Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 178 Physical Discomfort

Lin Lan who was sitting in the private room said suddenly.

"Longcheng, have we bought nutritional supplements or anything? My body is really uncomfortable recently!"

Lin Lan's words made Longcheng stunned for a moment, and Longcheng narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Don't you feel the strangeness in your body? And what happened to you in the Void Realm, what did you experience~?"

"This time Realm time is extraordinarily relaxed, do you know the activity of buy one get one free? I'm equivalent to giving one get one free"

Hearing this, Longcheng was even more convinced that Lin Lan's current state-definitely had a problem.

Longcheng knew very clearly in his heart that the energy released at that time definitely came from the void, and there was only one possibility that Lin Lan was possessed but he didn't know it.

Lin Lan stretched suddenly, and at the same time kept barking, which startled Longcheng.

"Ah, I'll go back to sleep when I'm done in a while, because I'm tired today."

Long Cheng looked at Lin Lan and hummed, but only looked at Lin Lan with worried eyes.

"If Lin Lan's body is controlled by others, we may not be able to deal with it."

Long Cheng was still muttering in his heart, suddenly, a voice came from Long Cheng's mind again.

"Did I ever tell you not to talk about me?"

Long Cheng's forehead kept breaking out in cold sweat, but Lin Lan didn't know it, and ate his food with big mouthfuls.

Lin Lan's stomach bulged after eating for a while, and he leaned back on the chair tiredly.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Longcheng suddenly regained his own consciousness, panting heavily.

"Longcheng, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Lan picked his teeth with a toothpick and asked in doubt, Longcheng reacted and immediately stretched out his own hand and said.

"Nothing, don't worry about me."

"All right."

Lin Lan stood up after speaking, but Longcheng spoke again.

"Take care of your body recently."

Lin Lan felt puzzled, and Lin Lan seemed a little at a loss for Longcheng's sudden concern.

Longcheng waved his hand and told Lin Lan to go home and rest. After finishing speaking, Longcheng saw Lin Lan walking not far away, and then he knelt down on the ground, spitting out blood continuously.

"This is the price, I hope you can understand it in the future."

Long Cheng knelt on the ground, looked at the monster in front of him, and tightly clenched his own fist.

"If you do this, you will be punished."

Hearing this, the monster smiled, leaned over and looked at Long Chengju in front of him and asked.

"You wantonly destroy trees and kill those animals, are you just to show that you are more advanced?"

"No! It's all you need to survive!"

"However, these actions are also what we need to do to survive, don't you understand?"

Hearing these words, Longcheng completely lost consciousness, and the monster also disappeared.

Lin Lan returned home and lay on the bed, but he looked extremely tired.

Lin Lan fell asleep slowly and didn't wake up until the next night.

Just when Lin Lan's mouth was dry but he was unable to pick up the water glass beside him, he saw a pair of slender hands appearing beside Lin Lan's hands, and Yinxue was looking at herself with a smile.

"Why, are you tired to save me?"

Yinxue looked at Lin Lan in front of her tenderly, and put the water glass in Lin Lan's mouth.

After Lin Lan drank all the water in the water glass, he felt dissatisfied, so he asked Yinxue to pour another glass for himself.

While Lin Lan was waiting, he kept coughing, and his body seemed extremely uncomfortable.

Lin Lan rubbed his own throat in doubt, feeling a little doubtful about today's Dragon City and himself.

Yinxue put the takeaway in front of Lin Lan's eyes and said.

"This is for you, I'm too lazy to cook, so I bought it for you.

Lin Lan sat up and ate the food with big mouthfuls.

After Lin Lan finished eating, he lay on the bed exhausted, while Yin Bao looked at Lin Lan with worried eyes and asked.

"Is your body really okay?"

"It's okay, my body is fine, I'm not that uncomfortable."

Lin Lan said with a smile, and soon fell asleep.

On the second day, Lin Lan sat up abruptly, and the fatigue in his body had disappeared.

Lin Lan stood up, moved his body twice, and felt a different feeling.

"It's as light as a swallow, so what happened to my body in just a few days?"

Lin Lan raised his own hands, but looked extraordinarily puzzled.

Suddenly, a monster appeared in front of Lin Lan's eyes, and Lin Lan looked forward with some doubts.

...asking for flowers...

"Lin Lan, do you need me to tell you what's going to happen in the future?"

The future? What will happen?"

"you will die."


Lin Lan looked at the purple monster in front of him, and said in an unbelievable tone.

However, the monster nodded slightly, and suddenly looked at Lin Lan in front of him with an evil smile and said.

"If you can, you entrust your body to me temporarily, and I will reverse your own future for you and become the only real body in the world!"

The monster raised its own hands, Lin Lan ignored it, but walked into the bathroom to wash his face.

"Hey, hey! Why don't you take my words seriously?"

Lin Lan brushed his teeth and looked at the monster beside him helplessly, and asked in a slightly puzzled tone.

"I didn't stop you, it's just that I don't like you guy.


The monster's body suddenly became larger, almost to the extent that it would envelop Lin Lan.

However, Lin Lan didn't panic, just sighed helplessly and said.

"I'm not afraid of you, and why do you have the ability to predict the future."

"Predict the future? Because I am from the future, we don't want to harm the world, so I came to find you in advance, the great savior of the world, and the only savior.


Lin Lan looked at the monster beside him with a slight disgust on his face, and the monster nodded very firmly.

"What is the purpose of you touting me like this, telling me what the future is for, making my heart full of leisure and not being vigilant, not continuing to improve, and when I really encounter danger, do I say that I am the savior? "

The monster was stunned when he heard Lin Lan's words.

"Why are you different from normal humans?"

"It's not different, but I understand who I am. My life is garbage, but my mind is not garbage."

Lin Lan nodded his own head, and stretched out his hand to collect the monster into his own Realm space.

"Future savior? You'd be lying to me not to expel this guy."

Lin Lan clapped his hands and saw Yin Xue who was sleeping soundly in the living room.

"This guy obviously has a mansion, but he insists on staying with me here. What is the reason?"

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