The commotion here attracted countless people to join in the fun, but no one stepped forward, fearing that they would get into trouble!

"So, who are you?" Lu Ping touched his chin and looked at the man.

The man's arrogant face froze instantly, and then he was shaking with anger:

"You, you actually forgot about me!"

At this time, Lu Ping's eyes glanced at a place, and instantly it was a flash of inspiration:

"Oh~, it turned out to be you, the eunuch Zhang Deshi, right!"

"You..." Zhang Deming's face was as suffocated as a pig liver.

"Haha, I said that it was so familiar, how about it, your father's cooking skills are not bad."

"You..." Zhang Deming was about to explode, but a hand stopped him.

"Young people should not be too angry." The man looked three points like Zhang Deming, with a big belly, stroking his mustache and said slowly.

"Hehe, if you are not angry, then you are still called a young man?" Lu Ping was not afraid at all.

"And who are you?"

[Anger from Zhang Pinshun +736! ]

This name, probably means Zhang Deshi's father.

Although the man was angry, he still smiled:

"Zhang Deming is my son."

"Oh~, it's Brother Zhang." Lu Ping said.

"After the younger one was beaten, the older one came. What does Brother Zhang mean?"

"I am the uncle of that bastard Zhang Deshi, and I can't educate my nephew?"

Lu Ping's usual style is to greet friends with a smile. As for those who come with bad intentions, Lu Ping is not polite at all.

[Anger from Zhang Pinshun +879! ]

"It's normal for you classmates to fight, and I don't have the time to control it, but didn't you hit too hard this time!"

"Really? But I don't think that if a male dog can't be controlled, it should be sterilized?" Lu Ping picked at his fingers and didn't even bother to rub him.

【Anger value from Zhang Pinshun +982! 】

The man's breathing began to get heavier, and his voice was a little low:

"Lu Ping, I know you are a life awakener. Today, you just need to cure Dezhi, and our grievances will be written off."

"Huh, it doesn't matter, if you want to fight, then fight. Why are you talking so much nonsense? I still have things to do!"


Lu Ping's figure disappeared in an instant, and the next second he flashed in front of Zhang Pinshun!

"The kid is a eunuch, and you, the old man, don't go to accompany him!" Lu Ping raised his leg and kicked him in the crotch!

But it should be said that people who can fight for the next family property are not simple people.

Seeing Lu Ping's sudden face, Zhang Pingshun was shocked, but he also opened the protective spiritual skills in time!

But he was still kicked eight feet away by Lu Ping's kick!

Rolling on the ground like a meatball.

"Go, destroy him for me!"

[Anger value from Zhang Pinshun +1000! ]

Zhang Pinshun is used to being powerful in the new city, and no one dares to kick him like this!

For a moment, those thugs rushed forward, and some of them even transformed into beasts and rushed towards Lu Ping!

These people are Zhang Pinshun's subordinates, most of whom are ninth-level warriors, and there are three awakened beast spirits.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, these are indeed a group of local snakes, but they are still not good enough for Lu Ping!

Even if he doesn't knock on the small blue bottle, just relying on his second-level bronze and ten times the physical fitness is enough to crush them!





When the people from the management bureau arrived, they were all shocked!

They received a report before that someone here was fighting in a crowd and had used superpowers!

You know, China has clear regulations that it is forbidden to use superpowers in the city unless it is necessary!

Especially using supernatural powers to fight is strictly prohibited!

So as soon as they received the alarm, they came without stopping!

But what did they see? Seventeen or eighteen people were lying in a mess, some were hanging on trees, some were slapped against the wall...

There was only one person standing in the whole place, and that person was stepping on a person to block it!

"Brother, bear with it, there is no knife, so this is the only way!" Lu Ping stomped his feet hard again.

Zhang Pinshun was swollen and spitting white foam, and he was unconscious.

"Hehe, you loser, you have no ability and you are learning from the underworld!"

Lu Ping kicked twice more.

"Uncle police, come quickly, I will help you subdue the bad guys!"

Lu Ping waved his hands at the police at the door, like a child asking for a reward.

But the police walked up to him with a stern look.

"Snap!" A handcuff was firmly stuck on his wrist!


"Oh, no, brother, you caught the wrong guy!"

But the police didn't care about him at all:

"Take him away!"

"Hey, no!"

"Wrong!! You are wrong! "


Lu Ping was arrested again, but fortunately, there were cameras and several enthusiastic grandpas and aunts to testify for him.

Lu Ping was considered to be self-defense, while Zhang Pinshun and his gang regarded it as provoking trouble. It seems that he will have to eat the government's food for a few months.

But when Lu Ping came out, it was already dark.

"Hey, what's the matter!"

Lu Ping walked on the road with his head down, so angry that he took out his anger on the pebbles on the roadside!

[Resentment value from Yu Mingxue +725!]

"Huh? What did I do again? Why am I still brushing resentment... Damn it!"

Lu Ping was stunned at first, and then he remembered that he was still carrying a heavy burden!

"Fuck you, Zhang Deshi, next time I see you, I will! ”

Lu Ping used flashes endlessly, and ran back desperately, cursing Zhang Deshi eight hundred times in his heart!

He flashed once every two seconds, and in less than a minute, he had returned to Yu Mingxue's neighborhood!

But he began to feel scared. Lu Ping, who was not afraid of fighting with more than ten or twenty people, was actually scared of facing a door!

"It's already nine o'clock, tsk, it's over..."

Lu Ping paced back and forth, and finally decided to go buy vegetables.

Although buying ready-made meals can indeed fill your stomach in time, it does not reflect Lu Ping's sincerity.

Still flashing on the road, ten minutes later, Lu Ping, carrying a bag full of ingredients, rang the doorbell!

After a while, Yu Mingxue opened the door, and she stood there expressionlessly, staring at Lu Ping without saying a word.

"Well, well..." Lu Ping swallowed his saliva.

"Pah! "The door was shut again!

"Hey, Xuexue, I was wrong, open the door and let me in!"

"At worst, let me cook for you before you drive me away. You can't treat your stomach badly!"

Lu Ping begged at the door, but there was no more movement in the house.

"Let's fight!" Lu Ping gritted his teeth and flashed into the house!

Swoosh! Lu Ping's body instantly appeared in the living room.

Yu Mingxue was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, holding a spirit crystal in his hand to absorb.

But Lu Ping didn't care about these. He saw that there were several bags of opened instant noodles on the coffee table.

Obviously, Yu Mingxue hardly ate anything.

"You just eat this?" Lu Ping was a little surprised.

Yu Mingxue didn't even move her eyelids, and pointed to the door, the meaning was obvious.

"I can roll by myself, but can you wait for me to finish cooking first?"

Yu Mingxue didn't say anything.

"If you don't say it, then I will take it as your consent! "

After saying that, Lu Ping walked into the kitchen carrying the ingredients.

He started to clean up with a lot of noise.

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