Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 144: ? The first condensed star power sword energy, accidentally cut through the wall

Suddenly, it became version 2.0. After reading the introduction, Lin Fan suddenly wanted to call 666.

One person has been added to version 2.0! Yes, kneel in rows!

Do you need to use two swords yourself?

carry on!

Now I still have money, I still have the third and fourth-grade essence and blood in my hand, and I can still pay back, I still have 340 credits, these are all money!

Don't panic!

How can you not upgrade such a skill?







Talent skills: Passive sword skill: 100% empty-handed 3 can only use the sword to activate the passive sword skill. When using it, three people can kneel in front of you to catch your sword with both hands, and time can also be superimposed on one person. 100% success]

Sure enough, the 3.0 version was handed over empty-handed and turned into three people!

If there are three people in a family, they can kneel in neat rows, what a harmonious scene.

And the upgrade experience has once again become 10,000, and there is another big money-eater.

It takes 1 million to use the first-grade essence and blood, and 500,000 to use the second-grade essence and blood, and he has several such guys.

Only 3308 left in Star Power Point at this time!

Lin Fan got up and took a shower. He opened six acupuncture points in one night. His body was already stinking with impurities excreted from his body pores. He changed his clothes and stayed up all night, but he was not sleepy at all. Refreshingly took a good knife and sword out of the door.

Grab the telescopic rope with one hand and jump down. When it reaches the bottom, press and hold the switch to stop instantly, and the body naturally falls.

It is six o'clock in the morning at this time.

But many people in Jiutian Academy have gotten up. In this world, there is never a shortage of people who work hard. You think you are working hard, but there are always people who work harder than you.

And how many students who can go to Jiutian Academy who don't work hard?

Even Lin Fan saw someone come back with a weapon with a look of fatigue, obviously not asleep all night, really hard, in this kind of school, even if you are very good, you can still feel a sense of urgency.

On the playground, there are already many people who are running some basic training with weights.

Lin Fan came to the Xingli Training Hall. He read the manual of the academy yesterday to know that there is a special training room for awakened people of Grade 1 or above to practice star power, such as Xingli Sword Qi, Xingli Sword Qi and so on. As it gradually grows, it will become bigger and bigger, and it will require a special training room.

The Star Force Training Hall has only one storey exterior, but it is actually underground.

The person on duty at the front desk said without lifting his head: "The second-ranking realm is three hours and one credit, and the third-ranking realm is three hours and five credits."


One credit is 10,000 yuan! Really expensive!

Because he was not familiar with this place, Lin Fan couldn't find a place suitable for him to train, so he missed the abandoned construction site in Fengcheng and didn't need money.

Lin Fan couldn't help asking, "What about the Fourth Stage?"

The staff on duty then looked up at Lin Fan. When he saw that he was so young, he said angrily: “Of course, go to the special training hall of the instructor level. There are only second and third ranks here, um, the first rank is also OK, you It’s a freshman, and if you have money, you can choose any way you want, and you can choose the third-grade training room."

Lin Fan is speechless, is he stupid? There is a second-grade training room, and it is necessary to have a third-grade training room, but that is five credits, 50,000 yuan, five times more expensive!

"No, I want a second-grade training room, three hours."

"Freshman, report your name and student ID, I will deduct it for you from the Internet."

Lin Fan reported his name and student ID. The staff on duty performed a few operations. The action stopped abruptly. He raised his head to look at Lin Fan and asked in surprise: "You just enrolled in school yesterday. The Lin from Fengcheng Where?"

"No! It's just the same name."

Lin Fan smiled calmly, and said casually: "If I were that kind of arrogant, I would laugh to death in my dreams."


The staff on duty nodded and said: "The book I read clearly says that he is twelve feet tall. He has a fierce face and is full of evil spirits. Even if it is not so exaggerated, it is certainly not as ordinary as you."

Lin Fan: "..."

He was a little speechless, and for the first time, he was told to face to face that he was ordinary, who was not envious of his handsome appearance.

This person is so ignorant, believe it or not, I will teach you how to be a person in minutes!

"Why? You say you are ordinary, don't you agree?"

