was Yu Mingxue's kind words, but Lu Ping was not happy after hearing it!

"Do you think I, Mr. Lu, am the kind of person who eats for free? I will give you another chance to reorganize your words."

"Count it as I lend it to you."

"Hey, what do you mean by count it!"

"Will you lend it to me or not!"

"Borrow it! How can I not lend it to you? Well, calm down, my aunt!"

Lu Ping sat down next to Yu Mingxue.

Then we can see that Mr. Lu once again transformed into a big licker.

"Xuexue, it's getting late, let's go."

Thinking about it again, Lu Ping added:

"Since you have become my creditor, I think I need to take care of your daily life and diet!"

"No need."

"Hey~, what do you mean by no need? You go out to buy food in the morning, which is greasy and unhealthy."

"With me here, you can eat three meals a day!"

"I can't guarantee anything else, but my chef Lu's cooking skills are still impeccable!"

As he said, he pulled Yu Mingxue up.

"Let's go, it's getting late, you go home and wait."

"I'll go to the place where I was yesterday and drive the car back, and I can go home to pack up my things on the way."

"Buy some more vegetables, and let me show you my skills in the evening!"

Yu Mingxue bit her lip, her expression was a little hesitant, but she didn't say anything to refuse.

Facts have proved that cooking skills can sometimes really touch a girl's heart!

It was indeed late, and the school was still a distance away from the hot pot restaurant yesterday.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Ping still took a taxi.

"Hey, aren't you the Doctor Lu?" the taxi driver exclaimed.

Lu Ping has become a household name in Xincheng now!

Along the way, the driver kept praising him, saying that heroes have always been young.

He also provided a lot of emotional points, which made Lu Ping feel embarrassed.

In the end, he didn't charge Lu Ping for the taxi. What a good person!

"Come on, Xiaoqi, give this good person a shot!"

After shooting a big healing spell, Lu Ping got out of the car.

Over at the hot pot restaurant, the cordon was still drawn and vehicles were not allowed to pass.

Fortunately, the parking lot next to it was not closed, and Lu Ping picked up the car smoothly.

Lu Ping, sitting in the car, was really refreshed and happy!

"Well..., what should we eat tonight? This is the first time, so we have to prepare it well. Four dishes and one soup!"

As he was thinking, Lu Ping arrived at the community. He planned to come to get his luggage first, and then go back after buying vegetables.

After parking the car, Lu Ping just walked downstairs of his unit, and suddenly a group of people rushed out from the corridor of the two buildings.

They were brandishing swords and sticks, with unfriendly faces, and Lu Ping was directly surrounded.

"What's wrong, brothers, are you looking for trouble?" Lu Ping was not panicked at all. How could he be beaten at the bronze level?

At this time, another burst of rampant laughter sounded!

"Lu Ping, you really made me wait!"

Seeing the person coming out, Lu Ping frowned.

"Hmm? Are you the one..."

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