Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 111 At A Loss

Lin Lan looked at the man's face still full of pain, with a little helplessness on his face, he stretched out his own hand.

"I hope we don't see each other again."

The man suddenly noticed that Own's pain was gradually disappearing, and finally looked at Own's wound.

"Could it be this guy who treated me? But I attacked him, but he forgave me..."

Feeling guilty in his heart, the man finally stood up and apologized loudly in the direction Lin Lan was walking in.

Lin Lan stood in front of the park bench, clenched his fists tightly.

"That idiot stole my potato chips, it's already midnight! Why do you still have to go out! If anyone asks me to save someone in the future, daddy will never go!"

Lin Lan sat on the bench with anger written in his eyes, but the person who stole Lin Lan's potato chips did not leave, but sat in the grass profusely in sweat, not even daring to vent his breath.

After Lin Lan sat on the bench for a while, he patted his ass and left.

Lin Lan returned to his own home, watched his favorite program on TV had ended, and couldn't help smiling.

"Suddenly found that since I have the so-called sense of responsibility and help others, my time is no longer 24 own time, as if my life will be lived for others from now on.

Lin Lan turned off the TV, lay down on the bed, and thought about it.

"What will happen tomorrow?"

Lin Lan noticed that the mobile phone beside him was jingling non-stop. Lin Lan picked up the mobile phone and saw that it was Li Xiang who called him. Lin Lan was puzzled and surprised.

"Hey, Ms. Li Xiang, what's the matter?"

"Hey, handsome guy, you still remember me, I think, I recently opened a special session for fighters fighting, why don't you come over and have a try, so that own strength can grow by leaps and bounds."

"Huh? I'm not going."

Li Xiang asked with a gradually stiff smile on the other side of the phone.

"why are you not going."

"Since the opponent is not an enemy, let alone a monster, why do our own people kill each other?"

Li Xiang frowned slightly, and just about to speak, Lin Lan said again.

"If you give me two tanks to play with, I can really try it."

"Okay! I can even give you a top-of-the-line rifle!"

"Okay! Then it's a deal."

Lin Lan secretly rejoiced in his heart. Lin Lan thought that Li Xiang would still bargain, but he never thought that the other party would agree so happily.

"But I have one condition."

"What conditions."

The corner of Li Xiang's mouth on the other side raised slightly.

"If you lose, you have to pretend to be my boyfriend to help me get rid of blind dates.

"Ah? I'm pretending? That's not okay. I don't agree with you, and I won't do it.

"Five hundred thousand."

Lin Lan said with a smile listening to the exciting number.

"Are all the conditions you mentioned based on my premise?"

"No, it's something you can only get if you win, and after you win, you don't need to pretend to be a boyfriend."

After Lin Lan understood it, she raised her head and made it clear that she wanted to win. Otherwise, pretending to be a boyfriend would cause unnecessary troubles, and she would have to be pressured by public opinion if she broke up in the future.

Lin Lan asked Li Xiang to wait for Own to call, so he hung up the phone.

At noon the next day, Lin Lan started with his belongings and left the house, heading towards Li Xiang's base.

Lin Lan walked to the gate of the community and took a taxi.

The driver picks up people at the gate of this community every day, but he finds Mr. Lin Lan asking with a smile on his face.

"Are you from this community? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"I must be from this community, otherwise how could I appear at the gate of this community?"


Lin Lan frowned slightly and didn't continue talking. The driver also smiled and followed the guidance of the navigation helplessly.

Lin Lan looked out the window, the driver coughed lightly and said again.

"What do you think about the awakening of more and more supernatural beings, and what should we ordinary people do?"

"Ah? I don't know. No matter how many supernatural beings there are, sooner or later someone will try their best to eliminate them."

"What? Clear? What do you mean?"

Lin Lan sighed lightly, and replied lightly.

"Have you ever thought that the leader may be a guy without superpowers? If they feel threatened, they will choose to kill the useless superpowers around them first, and then start to attack on a large scale."

Lin Lan's words made the taxi driver a little bit at a loss, and he couldn't understand it.

At this moment, the road ahead was blocked, Lin Lan poked his head out and found that the front looked like a car accident or something.

Lin Lan put the money in front of the master, opened the car door and walked away.

"Hey! Wait a minute..."

The taxi driver stretched out his hand, but when he saw Lin Lan disappear in the same place in an instant, he knew why Lin Lan would tell the news that the supernatural being would be cleared sooner or later. The driver didn't say much, but drove to leave here.

Lin Lan stood in the crowd, looking at the woman in front of her holding her own child, her eyes were full of helplessness and wanting to get help.

Lin Lan walked up to the woman, put his hand gently on the woman's shoulder, and said with a smile.

"This 180 is going to explode right away, I think we're going to get out of here."

At this moment, the woman hugged Lin Lan's thigh tightly as if going crazy.

"Please! Help my son! My son can't break free in it, and I can't open the car door with my strength! I beg you, you let me do whatever you want, whatever you want me to do. It will be all right!"

Lin Lan saw the woman approaching madness, then turned his head to look at the crowd who were watching with cold eyes.

"I know that you need someone to help you, and I will help you, but my premise is that you have to get out of here first.

The woman was dubiously supported by Lin Lan and left the explosion range.

Lin Lan's eyes lighted up slightly, there was a person in each of the two cars, but the car with children was the most likely to explode, and he had to save the person in the other car first.

Lin Lan gently opened the car door, and the man inside was already stuck inside, Lin Lan was in trouble for a while.

"No, I can't pull it out at all, what should I do?"

Lin Lan used his hands lightly, but Lin Lan found that it didn't work at all. If he used his own strength, the man's body would be separated because of his own strength.

Lin Lan jumped into the car and broke the armchair with force. Lin Lan saw the man's broken thigh, and his eyes were filled with shock. .

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