Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 177 Seeking Revenge

"Even if you are my elder, someone who bullies me! I will not let you go!"

Longcheng roared loudly, and Wang Qing dragged his tired body slowly to his feet among the ruins, and said with an evil smile.

"Your people? Are you showing that Own's strength is even inferior to Own's subordinates?"

Hearing this, Longcheng froze in place, he was indeed inferior to others in terms of strength, but in terms of leadership, he was simply the number one existence.

Lin Yao clenched his own fists when he looked at the injured body and when he was casually traumatized by Lin Lan before.

"I don't agree!"

Lin Yao's body was full of golden light, and he rushed towards the front quickly.

Just when Dragon City was about to be injured, a golden light split the entire base into two, and at the same time, a golden barrier appeared in front of Lin Yao's eyes, separating himself from Dragon City.

"Da da da..."

There were crisp footsteps, and Lin Lan was holding an ax in his hand, looking at Lin Yao angrily.

"Isn't this guy still in the Void Realm? Why did he suddenly appear here?"

Lin Yao said secretly in his heart, and quickly looked at Wang Qing who was standing behind him, who was equally confused.

"What are you doing? Isn't your information accurate 263?"

"Of course it is accurate. When you bullied Yinxue, I was in the Void Realm, but I am not there now.

Lin Lan's ax began to flash a golden light, but at this moment, Lin Yao noticed something was wrong.

The deepest part of the energy of the ax in Lin Lan's hand was emitting a faint red.

In an instant, Lin Lan appeared on the left side of Lin Yao's body, and Lin Yao smiled heavenly.

"Aren't you too self-righteous! Thunder Flash!"

"You will too, but, unfortunately, so will I."

Two bolts of lightning collided with each other, but the lightning released by Lin Lan gradually turned black and red. In an instant, it crushed the lightning that was constantly blooming in front of him. Lin Yao even vomited blood and retreated again and again.

Lin Lan clapped his hands, looked at Lin Yao who was clutching his chest and asked.

"You know you're wrong."

"Hahaha! Daddy is right! Isn't that kind of monster supposed to die long ago? How long have you lived?"

"Say a little more."

"It's the old ghost! It's the damn thing!"

At this moment, the radiance of Lin Lan's body changed from golden to black red.

The surroundings were shrouded in black energy at this moment, except for Lin Lan and Lin Yao, everyone else had fallen into a coma.

As soon as Lin Lan walked out of the smoke, Lin Yao had already noticed that Lin Lan was different. At this moment, Lin Lan really wanted to kill himself.

"Lin Lan! If you want to kill me! Dragon City will not be better!"

Lin Lan didn't care, and had already appeared in front of Lin Yao. Lin Yao summoned an artifact that belonged exclusively to own, and stood in front of own.

The moment Lin Yao stood in front of him, Lin Lan kicked Jiandun.


An evil smile leaked from the corner of Lin Lan's mouth, and in an instant, huge energy rebounded on Lin Yao's body.

Lin Yao kept rolling on the ground, but Lin Lan had already rushed over.

"The transformation of the body is just to maintain the divine power, but not to actually possess the divine power."

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan's hand had already pierced Lin Yao's body, spitting out blood suddenly.


Lin Yao said loudly to Lin Lan, but Lin Lan asked back with a wicked smile.

"If you ask who is the real jerk, I think you are the undisputed jerk?"

Lin Lan took out his hand, but Lin Yao's body was trembling at this moment.

"Please! Let me go."

"That can't be done, who will let Yinxue go."

Lin Lan smiled evilly, Lin Yao's eyes were full of fear, watching Lin Lan's little organs kept being pulled out of his own body.

"Why am I not dead yet!"

Lin Yao questioned himself, but Lin Lan answered Lin Yao.

"I buried (ceai) the healing holy spirit seed in your body, so you can't die temporarily, because the seed is working for your heart, it's nothing more than a few organs."

Lin Yao began to struggle frantically, trying to get rid of Lin Lan's clutches.

Suddenly, Lin Yao's eyes were dull, and he looked at Lin Lan in front of him and asked.

"What the hell did you do to me?"

"Aha, copy your divine power, and your weapon has recognized me.

Lin Lan stretched out his hand, and the sword and shield had already appeared in Lin Lan's hand.

Lin Yao's eyes widened once again, thinking that Lin Lan was playing with him, he laughed out loud.

"My divine power doesn't even recognize me! How can I recognize a guy like you."

"You are really wrong, your divine power really recognizes me."

Lin Lan stretched out his own hand, and gradually golden light poured out at this moment, turning the entire base into ashes.

Lin Yao has been tortured by Lin Lan into a fool, and has no ability to continue to think for himself.

Lin Lan also looked at the large and small organs in his hands and fell into thought.

"Throw it away, it's useless to me anyway."

After speaking, Lin Lan's hand ignited a flame, and gradually, everything in Chu Ye's hand was reduced to ashes.

Lin Lan shook his hands, and came to the toilet sink to wash his own hands.

Suddenly, Longcheng's voice came from behind Lin Lan.

"Lin Lan, why are you so ruthless?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Don't you realize that you have changed?"

"What changed?"

Lin Lan's pupils were faintly purple, and Longcheng also noticed this and frowned slightly.

"Sure enough, my guess is correct, but if I say it, it will attract that guy's attention."

While Long Cheng was muttering inwardly, suddenly, a purple monster appeared in Own's mind.

"I will watch you at any time, if you dare to walk in the slightest wind, kill."

A look of fear immediately appeared on Longcheng's face, but Lin Lan, who didn't know why, could also frown and look at Longcheng in front of him, and asked with his head tilted.

"Dragon City, what happened?"

Longcheng noticed the change in Lin Lan's eyes, smiled and hugged Lin Lan and said.

"Of course it's nothing, hehe."

Long Cheng smiled and hugged Lin Lan in front of him. Lin Lan felt something was wrong with Long Cheng's sudden intimacy, so he slapped Long Cheng's hand away, and said solemnly.

"I'm not gay."

Hearing this, Longcheng laughed and patted Lin Lan on the shoulder and said.

"I didn't mean that either, let's go, let's go have a big meal."

Lin Lan looked towards Dragon City.

"Such a big shot?"


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