Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 145: Freshmen gathering, pilgrimage

"Senior Tu Zhuo, this is the door card."

Lin Fan glanced at Tu Zhuo, who was playing with a mobile phone at the front desk, then flung it away, turned around and left without looking back.

Tu Zhuo stretched out his hand and took a look, looking up at Lin Fan's back who was leaving, he recognized that it was the special freshman, but that's why he felt that this new student with the same name as that enchanting Lin Fan was a bit rushed, and a bit wanted to be fast. The appearance of escaping.

Need to leave in a hurry?

Or is someone chasing behind?

Or afraid to trouble him?

Tu Zhuo curled his lips. Is he the kind of person who has no bottom line? If you want to bully a new student, bully it right from the beginning!

He put down the door card and picked up the phone to continue playing. At this moment, a figure hurriedly ran out, looking around to see if there was a figure, and immediately asked: "Tu Zhuo, where are people?"

"??? Who?" Tu Zhuo looked puzzled, the question was endless.

"It's the one who came out in front of me. You just left, haven't you seen it?" the man asked urgently.

Tu Zhuo thought of Lin Fan, and said casually: "Oh, a new student, has already left."

"Wait, you won't be chasing him!"

Tu Zhuo suddenly remembered that Lin Fan was walking in a hurry, and then he saw someone chasing him, and said with contempt: "Zhang He, you guy, seeing that you are usually honest, you are actually bullying the new student."

"Fuck off! I have no time to bully the new student."

Zhang He cursed, and then remembered that the knife directly cut the alloy wall open. Yu Wei also cut a one-meter deep hole on the steel ground, and immediately shot a spirit out of his body. Would he dare to bully such a person? You can slash him with a single knife!

and many more!

Zhang He widened his eyes, and cried out in disbelief: "You said that guy is a new student?!!!"

"Nonsense, of course it's a freshman."

Tu Zhuo murmured, after all, when he came, he didn’t understand anything, whether it was a new student or something. Old students were so proficient, they were too lazy to compare. Suddenly he felt something was wrong. Zhang He and he belonged to the same faculty. They are in different classes, but they are all on the top of the rankings. They are ranked lower than him, 42. The two are also good friends. After all, they are almost at the same level. Zhang He has a very good personality and is much better than him. Bullying the freshman, let alone Zhang He, why suddenly care about a freshman so much? Running out in such a hurry?

This is not normal in itself!

Tu Zhuo asked suspiciously: "What the **** happened?"


Star Force Training Hall, eight floors underground, room 103.

Tu Zhuo almost stared up to the ground, his mouth widened and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. It directly cracked the alloy wall that was pierced through Room 104, and there was a deep hole on the floor of Room 104 on the opposite side, and there was another next to it. The big hole at the mouth of the bowl is not the one that penetrates, but the appearance can't be restored at all. This kind of hole needs to be repaired manually.

Although Zhang He had seen it in Room 104, he was still in shock when he saw it again, and his astonishment was no less than Tu Zhuo.

Because he knew from Tu Zhuo that the initiator was a new student.

Is this really the power of the new students?

Is the freshman so fierce?

"A big grass in the nest!"

Tu Zhuo exploded, "What happened to him here?"

Thinking of Lin Fan's fast-leaving back, Tu Zhuo suddenly woke up and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly. He was really afraid that he would trouble him!

The two alloy walls were directly destroyed at once, this Nima!

It takes a lot of money to repair it!

Fortunately, it wasn't him who paid the money, the universities paid the money.

"The kid is playing with me, is he a freshman?" Tu Zhuo looked at the scene in front of him, deeply suspicious, thinking about Lin Fan. He had never seen Lin Fan before, and had no hatred with Lin Fan. It's impossible. It is specially impersonated as a freshman, and credits are deducted from the Internet.

Zhang He curiously asked, "Tu Zhuo, really is a new student? What is his name? Is the new student so fierce now?"

"Called Lin Fan!"

"Lin Fan, is this the new enchanted evildoer? It was from that wind city who was attacked on Fei Tie the day before yesterday and killed a lot of third-rank aliens? What does he look like? I don't think he is that tall, right? Do you say that he is twelve feet tall?" Zhang He exclaimed again and again.

