Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 158: Memories

Wang Qing's words just made Lin Lan snort coldly, and stared at Wang Qing indifferently.

"The premise for you to keep me should be to defeat me first and let me surrender to you, right? Rather than just saying it verbally?"

After finishing speaking, the black breath smashed a huge hole in the ground, and Wang Qing appeared behind Lin Lan.

"You're right, but even if you use the energy to restrain me, it doesn't mean that you can~defeat me."

After finishing speaking, blood spit out from Lin Lan's mouth, and Lin Lan flew to Kongchen at this moment.

"After all, the energy I injected has been regarded as the strongest bloodline from ancient times to the present, and what kind of threat can your mere ability obtained through other means pose to me?"

However, Yinxue's body exuded white light and walked past Lin Lan.

"Huh? Come back!"

Lin Lan yelled at Yinxue, and Wang Qing had a wicked smile on his face, and threw it in Yinxue's direction.

Seeing that Yinxue just waved her hand lightly, Wang Qing spit out a lot of blood from her mouth.

Yinxue opened her own hands, and all the gravel fell into the air, and finally smashed directly towards Wang Qing's body.

Wang Shuai regained consciousness, and laughed when he saw Yinxue's powerful energy.

"We knot!"

At this moment, Wang Shuai's brain had disappeared, followed by a blood-stained stone.

Yinxue smiled, raised her own hand, and pulled out countless pieces of flesh abruptly from Wang Shuai's body.


Yinxue smiled contemptuously, while Wang Qing on the other side opened her hands and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha! It turns out that my guess was wrong!"

Yinxue looked at Wang Qing in front of her contemptuously, and stretched out her own hand. At this moment, Wang Qing was blown away.

And Yinxue looked at Lin Lan, but just stretched out her own hand, and countless thorns pierced Lin Lan's body.

"Silver snow?"

The scars on Yinxue's body began to heal gradually, her eyes became cold, and her aura seemed to be another person.


Lin Lan roared loudly, but Yinxue just looked at Lin Lan indifferently.

"Your energy can provide my ceremony. Also, I am not Yinxue, my name is Scarlet."

Shock appeared in Lin Lan's eyes, and this blush was Yinxue's awareness of protection formed in her heart after being abused. As a crimson, Yinxue was able to burst out all her own energy.

The woman at this time also reminded Lin Lan that Yinxue's current consciousness does not belong to own.

After hearing this, Lin Lan forcibly broke free from the shackles, and suddenly stretched out her hand in the direction of Yinxue.

Yinxue just raised her own hand indifferently, and countless pieces of meat wrapped around Lin Lan in front of her.

Lin Lan was forcefully squeezed out of blood, Lin Lan felt the sound of bones breaking in his body, and his body had completely lost power.

And at this moment, Yinxue's hands gently stroked Lin Lan's face. With tears in her eyes, Yinxue stared at Lin Lan in front of her, apologizing in a trembling voice.

"I'm sorry, I can't control myself, I'm sorry, I'm too afraid of the existence of that energy."

At this moment, Yinxue was strangled by the red energy and was approaching Death.

Behind Yinxue, the man kept apologizing with force, nearly losing consciousness, hoping that the man would let her go, but Yinxue kept begging but it was useless.

In the end, Yinxue was strangled abruptly and passed out, and the man also lost interest and let go of his hand.

And at this moment, Scarlet appeared, Yinxue killed the man at this moment, and finally fled in a hurry.

However, in the end, Yinxue once again fell into the hands of someone with this bloodline, and was once again abused in various ways.

Because Yinxue had learned to dance with her parents, her dancing posture was incomparably beautiful, which also led to the man letting Yinxue be a dancer during the day, and a plaything for own and a target of abuse at night.

Gradually, Yinxue began to hate own dancing and everything.

Lin Lan stood aside and watched everything, but in reality, Lin Lan had already been pierced through the heart by a flesh thorn.

The eyes that had lost their light suddenly lit up, Lin Lan sat up and coughed twice.

Yinxue turned her head in shock and stared at Chu Ye behind her.

"It's obviously a human being, but how could he survive if his heart was pierced?"

Lin Lan raised his own head at this moment, with a helpless smile on his face, he opened his own hands.

...asking for flowers...

"I know what happened to you, so let me save you a second time.

"Is it up to you? This time, I want to completely occupy this body."

Holding a long sword made of flesh and blood, Yinxue launched an attack directly in Lin Lan's direction. Lin Lan didn't dodge, but took the strike.

This time, Lin Lan hugged Yinxue tightly, and put his hand gently on Yinxue's head.

Yinxue was completely stunned at this moment, and at the same time, Crimson's consciousness began to be gradually mortgaged.

"I'm helping you! Get the hell out of here!"

"You are helping me. Is this what you call helping?"

Yinxue's questioning completely made the crimson disappear, and the flesh city that was finally condensed also shattered at this moment.

Seeing that Yinxue regained her own consciousness, Lin Lan immediately showed a helpless smile on her face, and looked at Yinxue gently in front of her.

"You finally woke up."

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan closed his eyes, while Yinxue hugged Lin Lan's body tightly.

Just when Yinxue carried Lin Lan out, Lin Zi coughed twice and woke up.

"Can we make a deal?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan rolled to the ground and stood up with his hands supporting the wall beside him.

"What agreement? And are you okay?"

"It's okay, I thought, can I dance for myself in the future [not for others."

"What's the meaning?"

At this time, Yinxue's eyes were full of doubts, and Lin Lan smiled and stretched out her own fist.

"You are very talented in dancing, aren't you?"


Yinxue stared blankly at Lin Lan, while in the distance, Wang Qing woke up from the ruins and stood up with a smile.

"I know who you are, but I will hide my identity for you, because I want your blood.

Wang Qing's head is full of Yinxue's ability to use the meat, and at the same time, his heart is full of the word hunger and thirst, and his body keeps shaking.

"Hahaha! I will become immortal, and I will become the most powerful leader in this world!"

A golden light flashed, and the little golden man was walking behind Wang Qing with a man.

"Kill him?"


The man's right hand was full of golden light, exuding powerful energy, and Wang Qing could not be dealt with in the end.

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