The staff on duty seemed to see that Lin Fan was unhappy. Not only did they not apologize, but eagerly tried to say provocatively: "We practice, how about bet 10 credits, I will let you have two legs and one hand, otherwise I will lose. How do you dare?"

This person has a pit in his head!

"Haha~ Senior, how strong is it?" Lin Fan smiled and asked with interest.

The other party did not expect that Lin Fan not only did not refuse, but instead asked about his strength. He was quite courageous, but he quickly curled his lips. It was simply bullying the child. He threw Lin Fan a door card and said, "Okay. Room 103 on the eighth floor, get out."

Lin Fan was not annoyed. He took the key card and when he turned to leave, he asked, "Senior, are you on the people list or on the ground?"

Tu Zhuo squinted at Lin Fan. This freshman is very interesting. He has a calm personality and has never been angry. But he still said with a disdain: "The 36th in the ranking, Tu Zhuo, the kid is looking for me. Trouble, please be with me at any time!"

He is a talented arrogant, thirty-sixth in the rankings, very strong. Although he is on the list of 100, there are so many second-ranks in key schools, and the competition is fiercer. There is no ordinary person who can make the list. How can a freshman come up?

Moreover, he is not afraid of things, he is eager to fight!

"Oh, it turns out to be Senior Tu Zhuo, I hope I have time to communicate more." Lin Fan grinned, Tu Zhuo's name has been recorded in his notebook, and he will hit the list soon. After that, he turned and left. .

I vaguely heard the chuckle and self-talking behind me.

"This freshman is crazy, and looks handsome. Unfortunately, the university doesn't care if you are handsome or not, it only depends on whether you are strong or not, and then the seniors will teach you how to be a man."


It turns out that this guy is not blind.

Well, when the time comes to hit him, hit him two less punches.

The idea of ​​respecting the strong is becoming more and more obvious, and this is true in every population.

Eight floors underground!

Lin Fan looked at the hallway where he couldn't see his head at a glance. There were special rooms on both sides. The whole building was made of metal, and there was no sound at all. He found Room 103 and swiped his card to enter.

There was almost nothing in the room. It was empty. There was a futon in the corner and a cushion. Some people could sit or lie down to rest when they were tired from training, or let some trainers lie down and sleep for a while.

There is a light on the top, the light source is not dark, not dazzling, and there are vents.

There is a special alloy wall on the wall, protruding out, you can understand at a glance, you can practice cutting or hammering on it.

Only three hours!

Lin Fan decided to hurry up, every minute and every second is money. This time Lin Fan did not practice the basic techniques, nor did he practice the sword technique of Thunder Slashing God Jue. Instead, he condensed the star power sword energy or star power sword energy. As mentioned in the exercise method, the initial moves and the condensed sword qi need to be practiced separately, so that it is more efficient, and then they are combined into one when fighting.

As for condensing the star power knife energy and the sword energy, they are both, extend the star power from the orifice point, and control the star power through constant proficiency. As for the sword or the sword, it doesn’t matter, so Lin Fan took it out first. sword.

The sword is narrower, smaller in area, and energy-saving, and the smaller the amount, the easier it is to succeed. The star power is released from the newly opened orifice point in the hand and attached to the sword.


A sword braving the light!

Although Lin Fan's mental power is strong, he still can't control the star power attached to the sword. The star power dissipates not very quickly, but it is very uneven. There is a feeling of forcibly stabilizing, and as soon as he relaxes, he looses the sand.


A batch!

Xingli left the sword, a vague Xingli sword aura that was only one-point similar to the shape of a sword, and just a few inches from the sword, it crashed, collapsed and dissipated in the air.

Yu Wei smashed on the wall, it was without power at all!

This cut on the enemy, it is better to directly lift the sword and cut.

"This can't work! The power is so weak!" Lin Fan saw this scene, thinking about the Xingli Dao Qi and Jian Qi of Duan Chuan and Chang Man, the gap was too big.

Duan Chuan’s star power sword aura and the ever-full star power sword aura are as solid as the real thing, and their power is infinite, and Han Ruxin’s fist is attached to the face, which seems to be different, just like a layer of armor-like substance. , The density is more compact, in contrast, he is just a layer of foam, without the enemy's force, he collapsed.

