Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 138 Revenge For Father

At this moment, Holy Sword made a sound and laughed.

"It turns out that the meridians of your body have not been completely opened up, and your supernatural powers have not yet fully gained insight.

"What do you mean by your words?"

"What do you mean? What I mean is that you need to continue to practice, and I can only get through a little bit of your ability.

Lin Lan heard it, looked at his hand again, and fell into deep thought.

"Can I get stronger?"

"Isn't it?"

Lin Lan smiled when he heard it, and walked out with the holy sword. At this time, the two dragons and the woman looked at Lin Lan in front of them.

"This guy, really did it."

Lin Lan raised the holy sword high, and at this time the holy sword spoke.

"Sword scabbard, come back."

I saw the woman kneeling in front of the holy sword, and the scabbard transformed into a scabbard, wrapping the body of the holy sword.

"So what do we do next?"

"Hmm... Didn't you say that the Realm now belongs to you?"


"Then you just put us back where we were, and call me out soon when you need me.

Lin Lan immediately gave a thumbs up when he heard it, and couldn't help feeling that Holy Sword's IQ was really outrageous.

Lin Lan inserted the holy sword back, and Lin Lan looked at the two dragons in front of him and smiled.

"I won't tear you apart, and you, do you have a human form?"

Lin Lan pointed to the holy dragon in front of him. The holy dragon transformed into a man, a man, but still cute.

Lin Lan touched his head with a smile and said.

"Okay, you two have fun together, I'll go first."

After speaking, Lin Lan looked at Own's right hand, and gently stretched out his index finger.

"Break the shackles of Realm at will, and cross the so-called shackles."

Lin Lan drew a gap and walked out immediately.

The moment Lin Lan walked out, everyone was staring at him, and Lin Lan also opened his own mouth in a daze.

"You are still here."

"You passed the Realm alone?"

I saw a few magicians looking at Lin Lan in front of them, Realm was written in their eyes.

"This guy has no magic power! It proves that the holy sword is not on him! Open the Realm!"

A few people were about to open the Realm immediately, but they were shocked to find that the Realm no longer existed.

"What happened? Could it be that you destroyed the holy sword?"

The eyes of several people were full of hostility towards Lin Lan, and Longcheng was even more surprised by the fact that Lin Lan destroyed the holy sword.

Just when the magic attack was about to hit Lin Lan, the shells followed.

Lin Lan turned his head abruptly, looked at the atomic bomb, and clenched his own teeth.

"What should I do, I can't leave here at all!"

Lin Lan looked at the attacks before and after, and flew towards the far right, the two energies exploded instantly at this moment, Lin Lan also stretched out his own hand to block the dust from entering his own eyes.

"Lin Lan, you give me back my father."

Li Xiang walked over step by step, Lin Lan looked at the burn on Li Xiang's face in front of him, and was slightly taken aback again.

Li Xiang took out the long sword in his hand and walked towards Lin Lan step by step.

"You must die for me."

I saw the long sword slashing towards Lin Lan in an instant, Lin Lan could only retreat, and the fire magic behind him had struck again.

Lin Lan stared at Li Xiang in front of him, and stretched out his right hand.


I saw that the energy was completely absorbed at this moment, and fire magic appeared on Lin Lan's right hand at the same time.

"Return the gift."

Just when Lin Lan Fractionated Divinity, the body was pierced instantly, the killing intent in Li Xiang's eyes could no longer be stopped, and at this moment, her hand was forced downward.

Lin Lan's screams resounded in everyone's ears at this moment.

Just as Longcheng was about to command his own men to rescue Lin Lan, a gun was pointed at the back of Longcheng's head.

"None of you want to go."

Lin Lan turned around and looked at Li Xiang, spitting out blood from his mouth.

"My knife is full of poison."

Li Xiang's eyes gradually became crazy, but at this moment, a figure appeared on the top of the mountain in the distance.

"Fortunately, the shadow clone can perfectly reproduce my body, and it is also beneficial to me to create the information that I am dead."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he looked at Longcheng's position [a smile could not help but leak from the corner of his mouth.

Dragon City, see you in the future. "

After speaking, Lin Lan left here in an instant and returned to his former residence.

"Well... you can take a complete rest for a while."

Lin Lan took out the potato chips, lay down on the sofa, and watched the TV in front of him very comfortably.

...asking for flowers...

After Li Xiang and the others left, Longcheng looked at Lin Lan's shadow clone in front of him with distressed eyes and said.

"You have done a lot for us, good night too, we will hold a relatively luxurious funeral for you."

Liu Wenjiao, who was standing by the side, kept crying and covered her mouth tightly.

"Brother Lin Lan is dead..."

And the Holy Spirit said with a slight smile in Li Wenjiao's body.

"Then the guy isn't dead.

"not dead?"

Liu Wenjiao's tone was slightly puzzled, while the holy spirit stretched out his own hand, pointing to Lin Lan in front of him and said.

"Look at his body gradually collapsing, but as a normal human being, it shouldn't be like this, and seeing this guy this time, he has already acquired the ability of the Shadow Race, so naturally there is no need to worry."

Liu Wenjiao nodded slightly when she heard it, and didn't say anything more, and she knew where Lin Lan was in her heart.

On the second day, Lin Lan opened Own's eyes vaguely, listened to the sound outside, and opened the door of Own's house.

"Damn! Liu Wenjiao!"

Hua Zhengjun backed away in fright, and at this moment, Liu Wenjiao covered Lin Lan's mouth and said.

"I know you are alive. The Holy Spirit told me. I haven't told anyone about you. Do you have any new ideas?"

At this time, Liu Wenjiao was possessed by the Holy Spirit and sat on the sofa in Lin Lan's house with a smile.

"You should have heard the news, right? The ancient zombie Realm is about to open.

"Well, yes, and the so-called protagonist, I just met, I want to resolve all the misunderstandings for him back then.

"Very well, if that's the case, I'll help you."

After speaking, Li Wenjiao put her hand on Lin Lan's left hand, and a pattern of green grass appeared on Lin Lan's hand.

Lin Lan looked at Own's hand, and looked at Liu Wenjiao in front of him with doubts.

"When you encounter danger, you only need to use energy to awaken this pattern, and we will come here."

"No need..."

"It's better to have one more than to be alone."

Hearing this, Lin Lan looked up at Liu Wenjiao in front of him.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Then may I ask, why did you help me get rid of the seal at that time?".

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