Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 113 Escape From The Arena

Lin Lan watched as he gradually got closer to own Li Xiang, Lin Lan smiled and stretched out his own hand to hold Li Xiang.

"I think it's inappropriate for us to behave like this. We've only known each other for a few days."

"But, sister who is an excellent person really likes it."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Lin Lan's face, but his hands gradually tightened.

Seeing that Lin Lan was able to resist her own beauty, Li Xiang put her hands on her hips angrily.

"Lin Lan! Do you really belong to the kind of person who insists on eating hard if you don't eat soft!"

Lin Lan felt that something was wrong when he heard this, and immediately retreated towards the rear.


Lin Lan looked at the men with machine guns who came out from behind Li Xiang, and Lin Lan secretly said it was over.

The bullets flew towards Lin Lan, and Lin Lan kept running forward.

At this moment, Lin Lan was shot in the shoulder, but the bullet was filled with anesthesia.

At this moment, Lin Lan felt the numbness of his body, his consciousness was gradually uncontrollable by own, and he knelt on the ground.

"No! Lin Lan! Keep your own consciousness."

"No, you can safely coma 777, Lin Lan."

Hearing such a charming voice in his mind, Lin Lan suddenly had doubts and questioned in his heart.

"Who are you?"

"I am Ziyan, the spider leg named by you. However, I want to tell you that I have self-awareness, and I will help you. If you escape from here, your current body has already reproduced the spider leg. little ability.

Before Zi Yan could finish speaking, Lin Lan closed his eyes and fell unconscious on the ground.

When Lin Lan woke up, he was sitting in the prison, looking at the fence in front of him, Lin Lan felt confused.

At this moment, Zi Yan fell to the ground, and when Lin Lan was puzzled, Zi Yan turned into a woman and stood in front of Lin Lan.

"Aha, the human form is infinitely more free than being a weapon!"

Lin Lan heard it, but kept backing away in fear, Zi Yan also smiled at Lin Lan's cute appearance, couldn't help covering his own mouth, and said to Lin Lan.

"What's wrong with me, I'm here to help you, kid, let's come."

Lin Lan took Zi Yan's hand, but was shocked to find that Zi Yan's hand was so immature and even warm.

Zi Yan looked at Lin Lan in a daze, smiled and moved closer to Lin Lan.

"Tell me, do you like me? Otherwise, you can give my sister some Cultivation Base, and let her be your lifelong witch.

"Ah! This is not necessary."

"Hey? Have you escaped the charm?"

Lin Lan turned his head and said in a low voice.

"I definitely didn't avoid it. After all, you are the second woman besides the Spider Queen who makes me feel good-looking."

Zi Yan covered his mouth and snickered when he heard it, and Ge Yan looked forward with his eyes on one side.

"Here they come."


Doubt appeared in Lin Lan's eyes, and Zi Yan immediately pretended to be Lin Lan and said to Lin Lan.

"Please forgive me for a moment."

Lin Lan was swallowed by Zi Yan, and at this moment Ji walked up to Lin Lan with his hands behind his back.

"How about it? Have you thought about it? Otherwise, become my experimental subject. After your ability is analyzed by me, I will give you freedom, and even give you two super tanks.

"Oh? Really? The conditions offered by my sister are really unstoppable."

Zi Yan's hand lifted Li Xiang's chin at this moment, Li Xiang froze for a moment, her face turned slightly rosy.


"Oh? Elder sister is not shy about Little Brother's actions, is she?"

Zi Yan's fingers elongated slightly, and black venom was injected into Li Xiang's chin.

At this moment, Li Xiang felt that there seemed to be something wrong in Own's body, and kept backing away.

"Why am I so dizzy, did you just do something to me?"

Li Xiang yelled at Zi Yan loudly, and Zi Yan smiled, revealing his real face.

"Why did you become like Lin Lan?"

"I'm a spider spirit. I can turn into the appearance of the person who devoured me, and I have his memory."

After finishing speaking, Zi Yan disappeared in front of Li Xiang, and Li Xiang sounded the alarm for help.

Just above the roof, Lin Lan sat on the ground covered in mucus.

"Damn! Zi Yan Dage! Why did you eat me without saying a word! You don't despise me as disgusting!"

"Hey, I won't dislike such a delicate child."

"Ah... Forget it, I won't say much, but what should we do next?"

"What next? It's all up to you, it has nothing to do with me."

Zi Yan turned back into spider legs, and Lin Lan lifted them up in a daze.

"You can rest assured, as long as it is not the strongest blow from the tenth-level gang, I cannot be destroyed."

Lin Lan was not at ease when he heard that, but took Ziguan back into the space in his hand.

Lin Lan shuttled on the roof, and countless people were looking for traces of Lin Lan.

"Taste, I asked about the taste."

A man said excitedly, drooling non-stop, and moved forward very excitedly.

At this moment Lin Lan also heard the strange movement behind him, the man had already appeared behind Lin Lan.

"Why do you act like a dog this guy?"

At this moment, the man had already swooped in front of Lin Lan.

"Use Leifa."

Zi Yan said impatiently, Lin Lan also reacted, and used the intermediate thunder method, and the man was directly blown out.

"Didn't you have the queen's blessing? Then you put your hands on the ground and summon the little spider spirit, and oh, this is summoned according to the sum of your energy. Pay attention to whether you need it in the future." Energy to feed the activation of energy."

Lin Lan frowned very seriously, but the man was still alive and kicking when he hit Xia.

At this moment, the little spiders began to spit out spiderwebs around. Lin Lan wanted to pick up the spiderwebs in front of him, but Zi Yan refused to explain to Lin Lan at this moment.

"These summoned objects, if you don't give special instructions, if you touch them at will, you will also be hurt.

Lin Lan heard it, took back his own hand, and looked forward with a serious face.

At this moment, the man flew over, and a huge spider web appeared at this moment, and Lin Lan opened his mouth wide and roared.

"Damn it! Wasn't it just a little bit of spider silk?"

"Hmm, you may have underestimated these children, let me tell you, the power of these children comes from the energy directly supplied by the Spider Queen's body as a monster, so, their abilities can be regarded as what you want. Unexpected."

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