Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 159 Golden Light

Lin Lan was stunned at this moment, staring blankly at the ruins where Wang Qing was just now.

Lin Lan observed the energy in front of him, and saw that it was stronger than himself, and more abundant energy exploded in the distance.

Yinxue grabbed Lin Lan's sleeve, looked at Lin Lan who was stupefied and asked.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Lan came back to his senses, and just asked Yinshi to wait for him quietly for a few minutes.

Yinxue watched Lin Lan leave, and at the same time, Yinxue felt a chill surging in Own's body.

Every time Yinxue moved, her body would feel pain like being pricked by needles.

When Lin Lan came to the scene, he saw the man in front of him with cruelty written on his face and blood flowing continuously in his hands. The man sensed Lin Lan's existence and turned his head immediately.

"Oh? Delivered to your door?"

The little golden man also appeared "eight eight seven" and stretched out his own hand to speak.

"I knew that the only remaining will of that guy is definitely in your body, but the new successor has been found, and it is useless to keep you.

The man obeyed the instructions of the little golden man, spread the golden light in his right hand, leaned over, exerted all his leg muscles, and attacked Lin Lan like a cheetah preying on its prey.

Lin Lan was stunned for a moment at that moment, and then he reacted and crossed his hands, resisting the attack abruptly.

The man thrust his legs against the ground suddenly, rose into the air, turned around in the air and kicked Lin Lan to the ground, and then the man nailed Lin Lan to the ground with a long sword in his hand.

"It's really weak."

"Oh, sure enough, after such a long time, you are still so weak, but I still can't figure out why that guy would take a fancy to such a waste like you.

Lin Lan felt puzzled, and the woman's voice came at this moment.

"I'm sorry, I stayed in your body forcibly, and I'm being absorbed by them a little bit now, maybe...we're going to be separated completely, and maybe, today is your death day, I

Hearing this, Lin Lan's heart was beating fast. Lin Lan was not afraid of losing his strength, but was afraid that he would lose everything, become a waste, and become a poor boy with nothing.

Waiting for Jin Guang's main body to be completely drawn out, Lin Lan also fell into a coma at this moment.

The man's left hand then exuded golden light, the man snorted coldly, looked at the little golden man beside him and said.

"Let's leave it to me to save the world. After all, it's not a big deal to leave it to a waste with an extremely slow growth rate."

"Who do you call trash?"

Lin Lan opened his own eyes and asked in a cold tone.

The man looked behind Own in shock, and stared at Lin Lan in front of him in great surprise.

"Obviously all the energy has been extracted, why this guy can still stand up, logically he should be dead."

At the same time, the little golden man also noticed the terrifying red light in Lin Lan's eyes, and immediately stretched out his own hand to block the man's eyes, and yelled at Lin Lan loudly.

"How did you awaken this ability?"

And the woman in the man's body was also extremely shocked, obviously he had never left anything in Lin Lan's body, why Lin Lan still has the ability of his own, even stronger than when he was there.

In an instant, the golden light exploded at this moment, and the dust flew up. Lin Lan walked step by step in the smoke.

Lin Lan stretched out his own hand and pointed at the man in front of him.

"Then, let's end what's between us."

The man was just extremely arrogant, he threw the little golden man's hand aside, and leaned over with a holy spirit weapon in his hand.

"Sorry, I also have a weapon like this."

After speaking, the holy sword appeared in Lin Lan's hand, and the man's long sword was chopped off by Lin Lan at this moment.


The man looked at the shards of the long sword in the air, his pupils trembling non-stop, and Lin Lang had already stabbed with his sword.

The little golden man resisted the man's eyes with his physical body, and said to Lin Lan with a smile.

"Even if you are so powerful now, you who have no energy to sustain you are just a flashback."

"Oh? Come back, I'll show you something more interesting."

Immediately, more powerful energy erupted in Lin Lan's body, and the little golden man and the man were instantly blasted away.

The man was lying on the ground, and he had great doubts about his own strength in his heart.

"Why? Why can't I beat this guy, why is this guy so powerful at this moment..."

The little golden man smiled and stood up, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"You bastard!"

The little golden man teleported to Lin Lan's side, but Lin Lan slapped the little golden man away.

The man stood up, smiled slightly, looked at Lin Lan in front of him and said.

"You are very strong, so we are not going to fight any more."

After speaking, the man opened the shuttle door and at the same time declared war on Lin Lan.

"When we meet next time, I will kill you to death.

"No need for next time, just now.

Lin Lan's right hand was covered in flames, and he swooped forward and swung forward.

However, the shuttle door had already taken effect, but Lin Lan's attack directly distorted the space.

The moment the man returned to the own world, a distorted flame exploded in front of own's eyes.

The man kept rolling on the ground, the man's face was burned by the flames, and the man roared angrily.

"Damn it!"

And Lin Lan looked at Own's hands and laughed loudly, completely.

"Sure enough! You still recognize me, but that guy left me."

Lin Lan returned to the ruins, Yinxue was lying on the ground panting heavily, Lin Lan squatted beside Yinxue.

"Cold? Yinxue, are you still awake?" 5.6

Yinxue struggled and opened her own eyes to see Lin Lan in front of her.

"My body is so uncomfortable, it feels like I've been pierced by ice thorns."

The temperature of Lin Lan's hands rose gradually, and he gently placed them on Yinxue's body.

Yinxue's body began to gradually surge with warmth, and the severe pain in Yinxue's body gradually dissipated at this moment.

"what did you do to me?"

"What did you do? Didn't do anything, let's go, let's go and have a rest."

After speaking, Yinxue was picked up by Lin Lan, and finally brought Yinxue back to own's house.

Lin Lan put Yinxue on the own bed, turned on the heater, and gently covered Yinxue with a quilt.

Lin Lan was sitting on a chair beside him. Due to the fighting these days, Lin Lan was exhausted physically and mentally, and finally fell asleep on the table. .

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