Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 157 Transforming The Mad Demon

Seeing that Lin Lan dared to accept the challenge, Wang Shuai immediately pointed at himself.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I know, Wang Qing's son, but your father is already unable to move in the hospital, isn't he?"

Hearing this, Wang Shuai gritted his teeth, raised his own fist high, and threw it towards Lin Lan's face without hesitation.

Lin Lan blocked this strike with only his body, and said with a smile on his face.

"If you just talk about strength, you don't even have the qualifications to let me use energy."

After speaking, Wang Shuai was violently pushed away by Lin Lan.

Wang Shuai smiled, took out the potion from his pocket, and plunged it into Own's neck without hesitation.

Wang Shuai grabbed Own's neck, knelt on the ground and struggled painfully.

But Yinxue sensed something was wrong and wanted Lin Lan to leave here quickly, but Lin Lan stood in the crowd.

At this moment, the bone spurs appeared out of thin air and collided with the holy shield. The sound of the collision between the holy shield and the spikes made everyone present tinnitus, and Lin Lan turned around and said to the crowd.

"Get out of here, otherwise, people will die."

Wang Shuai's target was not Lin Lan, Lin Lan swooped down to 320 and went straight to Wang Shuai's direction.

Wang Shuai's right hand was condensed with countless pieces of flesh. At this moment, his right hand turned into a huge wall of flesh, and Wang Shuai patted towards Yinxue.

"If I can't get it, no one else can get it!"

Just when Lin Xue was about to use her skills, Lin Lan stretched out her own hand and blocked Yin Xue's side.

The wall of flesh was shattered by Lin Lan's palm, and blood and pieces of flesh flew in mid-air.

"It seems that your lair was studied at the beginning."

Lin Lan smiled slightly and looked at Lin Lan behind him, Wang Shuai saw Yinxue's face showing fear at this moment and shouted.

"Yinxue! Just follow me! I will give you the life you want! Look at this silly boy, he doesn't have much money! Be my lover!"

Lin Lan heard it and looked at Wang Shuai. At this moment, Wang Shuai's spirit had begun to be confused, and the flesh on his body began to gradually disobey the command of own, "The flesh began to move towards the coach.

Lin Lan gritted his teeth. He never thought of killing Wang Shuai. After all, Wang Qing is not dead yet. That guy was crushed simply because he underestimated the enemy. If Wang Shuai died because of this, he would be killed by the old man Guy pestering.

At this moment, Lin Lan stepped on Wang Shuai's chest with both legs, and grabbed the flesh in front of him with both hands.

"Yinxue! Do you know how to make the meat disappear?"

"I... I don't know! I can use the meat because those things are Death things, and I found that there seems to be a living person in Wang Shuai's body, and he has great influence on Wang Shuai. obsession!"

Lin Lan's eyes widened when he heard it, and he couldn't believe what he heard, but Wang Shuai's right hand had already gathered into a long sword, and he stabbed directly in Lin Lan's direction.

"Madan, I'm saving you!"

Lin Lan exerted his strength on his legs, forming a perfect arc in the air and landing perfectly on the ground.

The lumps of flesh on Wang Shuai's body condensed into different shapes, and at the same time kept shouting to kill the mouth area.

Wang Shuai's eyes and the parts of his body that were stained with flesh started to flow blood continuously, and at this moment, a Daoist figure fell in the air, but due to the excessive impact force, the surrounding area was covered by dust.

"who is it?"

Lin Lan waited for the smoke to dissipate, and saw Wang Qing in front of him. Wang Qing looked at Lin Lan indifferently.

"You can actually make my son go berserk, you can be regarded as a fighting genius, but I only need my son as a genius, the others [Damn or die]

Seeing the power emanating from Wang Qing's body made Yinxue fall to her knees, Lin Lan's eyes widened.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Lan asked nervously, but (cedf) Yinxue's body was still trembling, the scars on her body and the original blue hair gradually turned white, and Lin Lan found that Yinxue's body was constantly shaking breath of fear.

Wang Qing was stunned for a moment, and suddenly found that Yinxia looked exactly like the lord who destroyed half of her body back then.

"Oh? Could it be that this guy suddenly disappeared, he came to sing, and he still fears the ancient power I just implanted? That proves that this guy has been in stock for thousands of years, and it's a good thing to take it for research."

Wang Qing turned around, looked helplessly at the own child, and inserted the needle into Wang Shuai's neck.

"I always transform my own body, the body is starting to get out of control, right? Self-inflicted, obviously adding mechs like me and injecting a certain amount of energy can become strong enough

Just when Lin Lan was about to rush, Yinxue grabbed Lin Lan's arm and said.

"Get out of here quickly, otherwise, everyone will die, including you."

Lin Lan's eyes were full of puzzlement when he heard this, and Wang Qing had already appeared above Lin Lan's head.

"Still wanting to leave? It's just whimsical."

Lin Lan raised his head suddenly, hugged Yinxue and hid towards the back, conveniently putting Yinxue in a relatively safe place.

Red smoke came out of Wang Qing's body at this moment, and the woman's voice sounded at this moment.

"The power gained by overdrawing life? But this guy's body has no signs of life."

"No signs of life?"

Lin Lan subconsciously said in shock, Wang Qing saw that Lin Lan had discovered this, immediately smiled and clapped and said to Lin Lan with a smile.

"You actually noticed that, yes, my life has already stopped, but this has also led to my infinite power."

Hearing this, Lin Lan broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, feeling that this incident was beyond his ability to handle.

I saw Wang Qing piercing Lin Lan's body at this moment, and Lin Lan suddenly spit out blood from his mouth.

"Lin Lan, good night, as I said, only my son is needed for a genius.

However, there was a little evil smile on Lin Lan's face, and he said to Wang Qing in front of him.

"I suddenly discovered that since you have no life, you should be afraid of creatures that also have no life, right?"

A little doubt appeared in Wang Qing's eyes when he heard this. In an instant, huge energy exploded at this moment, and Wang Qing was directly blasted out.

"Dragon power, but it represents Death."

Wang Qing, who heard this, felt something about Lin Lan at this moment, and began to feel a little curious about the existence of energy in Lin Lan's body, and stood up.

"I feel, I want to keep you."

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