Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 139: Ordinary People

Lin Lan couldn't help but smile when he heard the Holy Spirit's question.

"It's my wishful thinking to help you, it's useless if you ask me."

Hearing Lin Lan's words, the Holy Spirit just turned his head and said.

"You can't live here recently, and Dragon City will come to your place recently to protect you for a few days.

"Ah? No?"

"Do you still have any money? Now all the money in your card has been withdrawn. If there is no cash, there is only 1,000 yuan left in Liu Wenjiao at this time. "You spend it first.

Lin Lan looked at the money in his hand, then at the Holy Spirit in front of him and said.

"I have so much money in my card! Why did they raise it all for me?"

"I will ask Liu Wenjiao to ask for the money, if not, we will grab it, please don't worry.

Hearing this, Lin Lan firmly grasped the Holy Spirit's hand "four seven three", and said with golden light shining in his eyes.

"I knew you were a good man!"

The holy spirit looked at Lin Lan with a smile, and couldn't help smiling slightly.

"If it wasn't for you, I think that in my whole life, I would always be a sealed person without a holy spirit of my own consciousness. Without you, I would just fall with this person."

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan turned around and left here. Lin Lan walked on the road, wrapping herself tightly.

But it was winter at this time, the weather was still cold, and it would not attract the attention of others.

Unknowingly, Lin Lan came to a remote mountainous area, and the lights of this mountainous area attracted Lin Lan who wanted to leave.

However, as Lin Lan walked, he found that there was no place to eat. In the end, he had no choice but to sit on the stone pier beside him, and sighed softly.

Lin Lan looked at his growling stomach, stood up and stretched again.

"Forget it, let's go to the woods, hunt by the way, and sleep on the branches."

There was the sound of the door opening behind him, Lin Lan turned around, and saw an old woman smiling at Lin Lan.

"Have no place to live?"

"Ah...yeah, what's the matter? Granny.

"Our family just happens to be cooking, I heard your words at the door just now, if you don't mind, let's have a meal together.

Lin Lan was skeptical at first, but saw the old woman holding a cane and looking at Lin Lan with a smile.

Lin Lan felt no malice at all, and was completely stunned in place, while the old man turned around and walked in.

A strong man, with flour still sticking to his hands, smiled and waved.

"Eat immediately, rest in the same room with me today."

Feeling this sense of atmosphere, Lin Lan walked into the old man's house step by step, closing the door gently.

Lin Lan sat at the side a little cautiously, while the man washed his hands and sat beside Lin Lan.

"Is there anything difficult? It's like this outside all of a sudden."

Lin Lan took off his mask and hat, the man's eyes widened for a moment, and finally he smiled.

"I know who you are, but I have heard about you, and today... But I will not mention this to anyone, I think you should have your own purpose in doing this. "

Hearing this, Lin Lan stood up a little nervously, while the man just said relaxedly.

"If you follow my words, if you hear the news when you walk, I will put the big cake in the bag and let you leave later."


Lin Lan looked at the gentle aura exuding from the man, and Lin Lan inexplicably felt that this atmosphere was a bit strange.

The man put his hands on his knees, stood up, and placed the table in front of Lin Lan's eyes.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Gang. This is my grandma. We depend on each other for life."

"Depending on each other, don't you mean that you don't have any other family members?"

"Yes, because of the awakening of supernatural powers in our family, a group of uncontrollable people killed my parents and grandpa, but we are still ordinary people, and we can do nothing."

When Lin Lan heard it, he clenched his own fist, but at this time the man touched his head and smiled.

"We will not discriminate against you because you are a supernatural person, because I think, how can a person who is called a hero in the major broadcasts be a villain who kills innocent people indiscriminately? "

Lin Lan heard it and fell into deep thought, and the old man held Lin Lan's hand tightly.

"Young man, although grandma is old, don't dislike grandma, and don't change your inner thoughts because of some things, always for justice...

Lin Lan was completely stunned when he heard it. After speaking, the man brought the pancake and potato shreds in front of Lin Lan's eyes.

"Ah, this is our special chili oil. It's delicious. Don't try it."

] so on]"

Lin Lan picked up the spoon, put it on the pancake, and smelled it lightly, and the aroma entered Lin Lan's nose.

"smell good."

Lin Lan smiled slightly, and the man smiled too. After Lin Lan finished eating, he lay down on the wooden chair, covering his distended stomach.

And the man also sat beside Lin Lan, and said something.

"This is our family's amulet, there are four in total, I think, I hope you are safe, I will give you one.

The man handed the amulet to Lin Lan's eyes, and Lin Lan stood up abruptly, shaking his own hands and saying.

"I don't deserve such a precious thing."

"No, this is for you, we very much hope that you will give us this Face."

Lin Lan heard it, but fell into deep thought, watching the talisman tightly held in front of him.

"I know, I will accept it, and I will keep it well."

"Thank you for being able to look up to our family, thank you very much."

At night, Lin Lan and the man were lying on the same kang, Lin Lan said with a smile.

"It's still hot."

"That's right, it's quite comfortable to sleep on the kang in winter. The warm kang has 2.4 heads, which is great."

There were tears in the man's eyes, at this moment Lin Lan turned his head to look at the man.

"Actually, you have always been bitter about your family's death because of some supernatural beings, and you also hate your own weakness, don't you?"

"Well, there really is, but now I have the ability to protect my own grandma, I have exercised my own body.

Lin Lan stretched out his left hand, and lightly touched the man's arm.

The man froze for a moment, sat up abruptly, and looked at Lin Lan in front of him.

"What's matter?"

"See this rune on your arm? If you have something to do, you can use this to summon me, and I will bring you to my Realm, so you can avoid danger."

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