Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 105 Lost Or Forgiven

Xiao Youli's body was covered with scars, and even the blood-red flesh had leaked out.

Shock could not help appearing in Lin Lan's eyes, Lin Lan smiled at this moment, took out the mahogany sword and stabbed at him fiercely.

The handcuffs were directly pierced, Xiao Youli untied the restraints, and lifted his own hands vigorously.

"Ah! I almost forgot what my hands feel like, this old man is really ruthless.

The man walked up to the old man and asked with a smile.

"Is it really good?"

"What's wrong, won't it be enough to deal with the two of them together?"

"But, that child is the chosen one."

"Hahaha, God?"

The old man looked at the man beside him with disdain.

"Master, if we kill that guy, we will really be punished by the "710 Office"."

"So what if it's God's punishment? Now they don't have the qualifications to manage me at all. I'm already close to God."

At this moment, the man noticed the change in the old man's pupils, and immediately knelt down on the ground.

"Have you been waiting for your senior brother instead of becoming a god?"

The old man didn't speak, but kept walking towards the prison with a stick.

And Xiao Youli, who was in the prison, suddenly looked forward, and there was something wrong in his eyes.

"That guy is coming, we may die here, because this old man has become a god."

At this moment, a bead pierced Lin Lan's body. Lin Lan looked at the bead, and was immediately brought back by the bead.

Lin Lan was fixed to the wall, unable to move at all, and covered his own wound with force.

"Old man! Why are you doing this to a child!"

Lin Lan covered his own wound in pain. At this moment, he looked at Lin Lan in front of him and said with a slight smile.

"You are the chosen one? It's a pity that you are too weak. It's better to let those who have the qualifications get this power, like me, and let me save the world.

At this moment, Xiao Youli took out the mahogany sword and stabbed at the old man.

The old man kept backing away, smiling and looking at Xiao Youli in front of him.

"It's the same with you, if I don't have any corpse energy, the energy in your body can't be gathered at all. You can only use Leifa and the special ability brought to you by this mahogany sword, and there is nothing else."

Lin Lan began to struggle at this time, and finally pulled his own body out of the wall, and buckled it wolfishly into the wall behind.

Lin Lan pulled out the beads and said with a smile.

"If that's the case, I'll let you try it with your weapon. How much does it hurt?"

Lin Lan concentrated his abilities on the beads and threw them forward.

The beads flew towards the old man quickly, and the old man stretched out his hand, and was shocked to find that the own weapon had identified Lin Lan as the master.

The old man's eyes radiated golden light, and he noticed Lin Lan's right hand.

"Haha, sure enough, I understand."

I saw the old man's hand pinch towards the front, and then the beads shattered into powder.

Lin Lan was stunned, with some doubts in his heart.

"This thing is obviously so hard, why did this thing shatter just by pinching it lightly?"

Lin Lan began to question his own ability and the ability to strengthen weapons.

At this time Xiao Youli used the high-level lightning technique, and suddenly attacked the old man.

However, the old man just smiled slightly, and gently squeezed his hands forward.

In an instant, Lei Fa disappeared, and a smile appeared from the corner of the old man's mouth.

"It's reasonable, you still can't, you still can't look at me directly."

Lin Lan walked over step by step at this time, smiled and said to the old man in front of him.

"I see through!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I know, that guy is in awe of your heart, so he didn't use his full power at all, but I'm different!"

Lin Lan raised his own hand with a smile, and Lei Fa, who was stronger than Xiao Lili, was released at this moment.

The old man used the golden bell shield to block Own's body, but at this moment, the barrier shattered.

The old man was stunned, and then his body was scratched extensively, and the old man kept backing away, but Lin Lan had appeared in front of the old man again, and said with a smile.

"Old man! I won't play positive games with you."

The old man turned his head and saw Lin Lan who was a shadow and a body.

"Hmph, forget it, it's still."

The old man closed his eyes and was knocked down by Lin Lan...

Lin Lan put his hand on the old man's nose, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's good to be alive."

Lin Lan carried Xiao Youli on his back and walked outside. At this moment, the man walked up to Lin Lan, stretched out his hand and asked.

"What did you do to my master?"

"If you want to know, go and see for yourself."

Lin Lan walked straight by the man, and the man clenched his fists and said angrily.

"I repeat again, I hate people who ignore me the most, and are even weaker than me by many times!"

Lin Lan turned around, and the powerful Lei Fa had already appeared in front of Lin Lan's eyes.

Even Xiao Youli used all his strength, which was less than one-tenth of it.

Lin Lan's eyes were full of calmness, and he slowly extended his own hand.

With a light pinch of Lin Lan's hand, the thunder and lightning shattered directly.

"What? How did you learn how to break, master!"

Lin Lan didn't speak, but continued to leave with Xiao Youli.

"This guy, forget it, I feel that this guy is very powerful, no, if his strength is not good, how did he get knocked out in the first place? Could it be that the process of becoming stronger is because of the Master?"

At this moment, the old man came out covered in blood and looked at the man in front of him.

"Don't chase after them, just leave it like this, let Xiao Youli, go find your own Life by yourself. y

The man saw his 0.6 injured master knelt on the ground and shouted.

"I'm sorry! I know I was wrong! I'm sorry, my master."

The old man smiled at the man in front of him, sighed helplessly and said.

"Well, my good apprentice, there is no need to worry about being a teacher, but because the teacher will leave soon.

Hearing that, the man clenched his fist again, and said through gritted teeth.

"You have waited for Xiao Youli for so long, but why can't you wait for me to take the lead.

"Son, you are different, you can deal with people, but he can't, you two are different."

"We are the same! We are the same as him! Master! You are partial!"

The man ran towards the distance, and helplessness appeared on the old man's face.

"Hai... Forget it, maybe you can't understand what Master really thinks."

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