It seems that this thing is really difficult!

A long way to go!

If you let others know that Lin Fan will be able to form and break away from the sword the first time he tries the Star Power Sword Qi, then he will be dumbfounded, and his eyes will pop out. This Nima is too ridiculous.

Normally awakened!

When breaking through the second rank at the beginning, when the star power can be released, it is impossible to fully concentrate the star power on the weapon, let alone cut it out for the first time.

Basically, in many cases, the star power begins to spread in the air without fully extending it to the weapon.

And Lin Fan’s first Star Power Sword Qi not only formed, well, the shape of the sword was not visible. Although it was ugly, it could still be detached from the sword. Although it dissipated within a few inches of leaving, the difference was not in comparison with others. A little bit.

It is not a level at the beginning, one is on the mountain, and the other is at the foot of the mountain!

And then immediately.

Lin Fan finished a sword!

He did not continue immediately, but was thinking about the shortcomings. At the beginning, there must be more shortcomings, but he needed to improve, and he chose to start with the simpler remedy.

Thinking about it for ten seconds!

carry on!

One sword after another, the time for thinking in the middle is getting more and more, because the changes are getting bigger and bigger.

From the beginning, the shape of Xingli Sword Qi was only a sword like that, slowly becoming 20%, 30%, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Obviously, the movement of each sword slashed on the alloy wall is getting louder and louder. From the initial pouting sound to a low booming roar, the power keeps rising.

If you let other people know, you must call the monster directly, this kind of speed of progress is terrible!

For others to condense the star strength sword qi or sword qi, even at the initial stage, the unit of progress is calculated in days, even weeks or even months, while the unit of Lin Fan’s progress is calculated in minutes, or one time. Calculated by the number of swords.

Even if Duan Chuan was here, his jaw dropped to the ground.

He knew that Lin Fan was talented in swordsmanship, but the speed at which he could condense the star power sword aura was too fast!

In the same way, Xingli Daoqi is a principle!

Unfortunately, there is no audience at this time, and Lin Fan is not satisfied with his progress, because he feels that his progress is getting slower and slower! It seems to have reached a bottleneck!

The sword speed is getting slower and slower!

Because the star power consumed by each sword ranges from 150 to 200, the star power is consumed very quickly. He currently has a maximum star power of 6299. He opened the last acupuncture point in the morning. After stabilization, his current star power in his body is about 5800, so It takes about 30 times to swing the sword with all strength, and within three hours, Lin Fan strives to make the most progress.

So swing every sword very cautiously, and try to make a little progress!

Lin Fan also discovered that the benefits of his mental power can help him discover his own shortcomings more quickly. It is clear that his mental power observation is much stronger than the naked eye observation, and he can sense many things that the naked eye can't see.

Two hours passed.

At this time Lin Fan was sweating profusely, he had already swung 25 swords! Mental power also seemed very tired!

Observing with mental power, it is indeed more careful, but it also consumes more energy, and without a sword, Lin Fan is doing his best, not that he will not be tired if he is not a sword.

On the contrary, the more this kind, the more tired!

Every sword strives to improve. At this time, the star power wrapped on the sword has been solidified several times. Of course, it is still very loose, but it already has a shape.

At this point, it is already difficult to progress!

Even if you see the shortcomings, you can't adjust it, after all, the spirit is tired!

what is it now?

There is still an hour!

And there are about 5 swords left in the star power in the body!

Restore star power here?

It is indeed a good place, quiet.

But it was immediately rejected by Lin Fan himself, no, 3333 yuan an hour, where can I go out to meditate to restore the star power.

"Oh, by the way, I still have sword intent!" Lin Fan suddenly remembered, didn't he still have sword intent.

What is the power of condensing the star power sword aura, plus the sword intent?

Will the power of sword intent increase?

Thinking about it this way, Lin Fan was ready to try it. After all, he had spent money, so he couldn't waste it.