"Uh... it shouldn't be."

Tu Zhuo said uncertainly: "I still talked to him at the time, and he said no. He was handsome, looked very thin and ordinary, completely different from the description in that little book. There is no such thing as a strong man."

In fact, Tu Zhuo doubted it now.

Zhang He immediately said with great certainty: "It must be him. There can be so many super abnormalities among freshmen! How could this strength be possible just after entering the school? And how can there be such a coincidence, it happens that the same name is Lin Fan, and Even so perverted, the freshman can chop down the alloy wall, don't you know, I was scared to pee at the time, this guy is definitely the enchanting Lin Fan."

"Moreover, I have read many versions of that information, all of which are a bit different. I have also read one version. It said that Lin Fan is handsome in appearance. This is not the right thing. It should be someone who has deliberately confused Lin Fan's information. The person who sells Lin Fan’s information is also a genius."

Tu Zhuo immediately yelled: "Damn, that kid, it's so dark, it's not a thing. I didn't admit it at that time. Fudge Laozi. When I see him as a silly fork, he will be full of flowers when I see him next time."

Zhang He was a little speechless. He felt that the scene at the time was definitely not like Tu Zhuo's cursing. He still didn't understand Tu Zhuo, his mouth was stinking to death, and he was very proud.

"I feel you should not be able to beat him." Zhang He said lightly.

Tu Zhuo's face changed drastically, but he said stiffly: "Hehe, how could it be possible, he is a new student, and I can find teeth all over the floor."

"People have killed a third-rank alien, more than one person, killed a third-rank monster, more than one, and slashed through the F grade hard alloy wall with a single blow, and you only have a second-rank cultivation base. You have not killed a third-rank, and you can't cut through... .." Zhang He exemplified very calmly and argued one by one.

"Fuck! You shut up Lao Tzu!"

Tu Zhuo's face turned black and he interrupted directly. Every time he said a word, he felt that he was stabbed in the heart. It was so horrible, he wanted to say, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he immediately threatened:" Zhang He, say it again, I beat you all over the floor today!"

"Damn, dog stuff, you know how to bully Lao Tzu."

Zhang He's face turned black for an instant, he cursed, and then decisively chose to shut up. It seemed that he was beaten frequently, sincerely.

"By the way, didn't Lin Fan just come to the school yesterday? Why did he come to the training hall?" Tu Zhuo said suddenly in confusion.

Zhang He's eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief, and Tu Zhuo also thought about it. The two looked at each other with the same expression, and they felt incredible for a moment.

Zhang He swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty: "So, he has already broken through to the second rank, just one... one night?!!!"

"Fuck! Did he open the node so fast?" Tu Zhuo said incredulously.

"Tu Zhuo, how long did you enter the second-grade school back then?"

"Half a month!"

"I am 10 days!"

"Go away~ You obviously have a month and a half!"

"Heh, aren't you 50 days? I remember clearly, it's not just right to be five days less than you."

The two were silent, and they felt an unprecedented blow.

The more you open the node, the more difficult it is to open. The latter ones in the first-grade stage need time, and the second-grade, it is even more difficult. It is not so easy to open, and it is normal to open one in a month.

No, they are both sophomores, they are only second-rank ** stars, and finally finished the second-ranking node.

But people can break through to the second grade in one night!

This Nima is too scary!

It's not a little bit faster, saving dozens of times of time, then when Lin Fan can catch up with them at this level?

One node a day, Nima can catch up in less than half a month!


They are also geniuses. Those who can make the list are all geniuses, but the gap is too big!

What kind of monster is this?

For a long time, Tu Zhuo comforted himself like this, "Maybe it's only the first node of the second stage, and he will slow down later."

If he knew, Lin Fan opened not one node at night, but six nodes, and now he has a second-rank and four-star, and he doesn't know what he thinks.

To catch up with them, as long as Lin Fan has enough resources, he doesn't need a week at all, just two or three days!

"Speaking of Lin Fan's awakening talent is not a healing type? Why did I see him using a sword, but also a knife?!!!" Zhang He said suddenly with a look of confusion.

"Idiot, it must be fake information!"

