Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 129 Meeting By Chance

"Ah... Hello Sansan.

Lin Lan stretched out his own hand, while Sansan looked at Lin Lan in front of him speechlessly.

"There's no need to make it so formal. After all, we've known each other for a day, no, it's two days."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he also touched his head with a smile. At this time, ~ Sansan looked at Xia Yuxi.

"You guys, what are you trying to do? Even though we are so good in our own Realm Life, you just want to distort us and make us upgraded. Do you know how painful this process is?"

Xia Yuxi, who heard this, stepped back slightly, her pupils trembling, and sat on the ground.

"I wasn't involved, I just knew, they just did."

At this time, Sansan covered her mouth and snickered, quietly looking at Xia Yuxi in front of her.

"I can feel that you are a genius who changed the structure of Realm, but you really didn't do it, and I wouldn't pester someone who didn't do anything wrong."

After finishing speaking, Sansan returned to Chu Ye's hand, Chu Ye gently held it, and put it on Own's neck.

"Since you two know each other, I won't accompany you. I'm going to take a rest. Also, can I order takeaway here?"

"Ah! This is of course possible, I will write the address for you."

"Okay, thank you, Liu Wenjiao."

After changing the address of the mobile phone, Lin Lan returned to the own villa. Lin Lan looked at the huge room, but suddenly felt a little lost and at a loss.

Lin Lan raised his own hand, and Lin Lan just watched quietly, when suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Liu Wenjiao and Xia Yuxi were standing at the door, and they were staring at Lin Lan almost with both hands.

"What's matter?"

Lin Lan asked slightly puzzled.

"Of course there is something to do! Otherwise, please treat us to a meal.

Lin Lan heard it, smiled helplessly, took out his mobile phone, and asked the two of them to watch and order takeaway.

Lin Lan turned on the TV and saw his favorite anime being updated on the TV again.

Lin Lan lay on the sofa watching, but always felt something was wrong.

Lin Lan picked up the potato chips on the side, imagining how he used to be, laughing loudly, watching his favorite anime.

However, Lin Lan was just silent, lowered his head, sighed deeply, and smiled helplessly.

"Well, maybe, this anime is just for the old me."

Lin Lan turned off the TV, and Liu Aijiao asked Lin Lan while looking at Lin Lan.

"Why don't you watch it? Seeing your potato chips should be because you want to enjoy the movie well. y

Lin Lan turned around, and just about to speak, the takeaway had already been delivered, Lin Lan walked out with a smile, and took the takeaway.

Lin Lan sat alone on the table in the living room, opened the takeaway box, and was very excited to taste the delicious food in front of him.

Lin Lan just ate it, but found that the expensive takeaway didn't look so delicious.

Lin Lan looked behind him again. The TV was many times bigger than the one he used to live in. Lin Lan was stunned and smiled.

Lin Lan just ate the takeaway with big mouthfuls. Lin Lan didn't say how bad the takeaway was, but just threw the takeaway into the trash can after eating, looked at the two behind him and smiled.

"I'll go to the top of the building for a walk, you guys can take the takeaway after a while.

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he walked upstairs by himself, above Mr. Lin Lan, staring at the front, blowing cold wind.

At this moment, Lin Lan recalled his former residence and turned on the phone again.

"Only fifty people browsing? No one even likes where I live."

Lin Lan took the house off the shelf, and finally put the phone in his pocket and said lightly.

"Everyone's taste is different, hahaha."

Lin Lan turned his head and stared at all the feasting and feasting in this huge city, Lin Lan fell into deep thought.

"If it wasn't because I was favored by Longcheng, I probably wouldn't live in this kind of place. Also, I'm not suitable for this kind of big city at all."

While Lin Lan was thinking in his heart, he sensed strange energy fluctuations nearby. Lin Lan's eyes burst into blue light.

Lin Lan saw five people in the distance, who were releasing something like a magic circle, Lin Lan frowned slightly, and Sansan said at this time.

"They're twisting the Realm, let's go!"

"okay, I get it!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan used shadow steps and arrived at the casting site in a short time. Lin Lan frowned slightly as he watched the people in front of him silently chanting some spells.


"Don't act rashly, they are very strong, we can't get close to them.

"Then what is our purpose here?"

"Look at what monsters are sealed in their twisted Realm."

"who is it?"

I saw a man picking up his staff and attacking Lin Lan's position violently.

Lin Lan dodged the attack and landed on the ground, while the man smiled slightly, staring at Lin Lan in front of him and said.

"Oh? Why did someone who became famous recently appear here?"

Lin Lan stared at the man in front of him, the man just smiled and waved his hand.

"He's just a tenth-stage guy, he seems to have an ability similar to that of an absorber, so I can deal with it.

The man's staff tapped his own legs twice, and blue energy emerged from the man's legs at this moment.

The man walked behind Lin Lan very lightly, Lin Lan turned around suddenly, and knocked Lin Lan flying with a swipe of his magic wand.

Lin Lan kept gliding on the ground and stood up with difficulty.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be so vulnerable."

"Are you the Holy Spirit?"

"No, my strength is only close to the Holy Spirit, ah, no, it's us."

Lin Lan stood up with difficulty, and the man raised his wand high and said.

"I can't burn you into that kind of coke, so I want to use you as my toy."

The man's smile gradually became arrogant, Lin Lan clenched his fists, and the moment the man activated his energy, a figure appeared in front of Lin Lan, looked at Lin Lan with a smile and said.

"Hello, I'm here."

The Shadow Clan person who was injured by Lin Lan appeared here, easily scattered the attack and then stood up.

"I won't allow you to hurt my friend."

"Shadow Clan, we don't mess with river water, why do you want to help this guy?"

"Because he is my friend, the five of you can't beat me, so I still advise you to be more sensible and stop thinking about my friend, and I also know that you distorted Realm.

The man listened to the woman's words, but held the wand tightly.

"what do you mean?"

"Stop your stupid behavior.".

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