"This... little brother... sir!"

"My name is Lin."

"Mr. Lin, what happened to my dad?"

Seeing that Lin Lan slammed the old man against the wall with one hand, and now this matter is becoming more and more fantasy, the middle-aged man surnamed Luo is like a drowning man grabbing the last straw, throwing away all hope Put it on Lin Lan.

"This fake Taoist doesn't understand anything, but what he said about your father is true!"

Wang Daochang listened and laughed, not daring to touch this big guy who seems to have real skills.

Lin Lan exhaled, and said slowly, "Your father has unclean things on him!"

"This... also ask Mr. Lin to help me!"

Lin Lan said without blushing, "I'll try."

Let me try, there are many translations for a word about essential oils.

There is a translation called...You don't have enough money! If I have enough money, I will try it and it will become, absolutely no problem!

The middle-aged man surnamed Luo has been working in the mall for so many years, so he immediately said, "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, as long as you can save my father, I, Luo Daosheng, can agree to any conditions!"

Lin Lan nodded and walked towards the old man.

Actually... What Lin Lan said really meant that I would try it!

Just kidding, a few days ago he was a rookie who knew nothing! It's unheard of to be evil, and this is the first time I've seen it today, so he doesn't know how to solve the problem.

As Lin Lan approached, the old man began to tremble violently, like a mouse seeing a natural enemy, and could only cringe instinctively!

"Uh... make it look like I'm bullying you." Lin Lan was speechless.

Speechless, Lin Lan directly grabbed the old man's shoulder with his palm, and the pure purple air rushed into the old man's body, entering the evil spirits in his body from all directions.


The extremely shrill howls of ghosts and wolves came out from the old man's body, this time, not through his mouth, but through various parts of his body! This scene is extraordinarily terrifying!

Everyone suspected that they had traveled to a movie and witnessed a scene that is only possible in a movie!

Although there were no colorful special effects, the mournful roar from the dark abyss still made everyone in a trance, and the materialism they had accepted since childhood began to shake wildly!

Lin Lan's palms are slightly distorted, the palms are raised upwards, and the fingers are curled and pinched. It looks like the gesture of shooting objects from the air in the movie!

An indescribably strange black air mass that can only be seen by Lin Lan's eyes that have blessed True Qi overflowed from around the old man's body and flowed into Lin Lan's palm.

This extremely strange scene was invisible to others. In the eyes of others, Lin Lan is like a great dancer, acting in the air, making people laugh.

But they can't be funny because...

With the lifting of Lin Lan's palm, the old man's body also followed Lin Lan's palm upwards in a strange arc, and echoed bursts of mournful wailing! That gesture, that voice, is totally not like what an old man can do!

"It's almost there?" Lin Lan looked at the remaining black air in the old man's body, and the suction in his palm suddenly increased.

"Ah!!! Roar!!! Pain!!!"

The old man's voice was mixed with howling ghosts and wolves, and the old man's body struggled violently.

As soon as the voice came out, everyone was shocked, and the materialism view was instantly shattered!

Whoever tells me this is a mental illness, daddy can't stop talking to him!

"Dad, please bear with me! Please bear with me for a while!"

Luo Daosheng was a dutiful son, seeing his father enduring such pain, his heart ached and tears almost flowed down his face.

But he, who has watched many exorcism movies, knows that the process must not be disturbed in the slightest, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted, and there may be even more terrifying things!

"Mr. Luo, stay away from the poor Daoist, and don't disturb the Daoist's way!" Daoist Wang became stiff again at this time, "The poor Daoist is not good at learning, and he was almost attacked by evil spirits. Fortunately, the Daoist Daoist is here, otherwise today will be a fierce one." More than good."

In a few words, Wang Daochang changed his ignorance into not being good at learning, and by the way he related himself to Lin Lan.

I am a true Taoist! My words are the essence of this sentence!

The words of the fake Taoist priest are right, Lin Lan, who has completed Zixia's magical skills, is indeed worthy of the four characters of Taoist real people!

"Wang Taoist... this Mr. Lin..."

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable! Donor Luo, you are lucky enough to see a real person, which makes me envious! I have studied Taoism for more than ten years, and I have never seen a real person in this world!"

"Taoist Daoist, that is the existence that can deal with ghost kings!" The fake Taoist began to brag again.

"Ghost king? Daoist real person?" Luo Daosheng looked sideways at the fake Taoist priest.

"Extremely! Taoist priests still have ranks, and ghosts are naturally divided into three, six, and nine grades! Although Pindao is not good at learning, but based on Pindao's many years of experience, the Ghost on Luo's old benefactor is nothing more than a fierce ghost. It is impossible to compete with the ghost king." compared to!"

No matter what he says, if the fake Taoist plays it again first, you can't say that he is wrong, can you? According to the basic routine and setting analysis of Fantasy novels, this wave of reasoning by fake Taoists is not a loss! At that time, we will play cards according to the routine and adapt to the situation. We Taoists are capable! I just didn't learn it well! This Taoist priest is back! Totally ojbk!

"Benefactor Luo is fortunate to have the help of my Taoist real person. It is really a great fortune! The Taoist real person has good fortune, his body is unfathomable, and he is proficient in nourishing Qi and keeping his face, prolonging his life. Don't look at the real person so young. In fact, the real person is over half a year old It’s a hundred. I’ve been studying Daoism for decades, and I’ve only heard of such a mythical figure in Dao Zang.”

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