Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 10 Fake?

The wind is blowing, whistling.

Before everyone noticed, the hunched figure had already arrived at the backyard gate!

"Wang Daochang, this..." the middle-aged man surnamed Luo immediately asked nervously.

However, Wang Daochang couldn't calm down, and couldn't hold his mind.

What is the number of ways in this situation? It can't be the kind of real thing that science can't explain, right?

The hunched back looked at the group of people with deep and cold eyes, no trace of heat could be seen in the dark eyes, it was extremely cold, as if looking at a group of dead people.


The crowd couldn't help but shuddered, the whistling wind plus the old man's infiltrating special effects, let alone, it's really amazing!

Lin Lan rolled his eyes, looked at a young brother beside him, and said, "Brother, do you think this guy is quite infiltrating. Is there really something dirty about it?"

The little brother took a breath, "Don't talk nonsense, this is a materialistic society, we have to believe in science!"

"It's a troublesome mental illness at best."

As if to cheer himself up and comfort him, the little brother said so, but his voice was very low, for fear that the weird old man at the door would hear him.

Lin Lan shrugged, "Don't be afraid, I'll show you how brave you are!"

The little brother turned his head and looked at Lin Lan's hands... nothing!

"What?" the little brother asked suspiciously.

Lin Lan turned his mind and flipped his palm, "Look again." At the same time, he moved his palm lightly, covering the four characters of Dugu Nine Swords.

The little brother looked into Lin Lan's palm again.

"Blue book? Still buying this thing for collection? Brother, don't tease me!"

Lin Lan smiled without explaining, "How is it? Do you feel a little more courageous?"


The little brother rolled his eyes, "I don't even believe it!"

Having said that, I also understand that it is impossible to have two things. If there is, then there may be a reason for the other. But different from others, Japanese people have a different belief in things like evil spirits!

Lin Lan's eyes light up slightly, he probably fully understands the characteristics of his master hand. Things that have been enlightened by the divine hand can only be seen by others if you want to show them to others!

For a moment, Lin Lan felt a little relieved. After getting the characteristics of the Hand of God, what else is there to worry about?

Compared with Lin Lan, others are not so relaxed.

A sullen... person? Just looking at you lifelessly like this, damn it, that feels so good!

"Wuliang Tianzun!" Wang Daochang squeezed the magic formula with his hands, and began to dance the big god step, "The evil spirits are scattered! The Taishang Laojun is in a hurry like a law!"

After speaking, he took the mahogany sword and stained it with some black dog blood and threw it towards the crooked figure.

However, Wang Daochang's move seemed to anger the crooked figure.

I saw the old man at the door let out a stern roar that didn't look like a human being, and rushed towards Daoist Wang fiercely!

Daoist Wang was so frightened that he quickly pulled back and rolled on the ground to avoid the old man's attack.

"Roar... hiss..."

The old man screamed again, like the most painful curse issued by a ghost in the underworld!

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable! This enchanting magic power is too strong, and the poor are powerless! Farewell!"

Seeing this, Wang Daochang immediately wanted to run away, and walked towards the door while talking about losing people but not losing battles. "Lord benefactor, you'd better hire another wise man!"

Looking at this situation, it's a bit Fantasy! He didn't want to be infected with something that science couldn't explain! Go ahead and slip away.

The face of the middle-aged man surnamed Luo changed in an uproar. Before he could say anything, the old man's black eyes had locked onto Daoist Wang and rushed towards him!

"Bold and monstrous, dare to be rampant!"

Wang Daozhang gave a bold roar, threw out the mahogany sword, spread his legs and ran out!

"Pindao is not in good condition today, Wu Na evildoer, let's fight another day!"


The old man roared wildly, pulled his legs away and ran towards Wang Daochang, ignoring the mahogany sword. Look at that speed, it doesn't look like a twilight old man at all, but faster than a young man!

Everyone is terrified!

Is this a mental illness? Are you fucking kidding me?

"My god!" Wang Daochang was thrown to the ground by the old man, struggling.

The old man stared blankly at Daoist Wang with his dark eyes, his mouth was so big that he was about to bite down on his neck.

"Hey, old man, don't be so angry." At some point, Lin Lan walked behind the old man.

Lin Lan's lukewarm voice came from behind the old man, and he put a hand directly on the old man's shoulder, and the dense purple air with the heat of the early sun stimulated the evil in the old man's body.

The old man was also trembling crazily like a cat with frayed fur.


As soon as Lin Lan twitched his hand vigorously, the old man possessed by the evil spirit was slammed onto the wall with a huge force, making a bang!

Everyone: ...make a movie? really?

Lin Lan:  …

real or fake? What about Porcelain?

Lin Lan looked at his hands, he didn't seem to use much strength, did he?


The middle-aged man surnamed Luo was in a hurry, so he ran towards the old man.

Lin Lan reacted and said immediately, "Don't go there, if you don't want to die!"

Lin Lan doesn't care about evil things. He just needs to guarantee to solve the problem and guarantee that the rich man will not die.

He is dead, who does Lin Lan ask for payment?

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