Tu Zhuo looked disdainful, as if he had already seen everything, and said: "The information of Lin Fan must be faked. The move I can split this F grade hard alloy wall must be his talent. He is definitely a melee. Of course, the talents and skills are infinite, otherwise how could he kill the third-rank alien race, and the skin defense would not be broken. As for the healing type, would he treat the alien race and then put it to death?"

When he said this, he laughed himself. The therapeutic type was simply ridiculous.

"Indeed, many people speculate that this is false."

Zhang He scratched his head, a little bit distressed, but he was looking at the information of Lin Fan that he found from his family. Could there be a problem with the official records? Someone deliberately covered it up. This is hard to tell, because the treatment type doesn't make sense. He also didn’t believe that Lin Fan was a therapeutic type, especially what he saw today. He thought that Lin Fan used to pierce the wall at the beginning, his eyes flickered. As a person with background, he is still 42nd on the list, and his vision is better than others. It's much higher.

That should be Jianyi!

The move behind Lin Fan split the entire alloy wall is the sword intent!

Because the two are completely different, he can feel the difference even on the sidelines. The domineering sword intent is obvious, and the sword intent is extremely sharp. There is a big difference between the two.

That is to say, Lin Fan understood the sword intent and sword intent? In other words, he came to test today to test the talent skill, awakening the second talent skill, is it the sword intent or the sword intent?

This is too much trouble!

Both the first grade and the second grade awakened their minds, one sword intent and one sword intent. This Nima was too outrageous.

Zhang He, who wanted to understand this, was stunned.

High-grade exercises can only be awakened until they reach Consummation. Five years, ten years, even decades, or even a lifetime cannot be realized, because 99% of people cannot understand the meaning, and Lin Fan is only awakened for the first time. Awakening mind, and both awakenings are mind, sword intent and sword intent, standing at the end of many people's lives at the beginning.

This gap is too big!

He who knew the truth almost came out of tears!

Too much envy!

He has just started the high-grade exercises, and he is far from it.

Zhang He thought so, and then solemnly reminded him: "Tu Zhuo, don't provoke Lin Fan, I suspect that his awakening talent is intention! With such a great power, the second stage realm cannot be possessed, only intention. It has such terrible destructive power."

"Sure enough, I awakened my mind. I don't know if it was the sword intent or the sword intent. I saw him carrying the sword and the sword."

Tu Zhuo obviously also thought about it. He is not a fool. With such a destructive power, naturally only everyone wants to comprehend it, and Lin Fan has awakened, thinking not to trouble Lin Fan. Tu Zhuo is suffering in his heart. He didn't know what to say, and he didn't want to provoke him, but who made his mouth so stinky.

Obviously, Lin Fan's reaction at that time, remembering him, the key is that he also arrogantly blew himself up.

How arrogant it was then, I regret it now.


Random taunting, actually taunting a terrible evildoer, or the kind of evildoer who stopped waiting, mentioned the iron plate, no, this F grade hard alloy wall is not so outrageous, at least it is an E grade hard alloy.

This Nima!

It's even more ridiculous than winning the lottery, is there?

In the end, I didn't feel embarrassed to continue, and felt bullied to the new student.

No wonder they are so calm, because they can hack him up.

The clown turned out to be himself!

He wasn't afraid of Lin Fan, he just didn't want to be unilaterally beaten.

Tu Zhuo likes fighting, but being crushed unilaterally, who would like it?

As for why he thinks so, because he doesn't think his body is hard with F grade hard alloy walls!

Seeing Tu Zhuo’s depressed look, Zhang He knew that this guy had a bad mouth. He must have said something bad at the time. The guy who deserved it should have been beaten. As for Lin Fan with a sword, everyone has awakened. .

Tianjiao and genius are one level behind, and Lin Fan, in Zhang He's mind, is one level higher than Tianjiao, he is an evildoer!

If you let them know that Lin Fan's sword intent and sword intent are all understood by himself, but it has only been more than a month after learning the sword and the sword, I don't know what their expressions will be.


On the other side, Lin Fan was running fast.

Don't let him lose money. The wall can withstand the second-grade chop, and the cost is definitely not low. He won't lose it anyway, he has paid.

