Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 137 The Sealed Holy Sword

At this moment, Shenglong's cloudy eyes gradually became clear, and Lin Lan also knelt on the ground.

Lin Lan felt the sharp pain in own's brain, and Lin Lan's eyes widened even more.

"Could it be that I am in Realm, and if Realm is distorted, I will also be affected?"

At this moment, Lin Lan spit out blood from his mouth, and Lin Lan tightly covered his body.

"No, I can feel the crazily stirring of my own internal organs, and my consciousness gradually blurred."

The woman walked up to Lin Lan, and punched Lin Lan until he woke up.

Lin Lan covered half of his face that was beaten, and kept talking about the pain, but the woman smiled helplessly.

"It's the only way to beat you back to your sanity."

Lin Lan sighed helplessly, did not speak, looked into the depths of the cave and asked.

"If I draw the holy sword, will you stop me?"

"No, because the master has already explained that you have passed the test, but I just don't know if the master has been affected by it just now. If so, it may directly kill you here.

"I'm not afraid of that."

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan walked into the cave very easily, and Lin Lan's eyes glowed blue.

Lin Lan watched back and forth, but didn't find out whether the depths of the cave contained the so-called holy sword energy.

Lin Lan was even more puzzled, and continued to walk forward, and finally saw the holy sword in front of him.

Lin Lan looked at the countless chains attached to the surface of the holy sword, while the holy sword still lost its former glory.

"Could it be that he was afraid of hurting own's subordinates, so he made a so-called seal for himself?"

Lin Lan put his hand on the hilt of the sword, but the holy sword did not respond.

Lin Lan frowned slightly, and let go of own's hand.

Just when Lin Lan was puzzled, the black dragon said in Lin Lan's body.

"Can I...can you let me out?"

Lin Lan was slightly puzzled when he heard this, and released the black dragon, only to see that the black dragon still appeared in front of Lin Lan in the form of a girl.

"What can you do?"

"Awakening the Holy Sword, however, may cause unnecessary trouble."

"Wake up, if you don't wake up, we will never be able to leave here."

"Us? Could it be that you want to bring me to the real world?"

Lin Lan nodded affirmatively, and the black dragon punched Lin Lan in the chest.

"Hate! We haven't been in the real world yet, we're afraid!"

However, Lin Lan, who was defenseless, was sent flying by this powerful punch and lay on the ground.

"Damn it, you broke my ribs, it hurts me to death, tell me if you want to hit me, so I can strengthen my body."

Lin Lan lay on the ground moaning in pain, while the black dragon jumped in front of Lin Lan's eyes, and gently waved Lin Lan's nose and said.



Lin Lan stretched out his own hand and said, and finally closed his eyes.

But the woman outside and Shenglong felt something was wrong, so they hurried in, and when they looked at the black dragon, they froze in place for a moment.

"you are still alive?"

"Yes... I was reborn because of that Realm's distortion."

"Damn! Is it so powerful?"

The woman hugged the black dragon in front of her tightly, patted the black dragon's back lightly, and then pointed at Lin Lan.

"What did you do?"


"Did he do anything to you?"

"He said he would take me to the real world to see the beautiful scenery, I was shy, so I punched him.

Envy appeared in the eyes of the woman and Shenglong at this moment, and they looked at the black dragon in front of them.

"Since he wants to take you there, then go."

At this time, green fluorescence appeared on Lin Lan's body, and his body healed immediately, sat up and said.

"Don't worry, as long as Realm recognizes me, I will be able to summon the existence of this Realm (ceac). If you want to come and take a look at that time, just tell me with your perception."

However, at this moment, there was movement behind him, and Lin Lan suddenly turned around.

The chains hit Lin Lan quickly, Lin Lan pushed them away, and the chains broke Lin Lan's bones.

Lin Lan's body immediately collapsed and knelt on the spot. At this moment, the woman hugged Lin Lan to the back and said.

"Are you all right?"

"Damn, there must be something wrong."

With a slight pain on Lin Lan's face, she covered her own back, and the woman put Lin Lan on the ground.

"Since the master has lost consciousness, it shouldn't be a problem for us to kill the killer, right?"

Shenglong also hovered beside the woman, hummed, and in an instant, one person and one dragon rushed over quickly.

The chains also wrapped the holy light at this moment, and instantly attacked one person and one dragon.

Shenglong's body was huge and he couldn't dodge the attack. Just when the attack was about to fall on Shenglong, Lin Lan appeared.

Lin Lan's right hand was covered with golden light, and he tightly held the chain in front of him.

"What? This guy hasn't been corroded."

Lin Lan yanked, and in an instant, the chain was torn off. Lin Lan threw the chain forward, and the seal of the holy sword was touched by Lin Lan's strike. At the same time, the cave began to shake.

Lin Lan flew into the air, his hands covered with golden light, he firmly grasped the hilt of the sword, and let the chain pull him.

"Don't worry about me, get out of here quickly."

Lin Lan's tone was flat, and at the same time, the golden light of his hands began to shine gradually.

"Are you really all right?"

"Really, you must believe me next time."

Lin Lan's hands began to exert force desperately, and at this time Lin Lan's arm had been pierced.

"Just now I heard you ignore the request of the chain, and you swore to me that in order to heal your wounds, I will only believe you once.

"Hmph, human, sure enough, you will listen to other people's requests, you are the Holy Mother in their mouth, right?"

"Holy Mother? Well, I have a pretty clear understanding of own, but I can discern what can be saved, what can't be saved, what is dangerous, and what is not smiling.


Is this sentence of the holy sword true? Lin Lan has doubts in his heart, but Lin Lan has already pulled out the holy sword a few centimeters.

Lin Lan's arm began to exert force continuously, and the surface of the holy sword began to be covered with golden light.

Lin Lan raised his head and shouted, the blood vessels in his hands began to bulge at this moment, and finally the holy sword was pulled out by Lin Lan.

The holy sword sword spirit sat in the void world, looked at Lin Lan in front of him, and couldn't help smiling slightly.

"I approve of you."

After speaking, the entire Realm was shrouded in golden light, and everyone's injuries were completely healed at this moment.

And Lin Lan's body has been strengthened even more.

Lin Lan looked at Own's left hand, obviously the failure has ended, why is there still golden light. .

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