After Lin Lan finished speaking, he fell asleep, and when he woke up the next day, the man was chopping firewood at the door.

Lin Lan walked to the side of the man, sat on the small bench and asked while knocking melon seeds.

"What's chopping wood for?"

"Huh? Of course it's used for burning fire."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he looked at the old grandma who came to visit. At this time, the man smiled and turned around and said.


"Where's your grandma?"

"In the house, he should be awake."

At this time, the old man noticed Lin Lan beside him, and held out his own hand with some doubts.

"Who is this?"

"My classmate, come and have a look at my house."

"Hey, do you have a girlfriend? She looks so handsome."

Lin Lan smiled, watching the old man enter the house, Lin Lan patted the dust on his body and said.

"I gotta go."

"Oh? Is this going to leave?"

"Yes, I hope our life will be better next time we meet.

Lin Lan stretched out his own hand with a smile, and then took out a few spells and said.

"This blue one, 24 is thunder, and the light blue one is water. You must remember this. This is formed by my energy, so don't use it unless it is absolutely necessary. The mine is for eating, and the water is for sticking to it. On the ground, you know?"

The man nodded, and finally watched Lin Lan leave here.

Lin Lan continued to walk towards the interior of the village in this way until he came to the valley.

Lin Lan could clearly feel the incomparably heavy Yin Qi around him, and Lin Lan was observing back and forth.

"Well, this really looks like the kind of place where monsters are specially bred."

Lin Lan continued to walk forward, but he stepped on the ground and fell suddenly.

Lin Lan lay prone on the ground, and a pair of green pupils stared at him in front of him.

Lin Lan raised his head, his eyes widened, and he kept backing away.

And the monster in front of him kept walking forward, with white hair and green pupils staring at Lin Lan angrily.

"Break in... kill..."

I saw the monster rushing towards Lin Lan like crazy, Lin Lan put his hand in front of own, and was knocked out instantly.

Lin Lan kept rolling on the ground, but at this moment Lin Lan felt something was wrong and fell into doubt.

"This guy's body seems to be stitched together, and there are several hearts in his body.

Lin Lan frowned because of this, and the monster had raised his own hands and smashed them down.

Lin Lan stepped back abruptly, still full of doubts in his heart, and saw the monster looking up at Lin Lan in front of him.

"Smelly mosquito."

Lin Lan noticed the obvious change in the character of the monster in front of him and frowned slightly,

Lin Lan was grabbed by the monster's calf and flung out violently.

Lin Lan kept gliding on the ground, and after a while, Lin Lan stood up with difficulty.

"Why can't we absorb you, instead our body will reject you as a mere human being."

However, a helpless smile leaked from the corner of Lin Lan's mouth, and he said with golden light gathered in his right hand.

"Yes, I am a mere human being."

There was a little doubt in the monster's eyes, but Lin Lan punched Own's abdomen with a punch.

The monster realized that something was wrong, the guy in front of him was not a normal human being, and ran towards the back suddenly.

"There are vines on it. Could it be that you are a monkey?"

An evil smile leaked from the corner of Lin Lan's mouth, and he appeared in front of the monster in an instant, knocking the monster to the ground in one fell swoop.

Lin Lan then fell to the ground, and the monster was fixed on the ground by Lin Lan's long halberd.

"I have three questions in total. First, are you transformed by humans? Second, are you former supernatural beings? Third, who transformed you."

"Being transformed, who are we? Who are we!"

The monster tightly covered Own's head, and at this moment, a voice came from the valley.

"Break into my territory and hurt my test product, what are you?"

The man stood in front of Lin Lan with his hands on his hips.

Lin Lan looked at the man's scarred face, his right hand was replaced by a mechanical arm, and his left eye glowed green.

And the monster's eyes are also fluorescent green [ Lin Lan asked over his head.

"Does it mean that you share consciousness with them?"

"Of course, guess why our eyes have this thing.

Lin Lan heard it, just smiled contemptuously, and stared at the man in front of him, and the man appeared behind Lin Lan in an instant.

"I will consider you a mistake, so I advise you to leave."

"It's true that I entered by mistake, but I'm curious, who are you and why are you undergoing physical transformation.

Nothing to do with. "

Lin Lan was instantly kicked out, Lin Lan snapped off the stone pillar beside him, and flung towards the man.

The man easily received the attack, but Lin Lan had already appeared in front of the man's eyes.

Lin Lan's fist hit the man's face firmly, and the man flew out instantly at this moment.

The man kept rolling on the ground, stood up with difficulty and stared at Lin Lan in front of him.

"Your power, oh? Could it be that you're that guy."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Lan questioned, while the man smiled and clapped his hands and said.

"What do I mean? I actually wanted to let you go. This time, I don't want to. I need you as a container of my strength to support my big guy.

Lin Lan heard the slightly puzzled 827 in his eyes, and the three identical monsters in the picture had already rushed over.

When Lin Lan looked towards the top of the mountain again, the gap just now had disappeared.

Lin Lan smiled bitterly at this moment, and rubbed Own's wrist.

"Okay, let's get started."

Lin Lan took out the holy sword, but the holy sword lost its holy light.

At this time, the holy sword said in Lin Lan's mind

"You are too weak now to supply me with energy, so you cannot use me.

"Damn it! You're a scumbag."

"Hey, okay, okay, now I will use my remaining energy to help you break out of this predicament.

After speaking, the holy sword lit up with holy light, and the man smiled and couldn't help applauding.

"The holy sword is indeed in your hands, and it is not what I expected."

The man looked at Lin Lan with a smile, and Lin Lan slashed down with a sword, and the three monsters lost their vitality at this moment.

"I surrender."

The man raised his own hands, and the top of the mountain was opened, and the man spoke at this time.

"I can't beat you, and I can't use you, so I won't have such crooked thoughts anymore, but I have a request, if the zombie Realm is opened, I need a magic bead, if you agree, I will secretly help .”

"You will help secretly, I don't believe it."

"I'm sure you'll believe it. Here's the deposit."

"You are really accurate in seeing people."

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