As the sky gradually darkened, the registration time was about to end.

There were a total of 111 students participating in this assessment, which means that there were more than 100 Class A talents in this class!

This is the population base advantage of China!

Maybe Dongsang Country had to work hard for many generations to gather so many people.

If all the people in this class can grow up.

Not to mention that they can all reach the mountain and sea stepping sky, but diamonds and purple jades are still within their grasp.

It is naturally a good thing to have more peak powerhouses, but the backbone is also very important.

In the evening, Lu Ping took Yu Mingxue to have the last meal in the fortress cafeteria.

During this period, due to Yu Mingxue's attractive appearance, several students wanted to rely on their talents to win the beauty.

But they were all blocked by Lu Ping.

On the way back, Lu Ping was still angry:

"Damn, you want to come here to poach the boss when he's still here!"

"Xue Xue, next time if I'm not here, just slap me!"

Lu Ping also demonstrated step by step, fanning the air crazily.

Yu Mingxue ignored him, just glared at him.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just helping you get rid of flies, you don't want a bunch of people around you, do you?"

As he said that, Lu Ping deliberately nudged Yu Mingxue with his shoulder.

"Oh, by the way, I'll give you something good!"


Lu Ping was holding a small blue bottle in his hand, and Yu Mingxue looked familiar.

"Hey, this medicine is very strong, if you encounter danger and can't leave, just take it!"

Lu Ping smiled evilly, and was about to give her the small blue bottle of oral medicine.

But Yu Mingxue dodged, because the more she looked at this thing, the more familiar it became.

Instantly, a flash of lightning flashed in her head.

She remembered that Lu Ping had taken this bottle of medicine and exploded in the explosion accident!

But then, he started to have convulsions!

For no reason, Yu Mingxue thought about what it would be like if she had a convulsion, and she was shocked all over!

Seeing the smirk on Lu Ping's face again, she seemed to know what Lu Ping was thinking!

She would never drink it even if she died!

[Resentment value from Yu Mingxue +825! ]

"Huh?" Lu Ping was stunned. I gave you the medicine for exploding out of kindness, why do you blame me!

Although there are some side effects, it can save lives!

"No need, I don't need it."

"Besides, even if there is danger, aren't you here?"

After saying that, Yu Mingxue turned around and walked towards her tent.

Lu Ping was stunned by what she said. What did she mean by this?

"Hiss..., is it a confession?" Lu Ping's heart was beating.

At this time, Yu Mingxue paused, and seemed to feel that she had said something wrong, and hurriedly tried to make amends:

"Don't get me wrong, I said that with your Xiaoqi here, nothing will happen."

"Even if we really encounter a particularly big crisis, it's better to have you taking drugs than me."

"Well, that's it."

After saying that, Yu Mingxue turned around and left, her steps a little hurried.

But Lu Ping had already realized:

"Sure enough, this crazy woman still wants to see me make a fool of myself, right!"

"But how did she know that her seizure was caused by this little blue bottle?"

"Well..., I have to find an opportunity in the future, and I must give this crazy woman the little blue bottle once!"

"I can't be the only one in this world who has seizures!"

Thinking about it, Lu Ping returned to his tent.

The next day, just after dawn, a whistle sounded, attracting everyone to gather!

Lu Ping pulled Yu Mingxue to stand together. After all, only the two of them knew each other well and could trust each other.

In front of the student stood a man in military uniform with a dragon claw emblem on his chest, obviously also a member of the Longyuan Army.

"Well, I'm Liu Beifa, the chief officer of this fortress."

"I think everyone already knows why we're here, so I won't say any more nonsense."

"Let's get straight to the point!"

"This time, it's a ten-day college entrance examination, and the results will be used directly as college entrance examination results!"

"Within ten days, everyone needs to leave the fortress, go outside to hunt spirit beasts, and collect spirit crystals."

"You are not allowed to enter the fortress during the examination. Once you return, it will be considered as giving up."

"The bracelets issued to you are for calling for help. Once you encounter a situation where you are unable to do so, you must not show off your ability!"

"Don't feel ashamed. Everyone's talents are among the best in the country. I don't want everyone to lose their lives just because of an examination."

"Also, although there is no rule that prohibits snatching spirit crystals, I personally advise that it is better not to do so."

"Because everyone's every move here will be monitored throughout the process."

"If just because of this behavior, everyone loses the life they should haveIt would be a pity to lose the title you have obtained."

"One last thing, if you can reach the end of the forest, you will see a big river."

"I advise you not to go through it, because the strength of the spirit beasts there will be several degrees stronger!"

"Silver-level spirit beasts can be found everywhere, but if someone has the confidence to try, then just ignore what I said!"

After that, Liu Beifa glanced at the students in front of him, and then looked at the time.

"Ding, Ding... Da!"

Then, Liu Beifa shouted loudly:

"Let's go, everyone, I wish you all a good result! "

As soon as the voice fell, the crowd moved instantly.

All kinds of superpowers were available at any time, some could turn into birds, and some could turn into beasts.

There were also many awakened elementalists.

At the same time, there were all kinds of strange superpowers, which could be called a hodgepodge!

Everyone was running fast, trying to seize the opportunity!

But Lu Ping was not in a hurry, and slowly pulled Yu Mingxue behind him.

When the last two people walked out, the fortress door slowly closed.

In front of the two people was a dense primeval forest.

There were towering The trees are towering into the sky, and there are also hidden jungles with strange rocks.

At the same time, you can also see the vaguely visible mountains and valleys in the distance.

This is where we will fight for the next ten days!

Do it, do it, do it!

The two set off tacitly, obviously intending to join forces!

At this time, the fortress also began to operate.

A row of people were operating computers, and a whole wall was divided into dozens of small screens.

The picture on the screen was the student who had just set off.

"The positioning test is normal, and the vital signs test is normal."

Someone reported.

Just looking at the big screen, it was already full of people.

There were those examiners, and there were also a dozen people in formal clothes.

Those people were checking the student registration form in their hands.

"Fuck!" One of them couldn't help but exclaimed.

Then the others also kept saying fuck.

Because they saw Yu Mingxue's page almost at the same time.

The big words were really dazzling!

"Qiankun level talent, bronze level 4! ”

“Fuck!” At this time, another voice rang out.

“Brother Hou, your slow pose won’t work. How can you compete with us with your reaction!”

Someone said jokingly.

The old man surnamed Hou wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:

“No, how about you turn the page again?”

“What else can we do? Is there another expert?”

As he said that, the others also turned the page again...

“Fuck!” The voices were really in unison!

Another Qiankun level, and it’s the supernatural power of the praying angel!

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