It's a pity, there is still more than half an hour!


It was exactly eight thirty at this time.

Lin Fan went to buy something to eat first. He exercised and sweated a lot in the morning, and consumed a lot of energy and star power. His stomach was groaning a long time ago, and he ate a lot of hesai.

On the first floor of the cafeteria, I have everything, such as steamed buns, fried dough sticks, tofu nao, soy milk and so on.

There is also the second floor!

Lin Fan went up to the second floor to take a look, and came down again. The food on the second floor is full of supplements, such as ginseng, ganoderma, etc., and even monsters and alien meat. These are great tonics, which can improve physical fitness, strengthen physical fitness, and quickly Restoring star power and other benefits, but unfortunately it is too expensive! And also use credits! Excessive!

It’s better to use the first floor, and it’s not expensive. There are many thieves.

Well, hypnotize yourself, it’s actually no different if you eat it in your stomach.

After eating, I went back to the apartment and took a quick shower, and then started to run the exercises to restore the star power.

After breaking through the second stage, practising the exercises, the inside of the body can be connected to the world through the second stage acupuncture points, and you can consciously absorb the star power in the air to supplement it, which is much faster than meditation.

Six acupuncture points were opened on both arms again, and the exercises were operated, and the star power continued to replenish in the body. This feeling was really refreshing.

The star power in Jiutian Academy is much stronger than Fengcheng!

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, accompanied by Guo Zhen's cry, "Brother Fan, assembled! Are you in the house?"

Lin Fan woke up from the trance. At this time, the star power in his body was full. It just seemed to fall asleep. Because of the mental exhaustion and exhaustion, the exercises were still running, but it was much slower than the active operation.

"Yes, you go downstairs first, and I will come out immediately."

Think about the state just now, it's not completely asleep, in a half-distorted state, otherwise, with his current proficiency in the practice, it would definitely not be possible to operate automatically.

However, the exercise works automatically, which is indeed a good thing. It will automatically recover when you can sleep. It seems that this aspect will need to be strengthened in the future.

However, although the star power has recovered, he is still mentally exhausted, but he is much better.

Go downstairs!

Fang Yan and Han Miaotong have already arrived, and the four are waiting for Lin Fan.

Seeing Lin Fan appearing, Han Miaotong suddenly said, "Lin Fan, my father called me this morning, and then he asked you to call him back when he had time. He said something was going to happen to you."

Han Miaotong looked a little strange, because she always felt that the phone Han Bing called her in the morning was not to find her, but to find Lin Fan.


Lin Fan was also a little strange. Why did City Master Han look for him? He had arrived at the Jiutian Academy, but it was not easy to refuse at this time, so let's go back sometime.

The five people walked towards the gathering place.

The gathering place is not on the playground, but on the most central mountain of the academy, Jiuxuan Mountain.

Some students have been to Jiuxuan Mountain once in their lives, that is, when the school just started, they went up to gather, and never had a chance again.

The freshmen gathered towards Jiu Xuan Mountain, with a total of 9999 steps, which are like this on all sides, and the height and width of each step are almost the same.

The young faces are full of curiosity and and the color of longing and admiration. After all, the secret realm of Jiutian Academy is on this mountain, and Jiuxuan Mountain is also the core area of ​​Jiutian Academy, and The strong are also on it.

The freshmen gather into a long corridor, which is very spectacular. Even if this is the eastern part of the university, with 30,000 freshmen, there are an average of 7,500 people. This is quite a bit. At first glance, you can't see it at all.

There are still many old students who are watching! The heads appear more!

When~ when~ when~

At this time, from the top of the mountain, a simple and long bell sounded, and the sound shocked everyone's spirits.

Tian Cheng said with a look of excitement: "I heard that you can see the legendary governor of the school today. That is the Seventh-Rank Strongest, one of the patron saints of mankind. I feel like a pilgrimage, how about you?"

Guo Zhen's eyes revealed curiosity and excitement, "Can you really see Seventh-Rank Xeon? It turns out that the governor will appear."

Fang Yan and Han Miaotong's faces were also very excited. They were the strongest human beings, the seventh-stage awakened ones, and the patron saints of human beings. They were legendary characters, and they can be seen today.

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