The star power is attached to the sword, the big sword is shining, and in the next moment, a sharp sword intent is added to the sword again, and in that moment, the star power sword aura that was originally formed in a four-point shape is arranged neatly and uniformly in an instant. On the sword.

Lin Fan was immediately stunned!

Sword Intent still has this effect?

He carefully observed that the star power was instantly compressed on the blade by the sword intent, which was equivalent to forcibly pressing on it. The star power attached to the sword faced the sword intent like a son saw his father, not Lin Fan. It was already time to control the even distribution of star power, but the sword intent suppressed it instinctively.


Lin Fan slammed!

A flawless star power sword energy broke away from the sword and slashed directly on the alloy wall.


There was a loud noise.

I saw a half-meter deep gully suddenly appeared on the alloy wall with only some shallow traces.

I am grass!

It looks good!

Of course, Lin Fan also knew that his own star power sword aura was actually the power of the sword intent, among which the power of the star power sword aura was insignificant, but it was so beautiful!

There was a big gap in appearance from the Xingli Jianqi that he had just condensed.

It was the buyer's show just now, and now this is the real seller's show. It feels that the pictures are completely inconsistent with the real thing.

And it's not without bonuses, the star power is compressed by the sword intent, and there is still a bit of power bonus.

Lin Fan outputted more star power this time, and then was wrapped in sword intent and compressed into a shape. This feeling was still a bit comprehensible. He just felt the bottleneck, but now he has a different feeling.


The sword is like a dragon!

Stabbed violently!

The entire sword instantly sank into the alloy wall, unblocked and helpless.

Lin Fan reacted and was taken aback. He quickly drew out the sword. He was worried that the gun would have been pierced. He looked inside the hole. It was dark, as if it hadn't been pierced.

That's good!

As for the destruction of walls, it costs money. The walls are not for cutting and stabs, so there is no need to worry.

carry on!

He had a new insight. The Xingli sword energy that was forcibly compressed and formed was very interesting. It made him realize the formed sentiment in an instant, and then pushed it backwards. This is another angle.

Originally pushing, I realized the bottleneck.

Now that I have given you the correct answer, isn't you pushing backwards in the other direction? It seems to be easier than pushing forwards.

In room 104 next door, a sophomore in a nine-day college.

The student who was condensing Xingli's sword spirit was suddenly taken aback.

Because in the alloy wall in front of him, a sword blade suddenly pierced out of the wall. It was too sudden, and his face was scared white, and he stepped back again and again, because he still felt the sharpness of the sword tip. Will makes his whole face like a needle stick.


The point of the sword came out again!

What the **** is this Nima?

What are you doing next door?

This kind of alloy wall can withstand the hack of the second-rank realm. Even if it is the second-rank 9-star, you can't penetrate the wall. It has a memory function and can be restored to a certain extent. Of course, if the damage is too heavy, there is no way. .

But what is going on?

The next door directly pierced the wall with a sword, at least one of the third-rank realm strong, right? But why run the second-grade training room?

Far away from the alloy wall, he looked terrified.

And at this moment.


With a loud noise, the entire alloy wall was cracked, and a star-strength knife aura appeared, directly through the wall, and slashed on the ground. The ground was not an alloy wall, but steel, and a ravine more than one meter deep appeared.

All of a sudden, the sophomore in the corner shivered, covered in cold sweat, and almost stared out. If he was still standing there, he would be dead!

"My grass! How come the quality of this wall is so bad!"

Then he heard a clear and **** and a spit, and then saw a figure flash past.

He opened the door, looked outside, only saw a back, and quickly left. He looked back at the room, how he practiced this, and then left.

Lin Fan took the elevator, pretending that nothing happened.

Where did he think that, in the end, it was replaced with a knife, and a knife even split the entire alloy wall!

I didn't use the sword well when I originally used it. How to change it to a sword is different. Well, isn't it the fourfold sword intent? It's just a heavy one!

The whole wall was split apart!

And he just seemed to have a figure in the corner of the opposite room. Fortunately, he didn't stand directly opposite, otherwise it would be bad, but he must have seen this scene.

Let's run away!

It would be bad for him to lose money, he certainly can't afford it now!

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