Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 131 Sending A Letter

Lin Lan was sitting in the spring water, when the dark flowers appeared in front of Lin Lan's eyes, Lin Lan opened his eyes and asked.

"What's wrong?"

"You can leave here tomorrow. This is my token. I give it to you. As long as you need it, open it, and I will appear at that moment."

"Is it that powerful?"

Anhua smiled slightly, looked at Lin Lan tenderly, opened the token in front of her, and a lump of black sticky object appeared.

"This is the shadow in my body, which is equivalent to my dividing cells, and our shadow just has a characteristic that can fuse with this single cell, that is, me, it is me, and I am it."

Lin Lan thanked him, stood up, looked at Own's body and pointed to his shoulder.

"Excuse me, is it necessary to remove this imprint?"

"Ah! This mark, it's okay, it's a barrier I specially made to prevent you from being spotted by other Shadow Clan people, don't worry, it's okay."

"It's fine."

In the middle of the night, Lin Lan bandaged his wound and lay down in the cave, while An Hua lay tenderly beside Lin Lan.

"I think we will part ways tomorrow, and I feel that I have never been happier during your stay here."

Lin Lan opened his eyes, staring at An Hua at the side and said.

"Are you happy? Indeed, I even learned a lot during this month here, and...forget it."

Lin Lan smiled helplessly, while An Hua looked at Lin Lan curiously and asked.

"And what?"

"Hey, I'm resting, and if this time disappears, Dragon City must be dying of anxiety.

After speaking, Lin Lan turned over and fell asleep, while An Hua silently watched Lin Lan in front of her.

"Even though there are thousands of reluctance in his heart, he still has to fulfill the choice of his own destiny."

Anhua's hand was lightly placed on Lin Lan's waist, and her hand slowly began to exert force.

The next day, Lin Lan woke up early, only feeling a little tired physically, and beside him was the dark man who was sleeping.

"Goodbye, I'm leaving..."

Lin Lan walked out, and the shadow clansmen outside stood outside the cave watching Lin Lan, and Lin Lan left step by step while watching.

Just when Lin Lan was about to leave, a man's voice came from behind, and Lin Lan also turned around at this moment.

"Lin Lan, if you can, please tell my parents that children are not filial."

The man knelt in front of Lin Lan, Lin Lan smiled helplessly, only to see a shadow appear in Lin Lan's hands.

"This is the reason why my husband-in-law stays here. Please explain clearly to their elders when the time comes."

Lin Lan smiled, nodded and turned to leave.

Lin Lan walked in the woods, looked back at the place where the Shadow Clan lived, and smiled.

"Why does this kind of isolated place make me so sad?"

Lin Lan gritted her teeth, turned and left, and finally came to the own district minister.

Lin Lan took out the door key, opened the door of own's house, and looked at everything inside, still so familiar.

Lin Lan sat on the narrow sofa, a sofa for himself to lie on alone.

Lin Lan lay quietly on it, took out the shadow when she left, and the woman asked to own it.

Lin Lan crushed it, only to see the figure of the man emerge.

"Children are not filial, Mom and Dad, my life is not long, only living in the shadow world can prolong my life, I...I am sorry for you, I just want to find a way to continue to live, and finally see you one last time .”

Lin Lan looked at the man's completely impeded communication, and couldn't help but sweat slightly.

"Can your parents really understand?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan opened up the faith left by women in him, which is the faith left by women for the parents of men.

"Forget it, this is all privacy, if I go to peek, it may not be very good."

Lin Lan sealed the envelope, stood up and opened the map to check the address of his parents in the man's memory.

Lin Lan lifted the bicycle on the balcony, put it down, and then walked into the elevator.

Lin Lan put his hands in his pockets, looked at the time and said calmly.

"Let's visit Dragon City again at night, and let's settle the troublesome things first."

Lin Lan was riding very comfortably and leisurely on the road, and Lin Lan hadn't heard the sound of the horn for a long time.

Lin Lan even felt a little harsh when he heard it. After half an hour, Lin Lan came to an abandoned house.


At this time, an old Aunt stood beside Lin Lan, staring at Lin Lan in front of him and asked.

"Are you looking for the original owner of this household?"

"Yes, but this house has collapsed, did something happen?"

"No, the elderly are living in my house now, do you want to come in and have a chat?"

∼Ah, thank you, I have a letter from their son. "

At this moment, Aunt was stunned, staring at Lin Lan in front of him, Lin Lan once suspected that he had made a mistake, so he covered his own mouth.

"Excuse me, did I say something wrong again?"

"No, let's go, let's go in quickly."

Lin Lan was led into the house by Aunt's hand. When the old man heard the news about his child, his eyes were filled with anticipation.

At this moment, Lin Lan crushed the shadow, and the influence appeared in front of the old man's eyes.

"What now?"

"Your child's phantom has probably been prepared for a long, long time."

The two old people looked at each other with tears in their eyes, and the grandma hugged the grandpa beside her and cried.

"I told him at first, don't become a supernatural person, but you still have to be brave, in the end

"Ah, old man, this is the letter written by your daughter-in-law for you, please read it."

The two old men took the letter from Lin Lan to Own, watched it carefully, and finally covered Own's mouth.

"(Mano Zhao) Er, young man, come here."

At this time, Aunt waved to Lin Lan, and Lin Lan immediately walked to Aunt's side.

"What's wrong?"

"I want to ask you, where is Xiao Wang now?"

" can't be disclosed, and you can't get close to that place, but I have a piece of information that can tell them that they have a granddaughter and a grandson."

Aunt was stunned, looked at the old man beside him, and said with a helpless deep sigh.

"Okay, thank you for your willingness to send the letter, but I don't want the old man's state to be seen by outsiders.

"Ah! I see, then goodbye, Aunt.

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he walked out with a smile, holding his own bicycle with his hand.

Lin Lan held the bicycle with his hand, and then felt a strange energy fluctuation behind him.

Lin Lan turned around and found a strange spell in the distant sky. .

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