Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 128 Imprint Emerges

Just when Lin Lan was about to go home, he found the mark on his chest reappeared, and Lin Lan also felt the guidance.

Lin Lan walked halfway, lost in thought.

"If I accept the guidance, will it be like what the little golden man said, and I will never be able to come back.

Lin Lan closed his eyes, clenched his fists, and strode towards the location of the villa.

"Lei Jue!"

Xiao Youli squeezed out a formula with his hand, and suddenly attacked the woman in front of him.

"Hmph, you are the container, you can only use Leifa, although you have reached the peak, but I am stronger than you!"

The woman's hands turned into whips, one whip scattered Xiao Youli's Lei Jue, and the other whip slammed towards Xiao Youli's face.


Lin Lan's right hand held the long whip tightly, the woman's eyes widened even more, Xiao Youli roared loudly at this moment.

"What are you doing! Why did you come here, obviously I am blocking this disaster for you!"

"That's right, are you going to use your own life to block this catastrophe for me?"

The long whip collapsed in an instant, and the woman hugged Lin Lan with a smile and said.

"Sanggong, you are here!"

Lin Lan heard, just pushed the woman away and said.

"I don't like you, I hope you can remove my mark and give me freedom.

The woman clenched her fists and said when she heard Lin Lan talking to 183 with such an attitude.

"Master, I advise you not to be ignorant of good and evil."

"I'm not ignorant of good and bad, but because I really can't marry you, and I don't want to be imprisoned in the valley by you.

When the woman heard it, a strange pattern appeared in her eyes, and she appeared behind Lin Lan in an instant.

If you can't get it, then you can only be killed. "

Lin Lan's fingers touched the energy emitted by the woman, leading Xiao Youli to distance himself from the woman.

Lin Lan put Xiao Youli down, turned around and said.

"I suggest that you better leave here, this is similar to the relationship of fate, what I want to do is just cut off all of this.

"Are you really good? If you want to forcibly cut it off, it will be a death calamity."

Lin Lan smiled slightly, stretched out his own hand and said.

"What if I say I can change my fate, or say, I can change my life by heaven-defying?"

Xiao Youli didn't speak, but left here.

"The traitor will be killed."

The woman appeared in front of Lin Lan's eyes using shadow steps, and stabbed with the long sword in her hand.

Lin Lan retreated sharply, stretched out his own right hand, and made a Q in the air.

In the end, Lin Lan's left hand also had a golden light, Chu Ye straightened up and said.

"Okay, let's get started."

Sword Qi flew over quickly after Lin Lan had just finished speaking, and Lin Lan stretched out his own left hand.

"The Invincible Hand."

Lin Lan patted lightly, and Sword Qi shattered, the woman's eyes widened, and her admiration for Lin Lan increased.

The woman's hands turned into long whips, and suddenly struck in Lin Lan's direction. Lin Lan turned the golden light energy into a long sword.


The long whip was torn apart in the air, and Lin Lan also used the shadow step at this time, appearing behind the woman.

"What? Why do you know our exclusive skills."

"Because I can imitate."

"No, you shouldn't!"

Before the woman finished speaking, blood was already spitting out of her mouth, and Lin Lan pulled out the long sword.

The woman looked at Lin Lan and held out her own hand.


Lin Lan also noticed that the mark on his chest gradually disappeared at this time.

"Will it disappear when you die?"

"Ah... the imprint disappears, will I die? Haha, it's a good thing to pay for my own feelings and get sick."

Lin Lan looked at the woman's wry smile, sat gently beside the woman, raised her head and said.

"You may have misunderstood love and admiration. I hope you can mature a bit next time and find a real, pleasing couple instead of a unilateral liking. You know? You are willing, but the other party may not be willing.

The woman asked with doubts in her eyes.

"My life is near the end, how can I find my true love?"

(cecc) Lin Lan didn't speak, his hand lightly touched the woman's body, and the green light gradually emerged.

"Did you kill me?"

Lin Lan didn't answer, but disappeared in place. The woman stared at Own's body, completely enveloped by green light.

It was the first time for the woman to feel such a warm feeling, and she couldn't help stretching out her own hand, hugging the green light.

And Lin Lan came to Xiao Youli's side, and asked with a slight smile.

"How? This catastrophe, I solved it myself, right?"

However, Xiao Youli suddenly raised his own hand at this moment.

"Lei Jue!"

"Light Shield."

Lin Lan stretched out his hand, and a huge light shield blocked Xiao Lili's attack. ,

"Why are you able to break through this catastrophe!"

"How I broke through this catastrophe, I can't explain it."

"You have to give me an explanation."

At this moment, red energy emerged from Xiao Youli's left hand, and Lin Lan retreated back in an instant.

Xiao Youli's attack hit the ground, and the dust flew up. Xiao Youli walked over step by step.

Lin Lan didn't want to fight, so he left behind Jin Guang.

"Thunder thorn!"

Xiao Youli's attack was in vain, and he immediately let go of his hand.

"Avatar? When?"

Lin Lan was exhausted, walking on the road covered in dirt, recalling today's chaotic day, he couldn't help complaining.

"Damn! It's really not a good thing to be too conspicuous. Damn, I almost died today."

Lin Lan returned to the villa, Liu Wenjiao was standing at the door talking with Xia Yuxi.

"Eh? Do you two know each other?"

Xia Yuxi looked at Lin Lan and walked to Lin Lan's side with a smile.

"This shielding Realm has done a good job, and I also helped you with the corresponding transformation.


Xia Yuxi nodded, patted Own's chest and said.

"I'm afraid you don't know to tell you! Not only do I have the ability to observe, I am also a good hand at transforming Realm, but I heard that someone has awakened, and the ability can directly distort Realm

Hearing the distortion, doubts appeared in Lin Lan's eyes, and at this time the three wolves appeared beside Lin Lan.

"Hello, I know the distortion, because I was born because of the distortion.

"Hey, hey! Come back quickly."

The three wolves pointed at Xia Yuxi with a serious face and said.

"The current Realm is being distorted a little bit. In the future, powerful monsters will wake up. If you don't become stronger, it will only be you who become nutrients in the end.

Lin Lan just smiled and put down the hands of the three wolves and said.

"Three wolves, can you tell me about the specific process of distortion?"

"Call me Sansan, I hate your title."

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