You can talk about talent level as you like, but the aura of bronze level 4 is real.

You know, the highest of those Class A talents he recorded before was only bronze level 2.

Maybe some people will say that bronze level 2 and level 4 are only one level apart, so the Qiankun level is not that great.

If you calculate it this way, then you really can't see the difference.

But you know, they can be promoted to level 2 mostly because of the spiritual power feedback brought by breaking through the realm.

It is often the easiest to upgrade from level 1 to level 2, but in the future, without this wave of benefits, it will be a bit difficult to break through again.

Didn't you see that Lu Ping absorbed more than a dozen spirit crystals in two days, but he didn't break through.

And more than a dozen spirit crystals are enough for people with Class A talents to absorb for a month!

This is the difference.

If spiritual energy is compared to water, then Yu Mingxue can be compared to the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.

Spiritual energy can rush into the sea with the help of the wide riverbed, which means it is absorbed by Yu Mingxue for cultivation.

Others are like small streams and rivers, which can only flow gently.

Perhaps the gap between the two is not so big, but the truth is the truth.

Yu Mingxue will gradually widen the gap with ordinary people with her cultivation speed until she is out of reach.

In China, the last person with Qiankun-level talent has now become one of the Five Heavenly Pillars!

In fact, the registrar was not only surprised by the talent.

He was even more shocked that the person standing in front of him was a future Heaven-stepping Powerful Man!

And he was still sitting there? !

It was simply, the opposite of Tiangang!

He instantly lost his composure and stood up quickly.

But because he was too nervous, he was tripped by the stool again and fell directly on his buttocks.

After this operation, Yu Mingxue frowned.

Is this person okay?

Even if the man stood up, he was at a loss, handing over water and stools at the same time.

Yu Mingxue refused, and then said:

"Have you registered?"

"Well, okay, okay."

"Oh, by the way, this is for you."

The staff handed Yu Mingxue another bracelet-like thing.

"Take it, this is a sensor bracelet, with positioning and emergency functions."

"If you encounter any danger during the assessment, you must ask for help in time!"

"Remember, remember, remember!"

Important things should be said three times.

"Hey, hey, hey, just talk, why are you holding hands!"

Lu Ping saw that the staff member was holding Yu Mingxue's wrist and didn't let go, and he instantly lost his composure!

"Ahem, sorry, sorry!" The staff member quickly let go.

Yu Mingxue quietly retreated to the side and said something to Wu Kui.

"Hello, are you also a student?"

"Yeah, can't you tell?"

Ever since this person pulled Yu Mingxue's wrist, Lu Ping felt that this person looked awkward!

Even his words were a little aggressive.

But the staff didn't care about these, he was more excited!

It was worth it to meet a Qiankun-level person and pull her wrist!

"Hello, please tell me your name."

"Lu Ping, Lu Ping's Lu, Lu Ping's Ping."

"Uh..." He originally knew how to write the word Lu Ping, but after hearing it repeated, he didn't know it anymore.

"Why, you can't even write this? How did you go to elementary school!" Lu Ping's face was full of disappointment.

"The road is very flat, understand?"

[Resentment value from Zeng Liang +111! ]

"Okay, what is the superpower."

Although there was a little resentment in his heart, the work still had to be done.

"Pray for the angel and the power to awaken." As he said that, Lu Ping directly pulled Xiao Qi out to show his appearance.

"Chi, chi~!"

Looking at the elf flying in the sky, the man was shocked again.

What happened today? What kind of gods did he meet?

One is the winter power, the peak of the ice element in the element system, and the other is the king of the life system superpowers - the angel of prayer.


"The talent is..." The man was nervous, it wouldn't be another Qiankun boss.

"Hehe..." Lu Ping laughed evilly, but didn't say anything, but showed some spiritual power.

Bronze three is indeed very strong, but not as big as the impact of Yu Mingxue's bronze four.

Level two to level three, no matter what, is still in the lower bronze stage, but level four has already stepped into the middle bronze level.

The gap between the two is different.

Therefore, it is really impossible to judge the talent based on level three.

It's a bit high to say Qiankun, so what about writing A-level? It's a bit low.

It's hard to do it, it's hard to do it.

"Well, why don't you tell me?" the staff asked cautiously.

But this made Lu Ping dissatisfied:

"I am also Qiankun, and you can't even see this!"Damn, why is it that the girl can just show her spiritual power, but he was questioned.

You are not good enough, young man, you act according to people's mood (physical), right!

Am I not handsome? What's wrong with that!

Thinking of this, Lu Ping's face became even worse.

Fortunately, the man didn't care too much, and he just filled out a form here. What really matters is the results obtained in the assessment.

"Hello, bracelet, you should know the functions, I won't introduce it in detail."

"Huh? What do I know? I don't know anything. Please introduce it to me!"

[Resentment value from Zeng Liang +233! ]

Take a deep breath and smile again:

"This is a sensor bracelet, which has positioning and emergency functions. If you encounter danger, you must ask for help in time."

After that, there was a long silence.

"Sir? Anything else?"

"Hmm? Finished? No, I remember there was one sentence missing!"

Lu Ping picked his ears, picked out some snack crumbs, blew them away, and then smiled at the staff.

[Resentment from Zeng Liang +421! ]

"Remember, remember, remember!"

"This sentence doesn't count, you haven't held my hand yet! Hold my hand and say it again!"

[Resentment from Zeng Liang +576! ]

Ah no, why should I hold your hand, you old man, are you ashamed!

Wu Kui laughed enough in the back and stopped him:

"That's enough, are you going to leave or not!"

Lu Ping gave up and turned to leave.

But even now, Lu Ping is still indignant!

"You kid, don't look so droopy, as if someone owes you millions!"

Hearing Wu Kui's words, Lu Ping pointed at Yu Mingxue and said:

"Hey, no, why is it okay for her to show her aura? I am also very strong, why do you question me!"

Wu Kui retorted without any hesitation:

"Hehe, who told you to practice for two days and fish for three days.

"If you also break through to the middle bronze level, wouldn't you be high and mighty?"

Lu Ping wanted to refute, but Wu Kui didn't want to listen at all.

"Come on, don't talk nonsense, I will get you two tents later, have a good rest tonight, don't practice."

"Get enough rest, tomorrow is the official assessment, and you should have trouble sleeping for a long time in the future!"

After saying that, Wu Kui turned around and left, but Lu Ping ran over and grabbed him:

"Hehe, you don't need to get two, we can use one, and help Longyuan Army save some money. "

"Hey, you're so weak, you still want to practice more tonight? Can you do it tomorrow?"

"Hey, explain yourself clearly, who are you looking at?"

"Also, what do you mean by practice more? I don't understand!"

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