Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 130 Cultivation Or Imprisonment

"What if I say no?"

The man said provocatively, while the woman snorted coldly and raised her own hands.

"Then hit."

Lin Lan looked at the woman who was easily defeated by him and said that he could defeat the five people in front of him.

However, these five people, Lin Lan himself can't even defeat them, how can his defeated generals defeat these five people.

"You are not an opponent, get out of here!"

Lin Lan's excited tone made the woman turn around suddenly, her eyes widened.

The woman gradually smiled, looked at Lin Lan in front of her and sighed softly.

"With your words, I will protect you.

"Arcane Secrets! Splash Water"

I saw a blue wave of energy rushing towards the woman, and the woman stretched out her own hand very easily.

"Don't you know that we Shadow Clan are born to restrain you arcane practitioners? Even if you are the Holy Spirit!"

The woman appeared in front of the man's eyes in an instant, smashing the man's staff with one palm, and the man's and Lin Lan's eyes widened at the same time.

A high rank pyromancer raised his wand and aimed at the woman in front of him.

"24 Blast!"

The woman stretched out her own hand very easily, a shadow appeared, and the spell of flame disappeared.

"What kind of monster are you!"

The man asked loudly, while the woman smiled slightly, her hands turned into black long swords.

"The leader of the Shadow Clan."

At this moment, a man fell from the sky with a machete in his hand, followed by blood falling continuously.


The woman stared wide-eyed at Lin Lan who was protecting her own Lin Lan behind her, and then looked at Lin Lan's bloody hand.


At this moment, a spell appeared on the bodies of the five magicians present and the Berserker, and everyone lost consciousness.

However, this time, the mad swordsman's sword was covered with poison, and it was all injected into Lin Lan's body at this moment.

Lin Lan covered her hands, feeling the numbness of her body, the woman hugged Lin Lan in front of her tightly and kept talking.

"Don't sleep, don't sleep, okay? I'll take you back to recuperate, trust me! Don't sleep!"

Lin Lan was picked up by the woman, and the woman ran quickly on the road, her hands trembling constantly.

"Don't have an accident, don't have an accident!"

Tears kept flowing from the woman's eyes, and she muttered in her mouth.

"Only you told me that love and friendship should be separated! You taught me! Never die! I beg you!"

When Lin Lan woke up again, Own's arms were wrapped in darkness, and the woman was sitting beside Own and fell asleep.

However, Lin Lan's slight cough made the woman's eyes widen instantly.

"What's matter?"

Lin Lan was a little surprised by the woman's reaction, Lin Lan hastily stretched out his own hands and said.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

"you're awake?"

"Yes, I'm awake."

The woman hugged Lin Lan tightly, crying loudly.

"I thought you couldn't wake up! The poison of the Berserker is incurable, but I found that your body is constantly detoxifying, so I started to ask the elders to seek medical treatment for you, and now you are finally healed .”

"Could it be that I was imprisoned here by you?"

The woman let go of her own hand, and said with some confusion.

"I still can't tell whether I have love for you or friendship, I don't have much idea about it.

"If that's the case, let me go."

"No, you still need treatment."

Lin Lan looked at everything in the dark and fell into despair at this moment and stretched out his own hand.

"I'm not going to be imprisoned, am I?"

"Huh? No, look, the herbs are here, and you can go out in about a month.


Lin Lan tilted his head in doubt, and the woman also tilted her head to look at Lin Lan.

"Can you promise me? You will definitely let me out in a month."

"Well, I will, if we Shadow Clan lie, we will be punished quite severely.

"Huh? Really?"

The woman nodded, and Lin Lan said with a helpless smile from the corner of his mouth.

"I believe in you, so let me introduce myself, my name is Lin Lan, how about you?"

"I... I don't have a name, I'm just a number.

"Then, from now on it will be called, Dark Flower, Flower in the Darkness, eh, this name is not right, it doesn't sound very nice."

However, Lin Lan turned his head at this moment, only to find the woman's expression, and Lin Lan smiled helplessly.

"It seems that you like this name very much."

"Is this only my own name?"


Anhua hugged Lin Lan tightly, Lin Lan also froze for a moment, and stroked Anhua's head with a smile.

"This guy just follows the guidance of his race to do things, but he's just a child in his heart. He can't even distinguish between friendship and love."

At this time, Lin Lan recalled that he still had a question and wanted to ask An Hua, so he asked.

"Why can I easily defeat you, but you can simultaneously defeat several people that I cannot defeat?"

"That's because your mark will weaken me to your first Realm, as long as you use all your strength, I won't be able to defeat you.

"Could it be that those kidnapped people were all willing?"

Anhua nodded, smiled and led Chu Ye out of the Realm, and a group of people gathered outside.

"You see, in fact, they distorted our affairs. They 043 are people who love each other, and some don't love each other. In the end, they fight and the men leave here."1

Lin Lan heard the man ask with some doubts.

"Could it be that your race only has girls?"

"No, there are a few male children, but very few."

Lin Lan nodded when he heard that, but in the outside world, Dragon City was already in a state of panic and couldn't find Lin Lan.

"Damn it! Where has this guy been caught, or is he dead?"

Liu Wenjiao stood behind Longcheng, explaining what happened that night.

"At that time, Brother Lin Lan said that he was going upstairs to let the wind go. When we came back, he disappeared, but sister Xia Yuxi said that when Brother Lin Lan went upstairs, there was a strong energy fluctuation not far away. .”

"Energy fluctuations, the opening of The Underworld Realm, could it be! Was he involved?"

However, Xia Yuxi shook her head and said.

"A Realm only sucks people in when it's open, but not when it's distorted."

"I'll explain it to you when I get out.

Lin Lan stretched out his hand with a smile, An Hua also smiled and held Lin Lan's hand.

"If you can explain our race, I think our whole race will thank you very much."

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