Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 160 Say Goodbye To The Past

Lin Lan felt his breathing was heavy, and he didn't know what was constantly squeezing himself.

Lin Lan opened his own eyes in a daze, and stretched out his own hand suddenly.

Yinxue was woken up by Lin Lan, and immediately grunted, and started to get close to Lin Lan again, and said with a smile.

"I saw you fell asleep, so I hugged you and put you to sleep. Most people can't enjoy this kind of happiness."

"Damn it! Happy ass!"

Lin Lan's hand exerted force again, while Yinxue continued to exert force, and finally Lin Lan rolled under the bed.

Lin Lan stood up, and was even more shocked when he saw that he had changed into pajamas.

"Damn... I remember that I was obviously not wearing this outfit before going to bed."

And Yinxue stood up wrapped in a quilt, smiled and pointed her finger at the tip of Lin Lan's nose and said.

"Oh, if it weren't for the fact that your clothes are almost covered with blood and dust, I wouldn't change them for you."

Upon hearing this, Lin Lan instantly petrified in place, and began to think about owning everything.

"I won't be seen by you, will I?"

"Ah, this one doesn't, want to know why 24?"


"You punched me while you were sleeping and almost knocked me out, so I don't dare to play with you any more."

Upon hearing this, Lin Lan clenched his own fist and said loudly.

"Hey, hey! What does this have to do with seeing the light! Dage! The problem is you! Changed my clothes!"

At this time, Yinxue punched Own on the head and immediately began to play dumb.

Lin Lan said that Yinxue seemed to go in the left ear and out the right ear.

Lin Lan sighed helplessly, and didn't continue to say anything, with helplessness written all over his face.

"Also, what is your agreement?"

Yinxue asked, and Lin Lan stretched out her own hands when she heard a smile.

"Actually, you like dancing, right? The reason you hate it is because you were forced to do things you didn't want to when you were powerless, isn't it?"

Upon hearing this, Yinxue clenched her teeth, while Lin Lan tightly grasped Own's hands at this moment.

"I believe in you, you will do very well, and I hope you will have dances in your future concerts, please be sure to show what you are best at, so that everyone can appreciate your true brilliance"

Hearing this, Yinxue was completely stunned, and hugged Lin Lan in front of her tightly.

"I don't want to, and I don't want to."

"No, what I want is for you to bid farewell to the past, to be the best version of yourself, to be a person who abides by your own beliefs and lives for yourself, not for me, but for yourself."

When Yinxue heard it, her body began to tremble uncontrollably, Lin Lan's tone was a little helpless, and she gently stroked Yinxue's head.

"Listen to me, say goodbye to the past."

However, Yinxue still refused to open her mouth and agreed to Lin Lan's promise.

There was a little helplessness on Lin Lan's face, and Yinxue began to fall into that bad memory.

"Hey, it's really embarrassing."

An old man stood among the ruins, staring at the fragments of Wang Qing in the rock and soil in front of him.

"It's good that your son and you both have spare bodies, otherwise, this death would be forever.

After speaking, the fragments were collected in glass bottles.

And there are countless helicopters behind him, and the man on the side bent down and said to the old man in a cold sweat.

"That kid named Lin Lan beat the guy who killed Mr. Li Qing to a half-mutilation.

"Oh, really?"

The man nodded, and at this moment, the gun was on the man's head.

"In that case, let me read your memory.

After speaking, the man was shot through the head and lost his life.

"Can I really keep dancing?"

Yinxue covered Own's chest, nervously looking at Lin Lan in front of her.

"Yes! Dance for yourself!"

Lin Lan stretched out her own hand and said loudly, at the same time implying that Yinxue should live for herself.

Just after Yinxue regained her confidence, she started to dance twice and danced.

I saw that the awakened power in Yinxue's body began to gradually emerge at the beginning.

Lin Lan suddenly raised his head, and the sky began to snow heavily.

Lin Lan stretched out his own hand, but he was extremely clear in his heart that the current weather would definitely not snow.

And Yinxue was in front, singing and dancing non-stop, gradually attracting Chu Ye to watch.

Lin Lan stared ahead, his pupils trembling non-stop. It was also the first time Lin Lan had seen such a beautiful dance.

At the same time, the sudden heavy snow caused doubts in the hearts of everyone, and at the same time they stretched out their own hands.

"Mom! The snow is not cold!"

A child was looking at his own mother happily, and the woman was also taken aback for a moment, and stretched out her own hand.

"It's really warm."

The woman's tone was slightly surprised, and everyone opened their hands, enjoying the warm snow.

After Yinxue stopped dancing, Daxue also stopped. Yinxue panted heavily and looked at Lin Lan.

"I...I don't dance very well, don't I?"

However, Lin Lan looked at Yinxue in front of him with admiration, applauded and said.

"You are great, I am full of admiration and expectation for your dancing."

Hearing this, Yinxue ran up to Lin Lan and hugged Lin Lan tightly.


"of course it's true."

Lin Lan's hand was gently placed on 780 Yinxue's head, and Yinxue hugged Lin Lan's hand even harder, her heart beating rapidly.

"In my whole life, the only good thing that happened to me was meeting you."

Lin Lan heard that, let go of own hand, looked at Yinxue whose hair had completely turned into light blue hair, and smiled slightly.

"Congratulations, you have successfully got rid of everything you once had."

"Everything ever?"

Yinxue's tone was a bit puzzled, but Lin Lan said with a thumbs up.

"That's right, haven't you noticed that the energy that mutated to protect yourself has disappeared?"

After finishing speaking, Yinxue looked at the lake surface in shock, seeing that Own's hair had turned blue.


"You have completely given up your obsession with those things in the past, so ah, the next thing we have to do is to have a good life and take one step at a time."

Lin Lan put his hand on Yinxue's shoulder.

"Oh? There are really so many geniuses nowadays, but I'm curious about this guy named Lin Lan. Do you have any specific details?"

"This...our company doesn't have one yet, but the only thing I know is that he belongs to Longcheng's subordinates."

The old man smiled slightly when he heard this, put the pipe aside, stood up and said with a smile.

"It seems that I really have to deal with Dali's descendants."

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