Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 112 Another Purpose

Lin Lan saw that the man had fallen into a coma, and could only try to move the man's legs a little bit.

At this moment, Lin Lan froze for a moment, and a black shadow appeared under the man, gradually releasing the man from bondage.

The man was finally carried out by Lin Lan, while the doctor was waiting outside.

After Lin Lan sent the man to the doctor's hands, he turned around and returned to the burning car.

"Please! Help my child!"

"I will save, but before that, I hope you don't keep yelling, although I know your emotions have collapsed.

Lin Lan found through the glass that the little boy was unconscious, but the car carrying the boy caught fire at this moment.

Lin Lan didn't care about safety, so he strengthened his right hand and opened the car door directly. Lin Lan picked up the little boy.

However, at this moment, the car exploded instantly, and everyone stared at the direction of the explosion with wide eyes.

In the sea of ​​flames, I saw a Daoist figure struggling in the flames.

"my child?"

The woman stared at the safe and sound little boy in front of her for a moment. The woman fell to her knees on the ground and hugged the child tightly.

"My boy! My boy."

However, Lin Lan was walking on the road, covering his left hand that was injured by the powerful explosion just now.

"The speed of the shadow package is too slow, and the shadow is afraid of fire. My left hand really hurts."

There was the sound of helicopters in the sky, Lin Lan raised his head suspiciously, and saw that it was Ji Xiang who came to meet him.

When the helicopter landed on the ground, seeing Lin Lan's arm was injured, Li Xiang pouted and said.

"How did you get hurt?"

"I just saved someone on the road, don't worry about it, just a small injury."

"Hey, your entire left arm is burned, let's go, I'll take you to the hospital for a physical examination first."

Lin Lan wanted to refuse when he heard that, but Li Xiang forcefully pulled Lin Lan onto the helicopter and said to the pilot.

"Go to the hospital at my father's place first, and deal with this guy, otherwise the arena will not be able to open in a while."

At this time, Lin Lan put his hand on Li Xiang's neck, and Li Xiang also smiled helplessly from the corner of his mouth.

"Why? Knowing that my sister's family is rich, do you want to please her?"

Disgust immediately appeared on Lin Lan's face and said.

"I don't want to flatter you, I just saw a bug on your neck just now.

"Huh? Bugs?"

Li Xiang struggled non-stop, with fear on his face.

Lin Lan smiled, and then watched the beautiful scenery brought to him by the sky.

After a while, Lin Lan came to a hospital, and Lin Lan was forcibly pushed in by Li Xiang to start treatment.

The doctor looked at Lin Lan with some seriousness, raised his head and asked.

"Are you a supernatural person? If it wasn't because you were invited by the lady, we would never have healed you."

"Why can't supernatural beings receive treatment."

"Why? Then why do you have higher abilities, but don't do things for us, but for other organizations."

Lin Lan heard it, but didn't speak. At this time, Li Xiang walked in and asked after seeing the awkward situation between the two.

"What's wrong?"

"Miss, it's nothing, the child's arm is fine, and he should be able to recover after a few hours of rest.

Li Xiang smiled, and gently squeezed Lin Lan's injured left hand. In an instant, Lin Lan's face turned red.

"Huh? Shy?"

"Damn it! Dage! It hurts like hell!"

Lin Lan's arm was trembling with pain, and Li Qing was also scared back by Lin Lan's voice.

In the end, Li Xiang was brought into the arena by Lin Lan, ready to fulfill the promise made yesterday.

Lin Lan watched Li Xiang arrange himself to the end, and doubts emerged in his heart.

"Why didn't this guy plan to check my strength, but arranged me to the end, or did she think that I would definitely lose."

Lin Lan sat on the spectator stand, watching the tragic battle in front of him, and then looked at Own's arm.

"Ma Dan! The one with a gun!"

Lin Lan suddenly stood up and complained, the black shadow on Lin Lan's shoulder emerged.

"Miss, may I ask your purpose of holding the arena, the purpose is not pure."

Li Xiang smiled, looked at the man on the side and asked back.

"Have you ever thought about one thing, although everyone can customize the highest stage is ten, but the limit is really only ten? So, I am looking for people who can breakthrough the limit, and finally subdue them, dissect, and have a look Can you mass produce them?"

When Lin Lan heard it, he immediately realized that Li Xiang was not so simple, because his heart was extremely meticulous.

Lin Lan looked at the announcement, and it all disclosed the powerhouses and attributes of several stages.

~ No, I have to find a way to get out of here, otherwise, I will also be the so-called experimental subject, and the so-called blind date is actually just to arrest me for research. "

Just as Lin Lan was about to turn around, there was movement behind him.

"Comrade Lin Lan, please come on stage."

When Lin Lan heard this, he turned his head abruptly. Ji Xiang was standing on the ring and looking at him.

Lin Lan smiled and changed his mind.

"It's better to plan, I will spread the shadows all over here first, in case I get hurt and I can't escape and get into trouble.

Lin Lan stepped onto the ring, and the man in front of him smiled.

"This man still has scars on his body. It's not easy to hit him."

However, Lin Lan appeared in front of the man at this moment, and Lin Lan threw a punch casually, almost knocking the man unconscious.

The man stepped back slightly, staggered, and finally glared at Lin Lan in front of him.

"I'm a six-stage strength practitioner! How can I not beat you."

Lin Lan smiled, and released the power of lightning with his right hand, knocking the man unconscious instantly.

Surprise leaked from Li Xiang's eyes at this moment, and then she smiled and put her hand on Lin Lan's shoulder.

"Come outside later, sister wants to give you something nice.

When Lin Lan heard it, he put his hand on Own's neck, and the black shadow on Li Xiang's shoulder got into Li Xiang's head at this moment.

Lin Lan looked back at his opponent in the next round, who was in the seventh stage, smiled, and walked out with his own plan in mind.

Lin Lan walked to the door, while Li Xiang smiled slightly and pressed Lin Lan against the wall.

"Lin Lan, let me ask you, is your sister attractive?"

"Of course there is."

"Then do you like my sister?"

"Not at all."

Li Xiang's smile gradually froze, and her face gradually moved closer to Lin Lan's eyes and asked.

"What about now?"

"I still don't like it."

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