Lin Lan carried Xiao Youli behind his back, but his right hand has lost any feeling.

Lin Lan raised his right hand, and then there were purple scars all over it. This kind of pain made Lin Lan a little unbearable.

Lin Lan clutched Own's arm tightly.

In the end, Xiao Youli was sent to the hospital by Lin Lan, and Lin Lan came to a valley with a waterfall to recover.

Lin Lan squeezed his own eyes, sensing the healing breath brought to him by the outside world.

Just then, a woman's voice sounded.

"Such a powerful ability made you die like this?"

Lin Lan heard, opened his own eyes and asked.

"It's not to die, but to challenge the limit of own."

The woman snorted coldly and said to Lin Lan with a smile.

"Ability is your own, but if you insist on being like this, your physical body will eventually be destroyed, because you are not yet strong enough to allow yourself to maintain your physical body.

Lin Lan heard it, gritted his teeth and responded.

24 "Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"What is it?"

"Become stronger, and what is becoming stronger, step by step breakthrough own limit."

Hearing this, the woman did not speak, and the golden light around Lin Wei slowly dissipated.

Lin Lan stood up, picked up the clothes on the side, and walked towards home.

In the evening, Lin Lan returned to his home, and at this moment Xiao Youli called him.

"Hey! You bastard! Send me to the hospital as soon as you send me to the hospital! Why did you send me to a single room? It’s so expensive for a day! Dage! I didn’t realize how I watched TV and used electricity! You paid me back Aunt, I woke up playing on my phone next to me!"

Lin Lan covered his mouth with a smile and said.

"Evil is rewarded with evil, because that's how you treated me back then!"

"No! I didn't treat you like that at all."

Lin Lan hung up the phone, hummed a song, opened the bathroom door, and turned on the hot water.

"The water there is really cold, it's more comfortable to take a hot bath."

Lin Lan lay in the bathtub very comfortably, and closed his eyes comfortably.

In the valley in the distance, several investigators entered the cave.

"Why is the spider web in here so big?"

"Really... Also, it feels so eerie inside, do we really have to continue to check down?"

Several people questioned each other suspiciously, at this moment, a person suddenly knelt on the ground.

"Are you scared?"

At this moment, several people saw clearly that the guy in front of him had lost his head.

"Ah! Help! There are monsters!"

The head of the person who yelled was also moved in an instant, and everyone was frightened, and sat directly on the ground.

At this time, the person went crazy, smiling, holding his head in his hands, and muttering.

"I still have a wife and children, save me, no, just let me go."

At this time, a monster with a human face and a spider body appeared in front of the man.

"But, my child, my child was taken away by you for research. We monsters never attack you humans, but you always use the name of justice to harm us."

I saw the spider's tentacles piercing the man's arm, and a teasing smile appeared on his face.

"In that case, I will give you a chance, as long as my children like you, I will let you go."

I saw the man being thrown down, but there were screams from below.

"Oops, I forgot, my kids are newborn and only eat, sorry."

"Flame Slash!"

The monster turned around abruptly and saw the fifth-rank fireman behind him, with a helpless smile on his lips.

"You guys are so capable, don't keep thinking about fighting us."

The monster's face was full of disdain, but the fireman's forehead was dripping with sweat.

"Ah! I'm so comfortable."

Lin Lan was very comfortable, put the fruit on the coffee table, and leisurely watched his favorite anime on the TV.

"I've been so busy lately that I didn't even have time to see it. Damn it! The third-level has been updated! No, I have to go downstairs to buy a few packs of potato chips, or else! God can't tolerate it!

Lin Lan walked out, and at this moment, the people involved in the Spider Cave operation were not only investigators, but also Longcheng.

And this call was exactly what Longcheng called for help.

Seeing Lin Lan not answering the phone in Longcheng in the cave, he immediately lost hope for life in his heart.

However, the fireman's arm has been cut off, but he still protects Dragon City.

"Dragon City, I will use my family's secret books to protect your safety."

However, Lin Lan on the other side saw the shadow in his hand slightly touched twice at this moment, and a little doubt emerged in his heart.

"Did something happen in Dragon City?"

Just when the Pyromancer had already used his unique move, the shadow tentacles directly grabbed the Pyromancer's hand.

"What? Does this guy have any helpers?"

At this moment, the shadow appeared instantly, and a Daoist figure appeared in front of the eyes of the fireman.

"What is this thing?"

Heiying's fist hit the monster's extremely hard tentacles very quickly, and then it was an uppercut.

The monster was so beaten that it almost lost consciousness.

At this moment, Lin Lan's body fully appeared in pajamas.

Seeing that the spider couldn't call 980, it spit out the spider silk and prepared to leave here.

Lin Lan was about to grab it, but found that the two injured behind them let go of their hands.

"You, lie down quickly."

Lin Lan hastily stopped the bleeding, took out the herbal medicine he carried with him, and performed a simple bandage because of the annihilator.

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, I want to ask, what happened to you guys."

"We wanted to attack the spider cave, but we were plotted early. Many of our soldiers were brought in by that spider."

Lin Lan recalled the spider just now, and thought about the fluctuation generated by his right hand touching it.

"That guy is in a doppelganger state, and the real body can't even defeat me, so it's right for us to retreat first.

"But! Our brothers are all in there!"

"Are you going to be wiped out like them?"

Hearing this, the pyromancer was stunned for a moment, and lowered his head.

"I see."

Lin Lan stretched out Own's hand, and then the shadow wrapped it behind Own, and then the golden light spread all over Own's legs.

"This ability is really useful. It can be quickly teleported and then made into shapes."

At this moment, Lin Lan found that there seemed to be something beside own that was following him. .

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