"What the hell!"

Everyone was shocked. They flipped the two pages back and forth, unable to believe their eyes.

What's going on? Qiankun-level talents are everywhere?

Some people even tilted their heads to look at the information in other people's hands to ensure the authenticity of the information.

"These two people are from the same place!" Someone exclaimed again.

"Xincheng? Who went to Xincheng, Wu Kui..."

"Wu Kui! Who is Wu Kui!" The man saw the information on the information and shouted Wu Kui's name.

"What, why are you calling me?" Wu Kui sat in the back, shaking his legs, as cool as he could be.

"Is this information authentic?" The man tapped the paper with trembling hands.

"Hehe, what's the use of looking at that paper? Isn't there real-time monitoring here? Look!"

"Oh, right! Adjust it quickly!"

After searching for a while, a monitoring picture was enlarged.

Then everyone focused on the two people running fast on the screen.

At this time, Lu Ping can be said to have maxed out his skills, and the detector skills are fully deployed.

With him as the center, everything within a kilometer radius is in sight!

He saw that a few hundred meters to the left, three examiners were working together to attack a... rock?

But obviously, it was not an ordinary rock. The three attacks landed on the rock without any trace.

There was not even a crack or a broken rock.

With the help of the detector, Lu Ping sensed that this rock was actually intelligent!

The knowledge about spirit beasts quickly passed through his mind, and he recognized the spirit beast.

The giant rock beast, this guy can be said to be the main one who focuses both attack and activity on defense!

Don’t look at it as just a bronze-level spirit beast, but even an ordinary silver-level spirit beast can’t break its defense!

"These guys, are they crazy!" Lu Ping was speechless!

As expected, good talent does not mean good brains. These people are obviously not listening well in class.

The giant rock beast is just basking in the sun. Who has offended anyone? Just go up and beat him up!

The key is, can you beat him? Are you trying to make trouble?

Yu Mingxue followed behind and asked:

"Where should we go first?"

Lu Ping retracted his gaze, was silent for a while, and replied:

"It's just the beginning now. There must be a lot of people nearby. It's impossible to stay near the fortress."

"If we join forces, I think the high-level bronze spirit beasts will also respond. So, why don't we go directly to the depths?"

Lu Ping did not act arbitrarily, but made a suggestion.


The two continued to run towards the depths, and the monitor in the sky also followed them.

In the hall of the fortress, no one spoke, staring at the screen nervously.

Everyone was looking forward to seeing the performance of Lu Ping and Yu Mingxue.

If the two really have the talent of the Qiankun level and have the corresponding strength, then it is really a celebration for China!

Even those people in the admissions office started to record the screen.


Of course, they sent a message to the school to snatch people!

Pulling back to the other side, Lu Ping and the others had already run a long distance.

The dozens of meters high city wall had already blurred and disappeared.

And no one could be seen within the range of the detector.

Suddenly, a three or four meter tall armored bear broke into the range.

The armored bear, with scales all over its body, has high defense and is also very strong.

The only shortcoming may be that its eyesight is not good.

But its sense of smell and hearing make up for this. Overall, it is considered a very strong spirit beast.

This one looks like it is at the middle bronze level, it can be dealt with!

As soon as he said it, Lu Ping turned his head and said to Yu Mingxue:

"There's a blind bear in front, what do you do? Let's do it!"

"Huh?" Yu Mingxue was very surprised because she didn't see any trace of the spirit beast.

But Lu Ping wouldn't make such a joke. Since he saw it, it must be there.

Yu Mingxue nodded, and one hand reached behind her and grasped the handle of the knife on her back.

Seeing Yu Mingxue's action, Lu Ping was also ready to go!

"Xuexue, I'll go first!"

After saying that, Lu Ping's figure disappeared instantly!

Yu Mingxue's spirit skill has a pre-casting swing, and she has to wait for the snowflakes to spread.

But Lu Ping's flash doesn't have it, that's it!

This scene was transmitted back to the base, and a row of people stood up!

"What the hell, where are the people! Is the camera broken!"

They didn't know that Lu Ping had the skill of instant body, and when they saw Lu Ping disappear, they were directly confused.

"The instrument is operating normally, there is no malfunction."

"Roar!" Suddenly, an angry roar came from the screen!

"What's going on? Adjust it, adjust it quickly!" the man urged anxiously.

Following the sound, Lu Ping finally jumped into the screen.

Only watchLu Ping held the knife in one hand, and the other side was an armored bear with one arm cut off!

Lu Ping was a little surprised that he didn't kill with one strike. He flashed directly behind the armored bear and cut the neck with the knife!

Logically, the armored bear had no time to react!

But this armored bear did it. The moment Lu Ping appeared, the armored bear reacted.

First, it leaned down to avoid Lu Ping's horizontal slash, and then took advantage of Lu Ping's missed strike and lost his concentration, raised his big palm and slapped him!

It seems that the spirit beasts that can grow in the medium-sized spirit gate are not simple cannons!

Full vigilance!

Although Lu Ping lost his concentration for a moment, he already had a countermeasure!

At the moment when the palm was about to fall, the cooling time of the flash was over!

"Swoosh!" The palm missed, and this time it was the blind bear's turn to be stunned!

"Swish!" A cold light flashed, and the shadow of the knife slashed, and the blind bear's arm was completely cut off from the shoulder!

This time, Lu Ping chose a more conservative attack. Cutting off an arm was enough!

This armored bear seemed to have wisdom, even though its arm was broken.

But it did not panic, but locked onto Lu Ping and kicked him!

Unable to dodge, Lu Ping could only block with his sword, but he was still kicked more than ten meters away!

That's why he roared at the beginning!

Now the blind bear has taken precautions. If he is so careless, he will suffer.

If Lu Ping is alone, it may be a little difficult, but don't forget that he has teammates!

Lu Ping smiled slightly, and Yu Mingxue's figure flashed behind the blind bear in an instant!

But the blind bear didn't know if it was Lu Ping. It just relied on perception and turned around to attack subconsciously!

But it was empty again!

Although Yu Mingxue's spiritual skills have a pre-casting swing, her instant body has no cooling time!

The blind bear's flaws have been exposed, it's time to end!

Lu Ping flashed into the battle circle again, and with one slash, he directly opened the bear's back (physically)!

A red line slowly overflowed from between the scales, but even so, it was still alive!

Just as it was about to attack, Yu Mingxue flashed and attacked again!

With one slash, the armored bears were already separated!

Husband and wife...ah no no, a mixed cut of men and women, just ask how you can survive!

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