Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 110 The Ambitious Guy

Lin Lan came to the location of Dragon City to keep safe.

Seeing Lin Lan coming here, Longcheng was also completely relieved, and looked at Lin Lan in front of him with a smile and said.

"You're fine."

"Of course I'm fine."

However, Longcheng's hands are still trying to find out if there are any wounds on Lin Lan's body.

Lin Lan frowned slightly, stepped back slightly, patted on own clothes and asked.

"May I ask what's the matter with Dragon City? You've been groping for me."

Longcheng touched his head in embarrassment, and at this moment, the fireman saw Lin Lan kneeling directly on the ground in front of him.

"Thank you, without you, I would really die in that place."

Lin Lan looked at the fireman in front of him, squatted down, looked at the fireman in front of him gently and said.

"If it weren't for you, the casualties in the cave would have been even more serious. You should also look at the value of what you have done, and don't always thank others. "Actually, it is you that others should thank you the most.

"it's me.…"

At this moment, the Pyromancer hugged Lin Lan tightly, crying loudly like a child.

"I'm sorry! I didn't protect them well! I don't deserve others' gratitude to me at all.

"No, you are worth it, because you are protected, without fear, that is the greatest protection."

Lin Lan's hand was placed on the pyromancer's severed arm, and the light flickered slightly at this moment.

Lin Lan smiled and let go of own's hand and asked.

"Does your arm still hurt?"

"A little bit, but this kind of pain is something I can bear by myself."

"Lin Lan, since you entered the cave and saved us, have you taken the jewels inside? If not, let's go again, and then you save me again."

Hearing this, Lin Lan turned around in shock, and looked at the man in front of him fiercely.

When the man saw Lin Lan's eyes, he couldn't help but backed away, accusing loudly.

"You save me once! Don't take out the valuables! Did you make anything worthwhile?"

Lin Lan couldn't believe that the man could say such a thing, but he clenched his fist tightly.

"Don't look like this."

The giant python appeared in human form, and Lin Lan's eyes showed shock.

"Don't worry, I'm just the remnants of the energy you used. Think about it, if you act impulsively, Dragon City will never let you participate in helping tasks in the future, and this Dragon City will be a noble person in the future."

Lin Lan heard it, let go of his own fist, didn't speak, just looked at the man with a smile.

At this time, the man picked up his own shotgun, hummed and walked towards the front, but Longcheng ignored him.

"Lin Lan, there are some things we want to thank you for, so come with me."

Lin Lan followed Longcheng and passed through the checkpoints.

"Lin Lan, in fact, you are already close to the tenth level."

"Ah? No, seven is about the same. Since energy is set according to own emotions, I set seven for myself"

Longcheng smiled and opened the door of insurance, and the terrifying aura spread out in this instant.

Doubt appeared in Lin Lan's eyes, while Longcheng stretched out his own hand.

"There's no need to be nervous, it's Spider Queen stuff inside."

Lin Lan looked forward, and Longcheng walked in, taking out the contents of a cabinet.

"This is the spoils I got from the first crusade against the Spider Queen when I was still capable."

Lin Lan looked at the long sword made by the spider queen's sharp claws and the blessings on the side.

Suspicion arose in Lin Lan's heart and he asked immediately.

"What the hell do you want from the Spider Cave?"

Lin Lan asked with a serious face, while Longcheng smiled and said to Lin Lan.

"Of course it's to protect us, because those things are very terrifying, so we can't sit still and wait for death."

"It's not just waiting to die, but why do you want to hurt them? Did they take the initiative to attack?"

"Well, it seems that there is no such thing, we are only attacking them, they have not attacked me."

Lin Lan clenched his fists and raised his head.

"Forgive me for being unreasonable, but, I told that spider queen that she hates only your aggression, but they will never attack us, if you kill something that shouldn't be hurt, he will appear.

Hearing these words, Longcheng fell into deep thought. When Longcheng looked at Lin Lan again, Lin Lan had disappeared.

Lin Lan looked at the long sword made with the spider queen's claws in front of him, and finally called it...

"Zi Yan."

Lin Lan looked at Ziyan and held it up high, but Lin Lan was shocked to find that the organ and the moon seemed to intersect.

Lin Lan stood up and raised it high again. Zi Yan showed amazing energy this time.

"Ha, sure enough, I've been annoyed by seeing you for a long time, why would a guy like you be fabricated into such a myth.

When Lin Lan heard this, he turned around suspiciously, but this person had already killed Lin Lan in front of his eyes.

Lin Lan clenched his own fist, and thunder burst out in an instant, and the man was blown away.

The man looked at Chu Ye in shock.

"You don't need a weapon if you have one! You fucking blow me up with lightning!"

"Eh? Can't it work?"

Lin Lan asked suspiciously, the man raised his own long sword high, and the long sword exuded an extremely strong red light.

Helplessness appeared in Lin Lan's eyes, and he slowly extended his own hand.

"Advanced Leifa! I'll fucking blow you to death! Anyway, you still need to charge up your moves, don't you?"

Lin Lan appeared in front of the man in an instant, and the man was blown away again.

"Damn it! Don't fight upstairs!"

The person who yelled just now saw the light of the lightning and was so frightened that he immediately went back to his room and stopped talking.

And the man had been beaten by Lin Lan and lay on the ground without any movement.

Lin Lan watched quietly, and finally turned around to leave.

"Why do you know Refa?"

"Me? Because I learned from others."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he turned around, and the man stood up again with difficulty, Lin Lan looked at the long sword raised high again by the man.

"Is it only the third level? You are too different from the guy I saw last time."

Lin Lan stretched out his right hand, and an extremely long flame appeared out of thin air.

"I can form things, so I don't need a sword as a guide, and I can skip the stage of charging."

Lin Lan's hand fell downward, and an extremely long scratch appeared on the man's chest, but this strike perfectly avoided all the deadly parts.

"Okay, you lost, come to discuss with me when you become stronger."

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