Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 127 Treat It As A Target

Lin Lan and Liu Wenjiao lay on the roof of the villa, basking in the sun quietly.

"Oh, this is called Life."

Lin Lan held the goblet very comfortably and drank the juice inside.

"Ah! Enjoy!"

Liu Wenjiao looked at Lin Lan wearing sunglasses and drinking fruit juice, and couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling.

"what are you laughing at!"

Lin Lan pointed to Liu Wenjiao and said.

"I didn't laugh, I just thought, brother Lin Lan is so cute, I didn't even think that you are this kind of person."

Lin Lan heard it, and didn't continue talking, but walked towards the room.

"Brother Lin Lan, are you going to rest?"

"That's right, take a break, and I'll go back and do some shopping in the house later.

"let me help you!"

Li Wenjiao smiled and stretched out her own hand, expressing herself enthusiastically, but Lin Lan waved her hand.

"It's time for you to rest in the villa."

Liu Wenjiao's face was slightly disappointed, but she didn't say anything, she just returned to her own room.

After Lin Lan walked out, he looked towards the back and pointed at the ground.

"There must be a shielding Realm here, otherwise, a guy with a holy spirit in his body and a guy who has been very hot recently will definitely be topped. I can't protect Liu Wenjiao all the time, so I can only do it like this.

After Lin Lan finished speaking, the Realm was generated at this moment. Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief and left here.

Lin Lan was walking on the road with his hands in his pockets. At this moment, Lin Lan vaguely felt something moving behind him.

Lin Lan's eyes were light blue, but he didn't notice any energy fluctuations, and he sighed helplessly.

"Still too vigilant."

Lin Lan walked in the direction of his former residence, and as he walked, Lin Lan's eyes widened, and he backed away abruptly.

Lin Lan watched the surroundings gradually being wrapped in darkness, a helpless smile leaked from the corner of Lin Lan's mouth.

"If there is no mistake in guessing, you should be an assassin at the ninth stage. However, assassins with supernatural powers seem to be much stronger than other supernatural beings. You are almost at the tenth stage. Also, are you a woman?"

At this moment, the assassin froze for a moment, and couldn't help but backed away slightly. Lin Lan walked over step by step with his hands in his pockets.

"Your figure is too obvious, and why did you come to me?"

"Take your head! I need your bounty, your bounty on the black market is the highest I have ever seen!"

Lin Lan watched a handful of kunai brushing past own, and Lin Lan also noticed that there were tiny threads on the kunai.

Lin Lan took out the hair from the pocket and put it down gently, the strands of hair finally broke at this moment.

"I can't touch this kind of thing."

At this moment, the assassin had already reached Lin Lan's eyes, and stabbed Lin Lan's chest with a dagger.

Lin Lan's face was a little helpless, and he swung his hand down, and the assassin was directly pressed to the ground by Lin Lan.

"it hurts!"

Lin Lan immediately separated violently from the assassin, and as the poisonous gas mist dispersed, Lin Lan could not detect the presence of the assassin at all.

"This guy hides the energy in his body on purpose. It seems that he really wants my head."


Lin Lan heard the voice behind him and turned his head suddenly, but the assassin's sword had already pierced Lin Lan's body.

"If you want to kill Lin Lan, why don't you take me with you?"

A male assassin appeared in front of Lin Lan's eyes. The man took out Kunai and flung it over quickly.

Lin Lan avoided two kunai, and the third kunai pierced Lin Lan's shoulder.

The man's hand was pulled towards the back, and Lin Lan's body began to move.

Lin Lan kicked the woman behind him away, and it was precisely because of his breath that Chu Ye's body was gradually taken over by toxins.

Lin Lan began to pant heavily, and the severe pain in his throat made Lin Lan very uncomfortable.

"These two bastards disappeared again."

At this moment, Lin Lan's body began to go limp, and he knelt on the ground. Lin Lan looked at Own's arm in shock.

"Has the toxin made me unable to move normally?"

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he lay powerlessly on the ground, and the man and woman walked up to Lin Lan and said.

"No matter how skilled you are, you are still afraid of the invasion of poison, not to mention that your body does not have any resistance to poison.

The dagger in the man's hand was placed on Lin Lan's neck. At this moment, the man seemed to be touched by something.

"Huh? Who is it?"

Seeing three werewolf figures appearing behind the man, the man lost consciousness instantly and looked at the woman beside him.

"what are you doing"

The woman watched the man walking step by step, and then looked at the humanity of the three wolves in front of her.

"Are you a monster? Why did you breakthrough Realm!"

The three wolves smiled slightly, waved their hands and said.

"Good night, both of you."

I saw the flames enveloping the two, and the Realm finally disappeared with the screams of the two.

Lin Lan was hugged by the three wolves, smiled slightly, and injected energy into Lin Lan's body.

~ Well, this kind of toxin will not harm your body anymore. "

The three wolves looked at Lin Lan tenderly, and Lin Lan also regained consciousness at this moment.

"Did you save me? I... I inhaled poison, otherwise, I wouldn't be defeated by them."

"It's normal for you to be defeated by them, because their energy fluctuations are extremely low, and your perception ability needs their special energy to be able to use it, isn't it?"

Lin Lan nodded, at this moment, the entire Realm disappeared, and the three wolves put Lin Lan down.

"Don't worry, I have given you my own sense of smell and hearing as a blessing, come on."

After the three wolves finished speaking, they returned to Lin Lan's body again. Lin Lan lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

"thank you."

Lin Lan quickly returned to own's house, looked at several boxes (Li Wanghao) inside, and then opened the Realm.

"Little monster, help me move these things into the Realm!"

With a squeak, the monster gently lifted several boxes and placed them in the Realm.

"Okay, let's see what else is there, let's rent out this house by the way."

Lin Lan took a photo, put it on the renting software, and then patted his ass and left.

Xiao Youli was on the high mountain in the distance, watching the woman of the Shadow Clan in front of him and couldn't help smiling.

"Although Lin Lan is regarded by you as Ruyi Scepter, I don't allow you to take him away."

"Why, don't we want to have love?"

"But your love, for him, for a guy who will become the savior in the future, is a kind of imprisonment, an act of extinguishing the fire of life."

The woman sighed softly, her eyes turned dark purple, and said lightly.

"Then I can only, those who stop me will die."

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